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The only member of the Monkees who is still alive is the one who hit on my mom back in the 70s. Dad was the night manager of the hotel and Mom came to see him (they were engaged). Mickey asked her if she wanted to come up to his room with him. She gave him stinkeye and then turned to Dad and asked him something and called him "honey". Mickey wasn't offended though. He was cool about it. Back then Mom had 38" bust, 22" waist, and 36" hips.

I liked the Monkees' music and their silly TV show.

So, Fedex finally deigned to deliver my first order from Samsclub but the lazy driver just tossed it on the lawn in front of my gate where it got wet. Soaked through but fortunately the item inside was wrapped in plastic. If they hadn't posted a "proof of delivery" photo, I wouldn't have found it. I complained to Fedex and they said they would contact the driver's manager and try to ensure that didn't happen again. Previously they left another package on my sidewalk out in the rain. I told Fedex that the driver could have at least tossed it on the sidewalk. It was less than 2" from the sidewalk. The instructions had said to leave it on the porch. I asked Fedex "Does this look like a porch to you?" when I showed where it was left. Next package was on my porch. Still got another one coming but we'll see what happens with it.

Still waiting on AT&T to send someone out to fix my phoneline. I know it is not on my end because everything on my end has been fixed up.

I had to go to Walmart twice today. First because Mom wanted oranges. Then again because she insisted I had to go buy her some deodorant. She misplaced hers. On the 1st trip I picked up mail. On the 2nd I got cow feed at TSC and stopped by my friend's house to drop of gifts for his fiance. The jewelry for her wedding arrived.
Ugh, that sucks about Target. I hope no one was hurt when that happened.

Had a busy day. Weather was actually nice outside-- not too hot, not too sunny, but cool and cloudy enough to do stuff outside. I took out trash and then started hauling trash bags away from the porch and over to the burn pile. The few times my brother actually took trash out he dumped it next to the porch and I started doing the same. There was a big trash bin there but it got buried under the trash. Got several bags hauled over there before I needed a break. Went inside to feed the cats and couldn't find Itsy. Spent about 30min looking for her. Came back in thinking something had happened to her and there she was sitting on the kitchen floor doing just fine. I had looked all over the house- in closets, the pantry, in my bathroom, etc. No idea where she was hiding or why she didn't come when I called her for canned food. She normally at least meows at me. Then I couldn't find Fippy. Princess came back in from the woods. Probably another 20min spent looking for Fippy-- looked in the truck, in my bathroom, in Mom's room, outside in the back field. Came back in and he had just walked into the living room. I unloaded some stuff from the truck and put it away in the house. Organized stuff in my bathroom a bit. Cleaned up in the kitchen. Cooked for Mom. Had a bit of an argument because she got mad at me for not reading her mind because she sucks at verbal communication. She forgot to say out loud that she wanted something but insisted that she had. She's done that my entire life so it's not a new symptom though. I forgot to mention that I got a pool leaf scoop thing and tried to clean out the water trough for the cows. I scared a poor froggy and then stepped in a fire ant mound. Didn't finish cleaning it because I was busy trying to get the fire ants off of me.

Napped for about 15min and then had to drive my brother to work. He was appreciative and he got the case of water out of the pickup bed and put it in the front passenger seat for me so I could grab a bottle to drink on the way home. Told me I should leave around 1am to come pick him up unless he calls me to say he's arriving sooner.

Stopped by Walmart to get some storage bins and then swung by my friend's house to pickup a package that Fedex left there without my permission. It was not addressed to him- it was supposed to go to my house-- but the driver was too lazy. His ex's toddler came running over to see me but tripped and bellyflopped on the floor. Friend looked at him and said "Well, you found out, didn't you?" as the kid cried. I picked him up and he stopped crying. He always wants me to pick him up. He's trying to be more verbal and can repeat some things back now.

Petted the kitties at my friend's house-- there's a new orange one out there now.

Headed home and started organizing stuff from the truck. Put all the stuff my brother will need for friend's wedding in a bin-- tie, shirt, shoes, shoelaces, and suspenders. Put some heavy duty over-the-door hooks on my bathroom door so I could hang up his suit and my clothes for the wedding on the inside of the bathroom where the cats can't mess with them. Got a bunch of my stuff binned up and even found some stuff I'd been missing. Moved the water case to the back seat where we can reach it to grab a bottle to drink.

Came back in and cooked for Mom again. Going to get some rest for a bit and set my alarm for 1.
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Dang it girl, you said Fippy again!

