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I'm glad you were able to straighten things out with the realtors. I wonder how many people got screwed over by them.

As an aside, I discovered that the tool I picked up for $25 at the local hardware store is called a Fatmax Fubar. LOL.

Apparently the original one is harder to get now and it had better grip on the handle.

Mom woke me up at 2:30am because she derped and took her dexcom sensor off prematurely instead of putting the new sensor on. She forgot the order of things is to put the new sensor on and then wait a couple of hours to take the old one off so the new one has time to acclimate before it becomes active. Then, because she had taken the new applicator out of the box and messed with stuff, she lost the adhesive patch that holds the sensor on. I had to put the new sensor on and then look for the box with a defective sensor and use the adhesive patch from that.

I wasn't able to sleep well after that. Fed the kitties and finished up with Mom's laundry around 8am. I'd forgotten her stuff in the dryer but it was completely dry so I folded it and brought it to her room. Then I napped until almost noon. Got up and fed her some breakfast. She wasn't mad about me sleeping in a bit because she knew she messed up my sleep schedule and bc she woke up when I brought her laundry in. It's raining and lulling me to sleep so I might take another nap.

As an aside, the doctor prescribed a weekly injection to help lower my blood sugar. I managed to give it to myself after I got breakfast for Mom. It didn't hurt but felt weird. Only 1x per week so not too bad. I got myself a nice little frigidaire mini fridge cooler thingy to put on my desk to hold the meds.
I'm glad you were able to straighten things out with the realtors. I wonder how many people got screwed over by them.

As an aside, I discovered that the tool I picked up for $25 at the local hardware store is called a Fatmax Fubar. LOL.

Apparently the original one is harder to get now and it had better grip on the handle.

Mom woke me up at 2:30am because she derped and took her dexcom sensor off prematurely instead of putting the new sensor on. She forgot the order of things is to put the new sensor on and then wait a couple of hours to take the old one off so the new one has time to acclimate before it becomes active. Then, because she had taken the new applicator out of the box and messed with stuff, she lost the adhesive patch that holds the sensor on. I had to put the new sensor on and then look for the box with a defective sensor and use the adhesive patch from that.

I wasn't able to sleep well after that. Fed the kitties and finished up with Mom's laundry around 8am. I'd forgotten her stuff in the dryer but it was completely dry so I folded it and brought it to her room. Then I napped until almost noon. Got up and fed her some breakfast. She wasn't mad about me sleeping in a bit because she knew she messed up my sleep schedule and bc she woke up when I brought her laundry in. It's raining and lulling me to sleep so I might take another nap.

As an aside, the doctor prescribed a weekly injection to help lower my blood sugar. I managed to give it to myself after I got breakfast for Mom. It didn't hurt but felt weird. Only 1x per week so not too bad. I got myself a nice little frigidaire mini fridge cooler thingy to put on my desk to hold the meds.

The DEXCOM G7 alerts you, and has a 12hr overlap, and resets in 30min.
And, a couple of hours after I posted that message that Jesus didn't have Cats, I decided to check the Interwebben for some Truck parts, but the Internet was down... No Roku either, so I figured they were testing it as they do a couple times a year.

A couple of hours later, still no Internet. I looked at the Powerline adapters and they were all good, 3 lights. As far as their part in the process, it was all good. I traced the line from the input Powerline to the Router, no problem. The Router's lights were all good.

I then traced the line from the Router to the MODEM, covered in the bodily fluids from a CAT.... Completely dead, no lights, no chance... Knocked out cold. The urine got in the grates and shorted it to death.

I walked in the Cable store and said "I need a new Modem", to which the guy asked the required question of "What's wrong with the current one", to which I said "The Cat pissed on it and killed it, I have it in the car if you need it"...

He needed the MAC Address off it to line up with my account to give me a new one, and when I returned, he had Nitrile gloves on, saying "We see stuff here"... Kind of like the Farmers Insurance commercials... "We know a thing or two because we have seen a thing or two"... Then while running the computer and issuing the new Modem, it was just the two guys there and me agreeing that Cats don't belong in the presence of Men, but Women insist on having them.

It makes NO SENSE for Male Humans to be anywhere near them. At all.

