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Driving up to the California Wine Country for the weekend. Time to stock up on some good wine!
I’m not a wine drinker but because I used to live so close to Napa, I’d go once in a while to view the wineries. I really liked the Sterling winery. IMG_8045.jpeg

I don’t think their wine is great but the facility is. You have to take a tram to get up there.

The Police academy I went to for 7 months in the spring of 1987 was right up the road near the Kenwood winery in Los Guilicos. It was formerly a women’s prison until the escape and subsequent terrorizing of the neighborhood. They closed the prison, turned the doors around so the lock was on the inside and called it the Santa Rosa Police Academy. This was before Fish and Game had their own academy.

Sterling wine is a great place, but the wine sucks. They now charge $20 just to go inside. We are in Paso Robles, where the wine is much better, cheaper, and 6 hours closer.
I'm hanging in there. It's been a difficult couple of weeks. Long story short, my daughter found out she was pregnant, had her first ultrasound heartbeat was too low, next ultrasound this past Monday (2 weeks apart) and there had been no growth in 2 weeks, baby was actually smaller and there was no heartbeat.
So then that lead to decisions of what to do because her body wasn't doing anything about it. That lead to medication to induce labor. Which was intense, an ER visit, a 2nd set of pills as well as labor again. She's been physically ok today, of course still heartbroken. Her fella has been so so good to her. I watched the kids so that he could focus on her, and helping her through all of this.
I can't even begin to describe the heartache I feel for my baby. Watching her have contractions every 2-3 minutes, needing to push and getting nothing at the end of it all.
She is sooo strong. I am unable to find the words to explain how tough she is and how well she is handling it all. This was her first pregnancy.
I hope and pray that she doesn't ever have to go through a miscarriage again.
Shan, so sorry! That is heartbreaking ❤️‍🩹
Shan, I'm so sorry for your daughter. My best friend's wife just went through about the same thing-- except they dragged their butts on doing anything about it and it practically took an act of Congress for them to approve the medication to induce labor and they didn't even give it to her right away. She had to keep waiting. It's not the first time she went through this either, but this time she has a loving and supportive husband. Previous time she had to go through it alone bc her partner was a selfish narcissist who got mad if she didn't feel well and told her not to push her problems on him and made her feel guilty if she needed help. He also flat out refused to take her to the hospital when she nearly died but her current husband (who was just a friend at the time) took her. She is still trying to recover from that relationship and has a hard time accepting that people who love her don't feel she's a burden.

Been working on a plan for my plumbing stuff. I need to go locate all of my fittings and such to see what I already have and if I need more stuff. I made a visual diagram of things and I know most of what I have in the image is stuff I already have. I need to doublecheck though.

Right now I have two cats who loathe one another wanting a spot on my lap and one keeps sitting on my mouse while the other keeps bumping my keyboard. I put a tray on my lap to hold mouse and keyboard.
Sterling wine is a great place, but the wine sucks. They now charge $20 just to go inside. We are in Paso Robles, where the wine is much better, cheaper, and 6 hours closer.
Yeah I wonder how Sterling stays in business? There must be huge overhead for the winery and their wine does suck!

When you say, “Wine Country” my brain doesn’t think, PasoRobles! But you’re right, they do make wine there and a lot of other places because wine is the new cash crop.
Heading to Indianapolis for the 500 this weekend, as usual. Think there are 10 in our group this year. Looks like it may be a sell out this year, probably close to 350,000 in attendance.
Yeah I wonder how Sterling stays in business? There must be huge overhead for the winery and their wine does suck!

When you say, “Wine Country” my brain doesn’t think, PasoRobles! But you’re right, they do make wine there and a lot of other places because wine is the new cash crop.
Yep, we like Justin, Opolo, And Daou wines. Daou just sold for a Billion Dollars, the most ever for a winery. They are just up the street from us, and plan on picking up a case or two. We walked the little town after dinner last night, and is such a safe, great town. We are also headed to the Sensorio light show tonight. A million lights on 10 acres, next to Eberly Vinyard.
Yep, we like Justin, Opolo, And Daou wines. Daou just sold for a Billion Dollars, the most ever for a winery. They are just up the street from us, and plan on picking up a case or two. We walked the little town after dinner last night, and is such a safe, great town. We are also headed to the Sensorio light show tonight. A million lights on 10 acres, next to Eberly Vinyard.
Sounds like a good time! I used to do Elk counts with the airplane in that area. A biologist would actually count and I'd fly the airplane.

I may have told this story before, but it's a good one...One day, a long time ago, I was asked to fly the director of Fish and Wildlife (formerly Fish and Game) to Merced to attend a ceremony to award a local shop teacher for his lifetime dedication to Wood Ducks. His shop classes over the years had made hundreds of wood duck "Boxes" for the birds. Anyway, the ceremony was hosted by Julio Gallo of Ernest and Gallo wines, who made dozens of wines besides Ernest and Gallo ...including @Spicoli43 's fav, Bones Farm. So, we get to the event and it's on the Gallo's "Granny Apple Ranch" on the Merced river. It is a beautiful ranch! This very ranch is where they grew the apples for Bones Farm original flavor. Julio himself helped operate the grills.

A short time later, Julio died in a tragic Jeep accident on Mount Diablo near Tracy,CA.

Read it Here
I think I may have come up with a way to siphon water from the cistern into buckets to carry in to the house. Need to go get the tubing and some mosquito spray. Also need to see if Mom's RX is ready.
Looks really nice. I miss being near the ocean sometimes.

It's been hot and humid around here.

I got a couple 5 gallon buckets, a mop bucket with pour spouts on both ends, and an aquarium vacuum siphon thingy.
I used it to fill the mop bucket partway and then dumped that into the larger buckets until they were nearly full. Then I filled up the mop bucket. I had my brother bring the buckets in and I used the mop bucket to flush both toilets.
Looks really nice. I miss being near the ocean sometimes.

It's been hot and humid around here.

I got a couple 5 gallon buckets, a mop bucket with pour spouts on both ends, and an aquarium vacuum siphon thingy.
View attachment 32759
I used it to fill the mop bucket partway and then dumped that into the larger buckets until they were nearly full. Then I filled up the mop bucket. I had my brother bring the buckets in and I used the mop bucket to flush both toilets.
You poor thing. Sounds horrible!
Tourist trap Gas prices, or is that normal Cali?

I think I remember regular here being around $3.10, but that was a Month ago.

I remember going to a Military school in Cali in 2002 and we were all shocked it was $2.06 or something like that.
Ron, at least the mosquito spray worked and I was able to flush toilets. Will need to refill another bucket soon. My jet pump is currently sitting in a UPS facility an hour away but ETA on delivery is Tuesday. Wish I could get them to deliver it today.

Truck is acting up and friend said the pads on the brakes are gone. Still waiting for Rockauto to even ship my brake pads. ETA on that is the 30th.

Started looking at whole house generators but they all ran off liquid propane or natural gas. I don't know where to get the tanks or the fuel for those. Didn't see any on the sites selling those generators.

Wonder if I can get a different type of generator and buy an enclosure separately. The whole house ones weigh over 400lbs and would require professional installation.

Fippy was being cranky again so I pulled out a comb and called him over. He was excited when he saw it and laid his head on my chest while I combed his fur and scratched all the itchy spots on his back.