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How about Truvia?

Well, you have to research Erythritol, which is a Sugar Alcohol. There are purported benefits and drawbacks to it. My questions are why is it included in a Stevia extract product? One could say the obvious, it's to at least partially mask the taste of Stevia, which a lot of people have a problem with.

That isn't me. I used to grow it and would eat the leaves right off the plant.

What does the extraction method entail? Are chemicals used to extract it?

I get methodical right down to the name, though... "Tru"... Why do they have to say that? It's a bold face lie for one thing, and it also includes "natural flavors", which could be anything, including Castoreum.

You also have to be cautious if allergic to Ragweed and other plants..

I have found "Pure" Stevia extract powder with no additives, but it's all from China, and lets just say I'll pass.

I'm interested in trying both Monk Fruit and Xylitol, but haven't had Monk Fruit without the Eryrthritol or Xylitol without a bunch of additives in the gum. I like the taste of the gum, and people rave about the dental benefits.
Yes, but he didn't need drugs.
Actually, he *did* need drugs for it. He needed them to make his body respond to the insulin.

@BuzzLOL I despise the sugar replacement stuff. I also hate the "low fat" dairy products where they substitute fat with sugar. It ends up being worse for you. All things in moderation. Too much of anything will be bad for you. Which is why I am trying to cut back on things rather than completely eliminate them from my diet.

On a side note, I signed myself and my brother up to get the vaccine later today. I hope the pharmacy will keep the appointment & that there isn't a huge line. Today is the first day where people in my age range with conditions that make them vulnerable are eligible.
Had a productive weekend. Helped build a gate between my and my neighbor's yards, organized the garage a bit more (next step is to actually build out shelves/workbench/etc.), and reorganized the basement gym so it makes more sense. I need to buy a shed that doesn't look like a shed (HOA says no sheds, but some neighbors have little lean-tos, tall deck boxes, and stuff like that). Or get on the HOA board and change the rules...but I doubt I can do that before summer.
I read reviews of battery operated brad nailers and decided that I can just keep on driving them the old fashioned way. I only have one project going, my kitchen island on casters and can use my electric stapler to drive brads securing the thin bottom to the drawer frame as the glue dries. I'll use pocket holes or finishing nails for assembling the sides and of course the glue.

I also made a thermostat tester. I occasionally purchase programmable thermostats off ebay and have a couple now that need testing. I clipped the ends off a couple of cheap extension cords to use the wire as speaker cables and decided to repurpose the ends off one cord. Now I can connect the thermostat to the wire ends and plug in a portable heater to test the thermostat.0329211134.jpg
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Can't remember if I mentioned my AC malfunction. It stopped blowing cold & I could hear water pouring underneath. Checked in there and it was wet and there were chunks of ice. I used the thermostat control to turn the AC off-- only it wouldn't turn off. It no longer responds to commands from the controller. It stopped leaking at least, but that was super annoying. I need to change filters & put something in there to dry up the water.

I got up early, had some breakfast, took meds. Can't remember if I took the ones I'm supposed to take with food. I need to make notes... Cleaned litterboxes & then cleaned the hallway. Kitties were excited about fresh litter.

Had my brother come to help unload the truck. Went to take the new toilet tank out. Brother reached to get the handles on the 2nd box inside and got his finger sliced. Tank was shattered. Got some bandaids, went to get our vaccines. I didn't even feel it. I kept wondering if the needle missed somehow. They put this weird circular patch with a membrane over it. I have a needle prick mark so it must have gone in. I had her inject the arm that was already sore. I said that I'd rather just have that one get more sore if it gets sore at all rather than the other one. Went to HomeDepot & returned the tank. Clerk was horrified when I told him the broken tank cut my brother's finger. He apologized profusely and issued a refund. I have to order again but I'm going to speak to customer service to ask them to pack it better. Picked up an online order at the Walmart near Lowes (they wouldn't deliver the products & they were in stock at that store).

