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    • Spicoli43
      Spicoli43 replied to the thread What did you do today?.
      There is no convincing me those people are actually from this Planet. At the very least, nothing put ON or IN this Planet can possibly...
    • Spicoli43
      Spicoli43 reacted to Ron Van's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
      Thanks for this article Spicoli! I thoroughly enjoyed it. Especially, the final paragraph; “recently, Bill Gates suggested a methane...
    • Spicoli43
      Spicoli43 replied to the thread What did you do today?.
      Well, this should finish off the Climate debate concerning CO2... Next... "Showering causes massive Climate Change... We should limit...
    • Spicoli43
      Spicoli43 replied to the thread What did you do today?.
      I recycled 4 sections of steel fence and whatever else I could scrounge up, and it wasn't even worth the drive. The total was under...
    • Spicoli43
      Spicoli43 reacted to RedneckGrump's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
      How is Everyone? it is good to be back... Back in the shop finish up some more scrap... I got just about all the copper out of...
    • Spicoli43
      Spicoli43 replied to the thread What did you do today?.
      Welcome back, Redneck!
    • Spicoli43
      Spicoli43 reacted to RedneckGrump's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
      Are you trying to tell me I'm made out of Fossil Fuels... Hey Everyone, How are we all doing, How is your summer going... Our summer...
    • Spicoli43
      Spicoli43 replied to the thread What did you do today?.
      Yeah, plastic use is unavoidable... I wish everything was in glass, it would make things interesting! That just shuts down any argument...
    • Spicoli43
      Spicoli43 reacted to PJB12's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
      Yeah! Recycling #5 has become quite a project since China's tightening of restrictions on many plastics in 2018 under the National Sword...
    • Spicoli43
      Spicoli43 replied to the thread What did you do today?.
      Well, that depends... Polypropylene, or #5, which isn't recyclable, defeating the whole purpose, might be able to be solid like a coat...
    • Spicoli43
      Spicoli43 replied to the thread What did you do today?.
      Well, they aren't glass or ceramic, that's the difference... If they are Paper like normal Coffee cups or Plastic, both can harbor...
    • Spicoli43
      Spicoli43 replied to the thread What did you do today?.
      Read the link... Guess what State this is! The land of the Cuckoo Birds! So, they will create more waste in everything it takes to...
    • Spicoli43
      Spicoli43 replied to the thread What did you do today?.
      I have heard of bait and switch at car dealers, haven't heard anything else you mention. I would hold a sign in front of the dealership...
    • Spicoli43
      Spicoli43 reacted to zannej's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
      PJB12- I have peppermint oil but not an edible kind. It's safe for dogs and repels roaches/mice but can be deadly to cats. Ron, the...
    • Spicoli43
      Spicoli43 reacted to Ron Van's post in the thread What did you do today? with Like Like.
      Got all the cabinets in Using cardboard to simulate a countertop. The countertop template guy is scheduled for Monday. The plan...
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