Now, the Modem is up high where even the Michael Jordan of Cat Urinators couldn't hit it. Yeah right. The Cat has probably already looked at it... "30 degrees off the wall, ceiling at 3 inches South, off the other wall at an angle of 56, Purrfect shot right Myow."
I love it when you reply because I have no bloody idea what you talk about.
HILARIOUS! So does your lintels and rice cleansing also affect your memory, or are the cats, also, to blame for that, as well?
Just my humor.
I find boring, mundane & civility, so boring, mundane and unreflective of civilized society.
That's fine, but if I say "I'm starting a Paleo focused diet with a lot of Cruciferous Vegetables, Turkey and Chicken, heavy on the Blue and Red fruits",

and you answer with "The Celery in the neighborhood attracts a lot of Cats because of the moon tone shining from the left side of Venus", NOBODY understands you.
I am often sarcastic with a side of passive/aggressiveness so..... I get it.
I tend to only behave that way in person though I'm not sure why. Lol
What I post, is what I'd say in person.
There can be several, opinions of, keeping the pot stirred. I'm up for all.
That's fine, but if I say "I'm starting a Paleo focused diet with a lot of Cruciferous Vegetables, Turkey and Chicken, heavy on the Blue and Red fruits",

and you answer with "The Celery in the neighborhood attracts a lot of Cats because of the moon tone shining from the left side of Venus", NOBODY understands you.
And there-in, lys the interest.
Because you made it up.
Havasu, I really like the fencing you used as walls for the shower. Very nice!

Spicoli, I feel you on the cats killing the modem. I had cats kill the modem with milk once. The modem was under my desk.The milk was on top of my desk. The cat knocked the milk off my desk, the glass bounced off my leg and dumped on top of the modem. Smoke and the odor of shorted circuits ensued. It took me 3 hours to get the person in India working for what passed as customer "service" for Hughesnet to put me through to someone who actually understood English well enough to understand that I needed a new modem. They wanted to run me through all sorts of troubleshooting stuff and I kept repeating: "The modem is DEAD. it will not turn on. It shorted out bc liquid spilled on it". Well, I guess it took 2-1/2 hours of explaining that to get it escalated to someone who understood and then another 30min to get that person to put in an order for a new modem. They were the opposite of Farmer's insurance.

Went to Samsclub yesterday with my brother and popped into the Chinese place to eat. Owner was very happy to see us and my brother ate his fill of sushi and mei fun noodles. I had chicken with broccoli. When we got home my brother hauled in all the water cases by himself and I brought some food to Mom.

Got a late start today. Mom wasn't feeling well this morning and wouldn't eat breakfast until this afternoon. She wanted eggs and toast. Had to break up 3 cat fights-- all involving Senator Snugglebum. For some reason he's in a mood. I think its because its raining and he doesn't want to go outside in the rain so its a bit of cabin fever. First he was picking on Ginger in the kitchen. Biscuits got mad and jumped on Snugglebum and their fight carried on into my room where Yasuke jumped into the fray. Biscuits made a French retreat-- zooming into the kitchen-- and Yasuke and Snugglebum were hollering at each other. I separated them but they were both still casting aspersions at one another until I picked Snugglebum up and carried him to the hallway and set him on a chest of drawers for a time-out and removed the claw shell stuck to his face.

Then I had to tell Gravy Jones to calm his tits when he was sitting on a low shelf hollering at Snugglebum when he walked by. He did the same when Yasuke walked by and I had to step in between again. Then for some reason Snugglebum attacked Bethesda (whom he normally gets along with) and Gravy Jones jumped off his shelf and they were really going at each other. My brother stepped in and was trying to break them up but Gravy had his claws firmly stuck in Snugglebum's face and vice versa. He finally grabbed each of them by the scruffs of their necks and pulled them apart and put Snugglebum in his time-out spot and chased Gravy Jones to another spot (Gravy will bite and scratch people if we try to carry him when he's been fighting-- but Snugglebum won't bit or scratch humans).

Then Snugglebum was starting to get into it with Yasuke again and I had to put him in timeout. We really need to get him neutered. Biscuits and Yasuke are a few months older than him but he gets the most territorial it seems.

Biscuits is currently sitting on some drawers in my room and Yasuke is on my bed with his paw on my leg. Ginger is on my lap.

I was thinking of painting my door today but the humidity is too high inside. I want to wait until the air is a bit dryer. Plus with the clouds the lighting isn't so good. I think I will do what Havasu suggested and take the knob off before I do the final coat of paint. I found where I put the new lever so i can put that one on. I went through two other boxes of doorknobs before I found the lever. Found the one for the guest bathroom and the one that will be for my bedroom door when it gets replaced.
Yeah, Z... I can't complain too much about Internet since Elon Internet came along. Now, the major company is the most helpful they can possibly be at all times, while there is horror stories about Comcast and other major companies going back decades. They have the same stories you talk about. The only reason I got a new modem within 5 minutes is because I'm paying for it monthly anyway.

I don't buy my own and tell them to drop that charge because of the Cats, although that is the first time in 4 years of owning the Hellians that it happened.

If you don't start a Youtube channel or write a Kids book or something about your Cats, I'm going to do it... With names changed... Blues intro with Harmonica... "The Cat Lady down in the Bayou... What has she gotten herself into.... Ba Ba Ba Boo Boo Boo...."

Then the music stops with a running line at the bottom... "You thought this was a cute cuddly Cat Movie... You were wrong... It's a Horror story.... MEOW!