I am laughing so hard right now!
LOL. It is a funny sounding name.

Mom woke me up 3 minutes before my alarm went off. I *hate* when people wake me before my alarm goes off. She didn't need anything, she just wanted to ask me when I was going to pick my brother up. She never needs to remind me of stuff like that because I always set alarms so I don't know why she did that. She was in bed by the time I got home with my brother. I listened to the Mortal Kombat themes ong on loop the entire drive home to keep myself awake. I forget what time in the middle of the night she had low blood sugar and needed me to check it. It was 44 so I got her some candy & apple juice and she's fine now.

Landline phone woke me up around 9. Technician was calling to tell me he fixed it. It was "a bad collar" (sounded like at least) in town. So nowhere near my house. Must have been going bad for months because my service was garbage for months with loud buzzing sound and static on the line & it eventually went out. But it had been out for over a month and I'm going to hit AT&T up for a refund of my service- after I get a little more sleep. I do feel so much more relieved with it being fixed.

Was going to check the post office but it looks like my Amazon orders won't be in until later so I'll have to get them Monday. That's a relief as well. I get to rest more. That will make Rupert happy. He just climbed on me for cuddles.
Had a water leak in the Whole House system that took all day to fix... er... took 20 minutes to fix and the rest of the day to find all the parts and tools. I got everything together including parts from 3 brackets to mix and match and then I realized I couldn't find the Shark Bite releaser tool... That took an hour... I also couldn't find the Pex cutter, so I wasn't getting anything done at the start. Tomorrow, everything Pex is going in it's own bin, no fail.

I was thinking I have to order a new system so I have spares of everything. One housing failed at the top and that was that. The O-ring was there and looked fine with a flashlight, so I don't know what happened. I wouldn't think it got contaminated, creating a way for water to get out because those housings screw on real tight.
Had a water leak in the Whole House system that took all day to fix... er... took 20 minutes to fix and the rest of the day to find all the parts and tools. I got everything together including parts from 3 brackets to mix and match and then I realized I couldn't find the Shark Bite releaser tool... That took an hour... I also couldn't find the Pex cutter, so I wasn't getting anything done at the start. Tomorrow, everything Pex is going in it's own bin, no fail.

I was thinking I have to order a new system so I have spares of everything. One housing failed at the top and that was that. The O-ring was there and looked fine with a flashlight, so I don't know what happened. I wouldn't think it got contaminated, creating a way for water to get out because those housings screw on real tight.
The o ring needs to be cleaned with warm water, then dried with a lint free rag.
Also the groove it sits in, and the threads of the housing.
Then a generous coating of silicone valve grease applied everywhere.
Building failures, of this magnitude, are always interesting, because engineering, is an assumed science.

The assumption here was the level of compaction, WITHOUT, having accomplished geological core sampling, prior to fill and final grading.
Building on mushy ground, building goes downhill.
The o ring needs to be cleaned with warm water, then dried with a lint free rag.
Also the groove it sits in, and the threads of the housing.
Then a generous coating of silicone valve grease applied everywhere.
I replace the housings semi yearly, don't deal with the O rings. I wipe the threads off every change, and when screwing the housing back on it's easy to hear / feel if any dirt is impacting them. None of that was an issue this time.

Never heard of using grease.
I have always been fascinated with the lack of brain cells in some people that build on cliffs. I have a lack of sympathy when their houses collapse because they ARE rich idiots and they ARE insured and the rates of normal people go up thanks to them being rich and lower in normal everyday intelligence.

It happened a lot in the Seattle area, and I always wondered why they didn't build back 100 feet and have a large yard facing the cliff where they could walk up to it and look at the view... NOPE, gotta have the windows / deck as close to the edge as possible...

I have always been fascinated with the lack of brain cells in some people that build on cliffs. I have a lack of sympathy when their houses collapse because they ARE rich idiots and they ARE insured and the rates of normal people go up thanks to them being rich and lower in normal everyday intelligence.

It happened a lot in the Seattle area, and I always wondered why they didn't build back 100 feet and have a large yard facing the cliff where they could walk up to it and look at the view... NOPE, gotta have the windows / deck as close to the edge as possible...

Local building ordinances.

It's costly, but easily overcome, with grade beams and bell pilings, resting on bedrock.
Local building ordinances.

It's costly, but easily overcome, with grade beams and bell pilings, resting on bedrock.

Which they don't do because they don't have brains, or in the case of Puget Sound, it's mostly sand and gravel. That's where they build. On cliffs made of sand. Then the house goes bye bye. but they got a view for a year or two.