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I dont have any pictures of any progress, I'm working on my irrigation piping right now. I'll get some pictured
Replacing all outlets and switches in a 2 story major remodel. Coordinating with tile guy and cabinet guy on their problems. Knocked off at 3:00 because its freakin' hot in Southern California
I'm still sitting here waiting to be seen by the orthopedic surgeon. I do like what they have me doing at work... which is a plus. I had someone come and give me an estimate for a new roof, metal.... it was a little less than I thought it would be and it included, gutters, fascia, soffits, and roof $8262..... I really really want a metal roof but holy cow. So, now I'm trying to find another company to give estimate for shingles plus the house stuff.
I think I'm at a place in life where I've gotta ask for more help and stop trying to be a tough girl..... lol I'm thinking I'm going to take the table saw that I purchased back.... I won't be able to use it till next spring and I just cant justify hurting another shoulder while trying to be independent and save money.
I hope you fellas have a good night!
My to do list is incredibly long & it's getting harder to do things. With this heat I've been having a harder time breathing. Friend's fiance has been coming over once a week to clean up-- trying to get rid of tons of cardboard boxes & she's the only one who can get my brother to actually take the trash out. He just blows me off whenever I ask him to do it, but if she asks him he'll get up and do it. Poor girl has a heart condition (hole between two of the chambers) & needs surgery, but she still has more energy & can move faster and more easily than I can. She vacuumed up the couch & living room while I did some laundry (she helped me with some of the lifting bc my back hates me). I cooked some 5-cheese tortollini from Sam's Club for her & my mother. Added a garlic butter sauce to it & they both enjoyed it.

Yesterday I drove her to a cardiology appointment, bought her lunch, & got her some new shoes (on clearance) bc the cheap flipflops she got from Dollar Tree were falling apart. I got her some of the tortollini from Sam's & told her how to cook it. Spent a little time at my friend's house & his grandfather told me about the time he worked on the demolition/explosion effects team for a movie called Hurry Sundown. He talked about how they brought in food trucks & he was invited to come eat with the cast.

My brother's COPD is acting up. I heard some strange squealing noise and asked what it was-- he said "It's my lungs" but he's got an appointment set up with the doctor. I'm going to see if he can get a referral to a sleep center to see if he needs a CPAP or something. I asked at the cardiology clinic if they knew of any sleep centers in the area (since the one my mother went to closed down & the Red River one won't take Medicare/Medicaid). They weren't sure what insurance some of them take, but they gave me a list. Will probably call tomorrow to find out & then ask the doctor to give him a referral (bc I know he's going to have me drive him).

I still haven't fixed the hot water in the shower so it's been cold showers for the time being. I'm on a different sleep schedule than my mother & brother so it's been difficult to find times where we are all awake & Mom is out of the room so we can move the furniture. I'm still trying to figure out the best approach for finishing the hole in the wall for the access panel. I'm hoping that if my brother is feeling well enough tomorrow that I can take another crack at it (I need his help moving the furniture). I get winded far too easily.

When I say "tomorrow" I mean later today. LOL. But I really need to stop procrastinating.
So.... I took my tablesaw back yesterday..... it wasn't quite as painful as I thought it may be. I'm not even sure that I was all that sad. I've found a person who lives close by the give me an estimate for just a shingled roof.... I've just got to catch him at home.
I'm really liking what I'm doing at work, I'll be sad to have to leave that dept. They said maybe I could stay and work casually on top of my regular job.
I may have lost my temper a little with my mom, over her stuff..... she seems to be going through it, so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt for now
Shan. I lost my mom to dementia last November. It was the toughest thing I've been through in life watching her slowly succumb to a disease the strips your mind and body. I'd love to have a chance to spend one more afternoon sitting with her and talking about nothing. Cherish the moments you have with your loved ones no matter how difficult it may be at times. Once their gone, their gone for good.
Family can always seem to get under our skin more than anyone else. I love my family members, but they can be aggravating at times. As flawed as they are, I see what other people's families are like & feel very lucky to have the ones I have. At least mine aren't manipulative thieves like the families of some friends. I'm trying to help one of my brother's former co-workers out-- giving him info on what forms to fill out how to get help. Trying to get some mental health counseling to deal with his depression & anxiety. It's always important to appreciate family while they are here & to let them know you love them, but it's also ok to lose your temper from time to time. It's only human.

Friend's fiance called in the morning & woke me up bc she wanted to come out and clean again today. I was just absolutely exhausted & ended up sleeping while she was here. She found a chicken snake behind the recliner, tried to wake me up to help but I was out, so she got my brother up. That was the only time my brother got up apparently. He slept all day too. I had to drive her home & then get dinner afterward.
I do cherish the time..... even though it's difficult, we have had a tumultuous relationship for decades. I just can't take the stuff.... I've taken a lot but the stuff is hard, she had 40 cats at one time, she had to get rid of them, she has 6 or 7 now. I don't mind her being here.... I don't want her to want for anything.... and i know a day will come that i may wish she and her stuff were here. I do. I see death daily...... the problem lies in that i can't have friends over, I can't use my dining room, I can't use my back porch. I told her when I blew up that I would almost rather be dead than to continue to live this way..... no, I am not suucidal... I have fought to hard to get where I am to give up now. I am ok with her stuff in her own home. If that's what she needs for comfort so be it..... but I don't want it in my home. I am literally dying inside from it. I've struggled with mild depression since I was 12. I'm finally to a point that I realize self care is so important. I'm great when I'm not home, I come home and I'm paralyzed. If I didn't have dogs to tend too. I just wouldn't come home until bed time.
So...... even though I desperately need a new roof minimally, I'm searching for a very cheap mobile home to purchase for her.She has always wanted to own her own home and never made good decisions in order to be able to do that. Shes lived with me or in my home for 17 years.
Im really hoping to find something for her, she doesnt have alot of years left and I want her to have that dream fulfilled. She deserves that at least.
On the selfish front, I deserve some happiness and to live in a clean home that isnt embarrassing, that doesnt make me worry about who is at the door and that allows me my own peace and comfort before I stress myself to death before I ever even let myself live life fully....