Popped in to visit my friend. The girl he kicked out was back with a U-Haul to unload stuff. I noticed that with the closet cleared out, my compressor was missing. Friend said he'd just seen a very familiar looking one at the local pawn shop & thinks it might be mine. His dad was once married to the owner's daughter so he's on good terms. He's going to ask who sold it to him & promised he'd get it back for me. Said that he would buy it back if necessary since he was responsible for it as it had been in his house. If it is actually my compressor (as we can't find mine anywhere in my friend's house) then it's likely the former friend who wouldn't move his car stole it/ borrowed without permission to use at the burned house. He reported that he'd had a nail gun and compressor get stolen from there & I immediately suspected they were mine. So, either he lied & he sold it to the pawn shop after stealing it, or someone else stole it from him after he stole it from my friend's house. He also stole my friend's bathroom scale. I wonder how much other stuff there is from my friend's house. It's also possible that another one of the mooches that has been rolling in and out stole the compressor. But, there is still the possibility that my compressor is in the house somewhere & we just can't find it. I'm leaning toward the former though.

Meanwhile, friend stupidly let one of his irresponsible mooch houseguests use his truck. Guy decided to try street racing other people and blew some sort of gasket. Kid lost his job for mouthing off to a supervisor and then not showing up to a mandatory meeting. He doesn't pay bills but he thinks my friend should have to support him. He needs to go. Friend's ex needs to go too. She's been throwing cigarettes all over the yard.

My walmart special order purchase was two memory foam cooling pillows. I have the non-cooling kind and its the best pillow I've ever had. It was out of stock so I got the cooling kind because it went on sale. Got one for my brother too. It's so comfy and the cooling is nice, but I care more about the comfort. The case has a zipper and is super soft. The memory foam is perforated so it has a better squish to it. It doesn't hurt my ears like other pillows do.

Stream of consciousness, this post is all over the place. LOL. Dropped my brother off with my friend so I could come home and feed Mom.

Thus far I don't seem to be having adverse reaction from the vaccine-- knock on wood.
This baby is the sweetest, easiest, most reasonable baby I've had. But not tonight. Tonight I got a baby that would only sleep in my arms, but only for about 20 minutes and then start kicking and squirming asking to be put in her crib. I lay her in her crib, and within 10 seconds she's crying and threatening to wake up her siblings and won't stop until I have her back in my arms, and the cycle begins again. Ah, it's 1am and now it's my wife's shift. Good night!
Flyover, that is one of the reasons I never found babies appealing. You can't just put them out of the room and ignore them/tune them out like you can a cat or a dog.

Other than my arm feeling bruised around the injection site I didn't have any problems. It had already been sore prior to the shot so I don't think it had much impact. I was tired so I slept. Got up to go get food for Mom since she realized I was too tired to cook. I'll have to make a trip to the grocery store to get more supplies. Need to get some bleach for the condensate line. AC keeps pouring water out into the compartment below. I'm going to have to crawl under there and sop up the water & put some stuff to absorb moisture in. Hopefully clearing the condensate line will stop this from happening. Was supposed to get my friend over to replace the light in the hallway but didn't get up early enough & still felt too tired to go get him. I know he had a lot of other stuff to do yesterday. I didn't even ask if he checked on the pawn shop. Mom wanted a sandwich from Subway.

Got home, fed her, and napped again. Just took my meds and am about to grab something to eat with them. I called HomeDepot to ask about better packaging for when I re-order the toilet tank. I told the associate on the phone what happened and how I had wanted them to re-order from the store but they told me I would have to re-order it myself. She said "But what about the discount?" and I said "What discount?" She then told me that they were supposed to re-order for me with a discount because the product was damaged and caused injury. I said they were pretty busy & understaffed. I said for sure I will check to make sure it's not broken before I bring it home & open the box this time. She was very nice and gave me a discount on the tank (I think she was relieved we weren't threatening to sue over the cut finger). Next time I'm bringing in a flatbed cart so we can lay the box flat and it will be safer to open it.

