Trump's Contract with America

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That is all anyone can hope for. With his avoidance of getting specific on most issues his presidency really is a blank slate.

the only reason you think he has not gotten specific on the issues, is because you have not bothered to read the specifics
he has been more specific than ANY other candidate

when Obama won the election, of course I vented my frustration, I did not
riot, or threaten to kill democrats or threaten to move to another country
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Live footage of a liberal anti Trump Riot

Yes. But they turn there heads from it when it is liberals doing it, same as BLM.
Chris, frodo; look in the mirror, you both have been here protesting the government for ever, on every issue.
I suspect it was so you could find a group of people that agreed with you so you could walk thru the forum with signs,so you could vent your anger and fears.
And I would bet you didn't wait for him to do anything before you started.
Just saying.
you do not seem to be able to comprehend the difference between voicing an opinion, peaceful protest, and rioting

Chris, they did not arrest anyone in Ferguson, Or Baltimore, even though they had video footage to ID them

They will not arrest these guys either. BUT let a white republican riot and he will be arrested
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LAPD arrested 18 persons last night in Los Angeles. They took off their clothing and ran onto the freeway, blocking cars for hours. They spray painted "F*** Trump on a dozen police cars, spray painted graffiti all over the Times Newspaper building, and caused hundreds of thousands in damage. These kids were mostly Hispanic and I'm guessing that none were able to vote because they themselves were undocumented?
I agree, complaining on an online forum seen by few is very different than vandalizing police cars and spray painting all over the place.
LAPD arrested 18 persons last night in Los Angeles. They took off their clothing and ran onto the freeway, blocking cars for hours. They spray painted "F*** Trump on a dozen police cars, spray painted graffiti all over the Times Newspaper building, and caused hundreds of thousands in damage. These kids were mostly Hispanic and I'm guessing that none were able to vote because they themselves were undocumented?

are they going to send them back or let them go ?

just cant get good forgery work done these days, every body is a artist that has a pc
I just saw a video of two young black men beating an older white man in an intersection because he had a Trump sticker in his car. Why are these things being allowed to happen? Is this not a hate crime?