Now..... yes, i am in counseling, yes he is aware of my words.... and no i am NOT suicidal
I'm tired from having to be so strong for so many for so long. I need peace. I'm ready to have a great life but i need for these material things to go away.
Today was a great day, my son and his girlfriend came over with her son and we chatted and had a great time. My others son bought his business license and got his Eic # today and has big plans for his future. My daughter had a relaxing day with her boyfriend at her house.... so MOST is well in my world!
So.... my half bath sink has never been connected since I bought the house 11 years ago.... if you look at my previous post, I just made it back into a half bath last year.
In refusing to have a bad day today, I dug through all my parts and came up with enough pieces to make the sink work. It looks silly in their because it's so much smaller than the medicine cabinet... but... IT WORKS!!!
I do need to get some plumbers putty to put around the underneath of the drain because it has a very small leak, but it's in my room and I have something under the sink to catch it. Hopefully I'll be the only one to use it, at least for now.... noone knows it works....haha
For s plot second, I thought about putting denture paste on it and I was like girl, you have lost your mind.....
So, I'll get some and finish it soon.
Yeah for me, I can put all my stuff in their, get ready for work in there.
If the electrical box weren't on the other side of the wall, I could move the laundry and make it a second bathroom....
I am so happy though! I hope everyone is having a good day
Shan, that makes complete sense. If you don't take care of yourself then you won't be able to take care of others. I hope you can find a place for your mother to stay & that she won't give you any grief over it. I'm glad you got your sink hooked up & working.

My chronic fatigue is kicking my behind again. I've been having a hard time staying awake the last 2 days. I did still get up and cook for my mother, feed the cats & dogs, and clean up after the dogs but other than that, I've mostly been racked out.

The girl who was coming over and helping clean is having medical issues & can't come back until it clears up so I need to go through some piles of stuff to organize/put away/throw out.

My cousin's oldest daughter turned 20. Her mother linked her instagram account and I discovered one of the reasons why she's no longer speaking to her father (my cousin's daughter is the one not speaking to her own father). She's been dating some dark-skinned Hispanic guys & her father is a raging bigot who thinks all "Mexicans" should be shot dead.
Shan, that makes complete sense. If you don't take care of yourself then you won't be able to take care of others. I hope you can find a place for your mother to stay & that she won't give you any grief over it. I'm glad you got your sink hooked up & working.

My chronic fatigue is kicking my behind again. I've been having a hard time staying awake the last 2 days. I did still get up and cook for my mother, feed the cats & dogs, and clean up after the dogs but other than that, I've mostly been racked out.

The girl who was coming over and helping clean is having medical issues & can't come back until it clears up so I need to go through some piles of stuff to organize/put away/throw out.

My cousin's oldest daughter turned 20. Her mother linked her instagram account and I discovered one of the reasons why she's no longer speaking to her father (my cousin's daughter is the one not speaking to her own father). She's been dating some dark-skinned Hispanic guys & her father is a raging bigot who thinks all "Mexicans" should be shot dead.
I totally understand! I have moderate muscle pain intermittently that's almost debilitating for just a small amount of time. Once I get moving, it seems to be ok. My muscles in my legs feel like I have run a marathon at times. I promise, I do not run marathons.... as a matter of fact, if you find me running, you probably should be running too!
I hope your friend is on the mend so they can help. That's part of my frustration with my mom, she wont allow me to help and feels like I'm impatient and move too fast. I've been waiting for 18 months for the dining room to be cleaned out, I'm not sure how much more patient i need to be.
I just want her to enjoy a little bit of life, but I've got to get it through my head that that is up to her. I need to enjoy life!
Hope everyone has had a great day!
I have a lot wrong with me also. I have hemochromatosis, fibromyalgia, spinal stenosis, herniated disks, arthritis, diabetes, high cholesterol, depression, thoughts of self harm, anxiety, gerd, fatty liver, copd, bells palsey, this is just a partial list. since I posted a full list a few months ago.:cry:
My friend had twins with hemochromatosis! All those are hard, especially when acting up together..... I have found since becoming a nurse that you can't define who you are by your diseases. Try to find positives in all of that. You will feel better and have fewer flares with positive thinking. I see it daily.....
Speaking of positive. I got an injection in my shoulder, I'm doing PT for 6 weeks and then checking back in and maybe being released.
Enough about me and back tou you..... you are more than those diagnoses.... I have several of them myself. I'm proud of how far you've come, keep up the good work!

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