My cats like my new pillow. I have to keep pushing them off of it so I can use it. LOL.
Flyover, that is one of the reasons I never found babies appealing. You can't just put them out of the room and ignore them/tune them out like you can a cat or a dog.
Technically this is false, or at least it's only true for the first few months. It's good for babies to learn to sleep on their own as soon as they're able. And tuning out their crying is necessary when you sleep train them at around 6-8 months. (Also makes driving with a crying baby much easier.) My baby is going through some weird kind of leap where she is resisting sleeping on her own, at least during my shift (8pm-1am), but normally she sleeps quite well. I've had a few cats too, and although cats are nice, I've found babies much more fulfilling: their many benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Our species is still around so maybe that's one of the rare issues where my opinion is shared by the majority.
Flyover, I guess it doesn't help that I have never liked kids or babies. I found them annoying and gross. I can't stand the sound of the crying and I have no urge to comfort them, but I do have the urge to cram corks in their mouths. I even dislike the sound of children's laughter. My dislike of babies was further cemented when I was evacuated at my friend's house with the newborn baby. I much prefer cats. I've always loved cats & tend to prefer animals to people. LOL.

To each their own. I know some people who are great with kids and enjoy them. I know others who regret having kids. I don't know about what attitude is in the majority or minority, but there are enough people having kids in the US at least (Japan is apparently having issues with population growth). But then, in the US there are people who don't even want kids or who are absolutely terrible parents who are having kids. I've met quite a few of those types.

I'm trying to get myself to be alert enough to go into town and get bleach for the condensate line for the AC and see if it will fix the problem with it pouring water and ice underneath. I know I need to change the filters again-- especially the one in my brother's room. He piled stuff in front of it and I don't think that is helping. He has no idea how AC works & keeps arguing that the vent in his room is not needed, but AC installer said it was (since it was already there). Said we would need a single 24"x24" instead if we didn't have two 20"x20" vents.
Surroundings can make having kids easier or worse. We live in an age when a common life path is "graduate high school, move far away for college, move even farther away for a job, get married, have kids" so by the time you have kids you're totally removed from your natural support network. This is the biggest meta-problem I think I've personally faced as a parent. In a previous generation the common life path was "graduate high school, get married, maybe go or don't go to a nearby college, have kids, get a job nearby or in your hometown". I envy people whose parents or siblings live across town or even in the same part of town and they can just "drop the kids off with grandma" for the afternoon. For me, dropping my kids off with the in-laws is a once- or twice-yearly thing that has to be planned way in advance and isn't even doable until they're potty trained. (My kids I mean.)

My wrist injury finally healed up enough to where I can work out normally again without pain. (It was weird, I could do pull-ups but not chin-ups; hammer curls but not barbell curls; etc.) Since today is back day I figured out I can combine erector spinae with rear delts/upper lats by doing bendover flyes on the Roman chair.
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Today I noticed well water is clear. Several days ago I re-pressurized my tank and sediment grew even worse. I now suspect sediment was due to overactivity and that it took a few more days to clear out my pressure tank. I may just periodically re-pressurize as I don't feel up to replacing the tank or the bladder. Maybe there could be a market for tanks that facilitated easily replacing the bladder from the top.
Flyover, I think it depends on the culture. In many cultures the families are supposed to stay close by. I will also say that there has been a deterioration in the family unit to the point that sometimes even if someone has family nearby, it doesn't mean they will have support. Like my friend who gets no support from his blood relatives but they sure love to mooch off of him & demand things from him. His grandfather had someone dump laundry at his house & the grandfather demanded they wash it for him-- and the man has no bladder control so he pisses himself & the clothes are nasty. If it were me, the clothes would go in the garbage. And somehow the old man got his license back. I was driving my friend home, we saw his grandfather's vehicle going down my friend's road so I diverted and went to Popeyes drive through and got my friend food (this was after he put up the new LED light in the hallway-- more on that later). Dropped my friend off with his food and went to get mom's RX from the pharmacy & to exchange a new nightgown I got her (wrong size).
His grandfather was ahead of me in line at the pharmacy. I asked him if he got his vaccine yet. He said he didn't know how to get it. It told him they gave it at the Walmart pharmacy & that I'd gotten it on Monday. He asked the clerk about it and she scheduled him to get his shot on Monday.

I got some bleach & poured it down the condensate line. Mom was saying "Why does the house smell like bleach?" I should have gotten the lemon scented type. LOL.

