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House Repair Talk

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WAYYYYYYYYYYYY to much free time on their hands!

(directed towards chris)
^ Also has a lot of free time on his hands.
^ Is going shopping for pork products next week for the first ever Garage Retreat BBQ fest. :thumbsup:
^ Is gonna come help smoke some pork.
^ Is boiling his buck head and it's gross.
^ Doesn't want to go to work today.
^wishes the apartment dweller would have been home this morning like she was supposed to be at 8:30 AM so I could have painted the inside of her apartment instead of going home and not making any money today!
Would rather change diapers than get my Ranger fixed up.
^ Doesn't know I am working in my garage today. Making room for the boat to fit back in.
^Should kick the guy above him in the a$$ for not cleaning his garage, wait...what???:eek:
^Old dogs cant learn new tricks.............