Also had my friend come over to install the new light. There was no ground wire in the light fixture so he left the ground wire for the light touching the metal support bracket. My device to detect if a wire is hot was out of battery & it turns out even with the switch off, there was still electricity, but my friend was very careful. I asked him if he wanted me to shut off the breaker but he said "No". He kept the wire nuts on the wires at all times and was able to connect the new wires with the old using the wire nuts. Light is super bright. One of my cats was sitting on the ladder under it thinking he was going to soak up some sunlight. LOL. We can see the whole hallway and man is it ugly. Cats went outside the litterbox in places I couldn't see bc the light was so dim before. Gonna be time to shampoo & steam clean that carpet soon.

I'm hoping the bleach will help the AC to work properly again. I've contacted someone to come remove the fallen tree next to the unit outside and cut back the blackberry bushes. Hopefully he will actually show up.

I also stopped by the pawn shop to see if my air compressor was there. Clerk said there had been a red one a few days ago but it had already sold. Prices on the tools were insane. I saw used tools for sale for $75 that retailed for $50 new. When I asked specifically about Porter Cable brand, the clerk told me it had been a few days since they'd had one in. When I mentioned it might be stolen she changed her story to she hadn't seen one in years. I shouldn't have mentioned it might be stolen. They deal in a lot of stolen goods there.
@zannej, I agree, culture is another huge factor. My friends from India are accustomed to living with their parents even after they get married and have kids. And like you said, if you come from a background where your family is dysfunctional or you're from a broken home (kinda a bit like I am) then you maybe aren't going to get a lot of help even if your people are geographically close by. Worse still if the family is actively making things harder like your friend's.

But from what I've seen, generally people lean on their families to help with kids, and even though family is never perfect it mostly works out well to have them nearby. So, geographic proximity does count for a lot, if you've got it.

And then it works the same way but in reverse later on. You're able to help your mom out a lot because you live close to her -- in the same house, in fact. (What would your mom do if you were still in SE Asia?) My mom cares for her parents because out of all her siblings she lives the closest. I hope that when I'm my grandparents' age, at least one of my kids will live nearby. Your own kids are going to care about your well-being way more than random hired help will (provided you've been good to your kids, raised them right, they don't resent you, etc.).

Like I told my brother, it wasn't any of these sort of cold, calculated-sounding ideas that made me decide to have kids, but after the fact they are additional reasons why I'm glad I did, and why my attitude is that it's good to have kids.
My mom was with us when we lived in SE Asia. I think she would prefer to be there still sometimes.
Our widowed elderly friend gets more support from her paid professional caregiver than from her own son (who lives nearby- he forced her to sell her house, had her dog put down, & insisted she move near him to a senior apartment complex where only 1 pet is allowed). He did take several of her kittens and put them in a no kill shelter, but he left the rest of the cats. We took care of them until some a-hole in the neighborhood came by & killed them.
The providing the kids were raised right and are not resentful is a huge factor. I know quite a few who were not raised right & who wouldn't stop to help their own relatives if they saw them dying in the streets. They'd sooner run them over & take their wallets.
April 1 went by without any problems. My friend didn't leave home at all since he considers that and Easter to be his unlucky days. I did discover that an item I never received from HomeDepot got marked as picked up recently bc the clerk screwed up when checking on the order. She's new and poorly trained. I will have to call them during open hours to dispute it and let them know that it never even shipped & when I asked the clerk to cancel it recently, she messed up. It showed as "order received" and never showed as shipped in my order list. It never arrived at the store as far as I know because I never got it. Another item I ordered said it was delivered last year on April 2 but it never actually arrived but I can't prove it now. It was the more expensive item. Both items were ordered back in May last year.
I ended up sleeping all day again. I was exhausted. I need to do more exercise. It's been getting cool at night-- down in the 40s so that has been nice for me but not nice for my mom. She doesn't like it if the temperature gets below 75. But 75 is too hot for me.
Reading up on Yaller Dogs and trying to find an older one for rehoming. They are also called Carolina Dog, Carolina Dingo, American Dingo and Dixie Dingo.
I got my refund for the thing I ordered. It was kind of petty bc it wasn't even a dollar, but it was the principal of the matter. There was a $90 item that never arrived that I forgot to dispute bc it was peak Covid & I completely forgot about it & had ordered another one from somewhere else when that one didn't arrive.

Picked up the new tank and inspected it. No cracks or damage, it was packed much better this time and the clerk made sure to keep it upright. This box was marked "fragile" the other one had not been and was a different size/shape. Clerk took the tank out for me so I could inspect it. Very sloppy overspray of glaze all over the back but I don't care because it will be hidden. I still have the fill valve and flapper from the original tank that broke & I can use those parts. I may try to sell the factory toilet levers because I am replacing all of the levers with decorative ones. The factory ones suck & break after 5 years.

Went to the grocery store to get meat & stuff to cook. They are still out of a lot of things. Ended up sleeping most of Saturday.

Guy who was supposed to show up to cut weeds never showed up (again). I'm not going to hold my breath on him ever doing anything to repay his debt, but Mom doesn't feel like taking him to small claims court even though we have a promissory note.
Had my first experience with a dead well this morning. Being City Folk like I am, I reckoned I had to check on the old interweb to figure out what was going on. There was zero water like the middle of the Sahara at my outside hydrant also. I turned it on and followed the article below. Tapping the pipe worked and all is fine now, but the pressure in the shower was real low, so the switch needs replacing at a bare minimum.

In high school I was in a rock band. I'm still friends with all those guys, though I'm closest with the drummer these days. Back when we were in the band, a mutual friend of ours came to every single show and -- I didn't realize this -- took pictures. That mutual friend and I lost contact after high school but he is still friends with the drummer, and I guess he dug up one of those old pictures and sent it to the drummer, who sent it to me on Friday.

So I probably spent half an hour over the weekend staring in disbelief at this picture from 20 years ago, of me on stage with my band of wayward teenagers. I remember the show; it was one of the last ones we played, and I'm pretty sure it was the last one we played at a proper venue, and we were all drunk and stoned and it wasn't a good performance. I was wearing sunglasses, ostensibly because of the spotlights but really just to look cool, and I didn't have contacts yet so on top of being inebriated I could barely see anything. How stupid I was. I'm glad I got to have that experience. And I still can't believe it's me there in the picture. It seems like something from someone else's life.

Then my two older kids came home today (they were at my in-laws across the state so my wife and I could celebrate our 10 year anniversary on Friday and only have to worry about the baby) and I showed that picture to my eldest and at first she couldn't figure out which person in the picture was me, and then she couldn't believe it was me. But then she figured I'm not lying so that really is me, and she was asking me what it was like to be in the band and stuff, playing music with other people, etc. It really is I think the most fun thing I could do, and if for some reaosn I had to drop all my hobbies but one, I'd drop woodworking to keep playing music.
In high school I was in a rock band. I'm still friends with all those guys, though I'm closest with the drummer these days. Back when we were in the band, a mutual friend of ours came to every single show and -- I didn't realize this -- took pictures. That mutual friend and I lost contact after high school but he is still friends with the drummer, and I guess he dug up one of those old pictures and sent it to the drummer, who sent it to me on Friday.

So I probably spent half an hour over the weekend staring in disbelief at this picture from 20 years ago, of me on stage with my band of wayward teenagers. I remember the show; it was one of the last ones we played, and I'm pretty sure it was the last one we played at a proper venue, and we were all drunk and stoned and it wasn't a good performance. I was wearing sunglasses, ostensibly because of the spotlights but really just to look cool, and I didn't have contacts yet so on top of being inebriated I could barely see anything. How stupid I was. I'm glad I got to have that experience. And I still can't believe it's me there in the picture. It seems like something from someone else's life.

Then my two older kids came home today (they were at my in-laws across the state so my wife and I could celebrate our 10 year anniversary on Friday and only have to worry about the baby) and I showed that picture to my eldest and at first she couldn't figure out which person in the picture was me, and then she couldn't believe it was me. But then she figured I'm not lying so that really is me, and she was asking me what it was like to be in the band and stuff, playing music with other people, etc. It really is I think the most fun thing I could do, and if for some reaosn I had to drop all my hobbies but one, I'd drop woodworking to keep playing music.
You forgot to attach the picture...🤔

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