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Hah, Shan if you wanted something timeless why'd you put a clock on it?! (Seriously though it's beautiful. I'm sure it will serve its purpose perfectly.)

Spicoli, the habaneros mellow out quite a lot in the cooking. Basically, the less you cook them the more kick they deliver. And at low kick it's just that fine velvety heat. I've also found that overnight in the fridge, anything with cooked habaneros in it mellows out even more, sometimes to almost no heat. By day 2 I usually have to add hot sauce again. (Yucatan Sunshine habanero sauce is my favorite. If you get a Jamaican Scotch Bonnet pepper sauce that's usually pretty much the same thing.)

I used to regularly add a small bar of dark chocolate to my chili. I don't do it anymore because I think my tastes changed, but it works well. I believe it's more of a South American style with cocoa or chocolate in it, and I think they serve it over rice, which is how I grew up eating chili.
The Urn I chose for my mom came yesterday. It is absolutely beautiful in person. I wanted something timeless that I wouldn't mind seeing all the time and I think this is it.
That clock urn looks like a good idea...
Made some Grass Fed Beef Chili
Had a 1 1/2 lb. plastic packet of chili without beans... thought it would be like the canned chili without beans, basically a pound or so of flavored ground beef for 89c to use with spaghetti sauce to make spaghetti with beef... unfortunately the stuff in the plastic packet is just chili/beef flavored flour mush of some sort... yuck...
Had a 1 1/2 lb. plastic packet of chili without beans... thought it would be like the canned chili without beans, basically a pound or so of flavored ground beef for 89c to use with spaghetti sauce to make spaghetti with beef... unfortunately the stuff in the plastic packet is just chili/beef flavored flour mush of some sort... yuck...
OOF... Some kind of Hydrolyzed Soy Fakery probably... After being a VEGAN for 7 weeks, I don't understand it any further. The companies promote their "food" to consumers that don't want to eat meat, but they spend Millions in R&D trying to make their fakery *LOOK* like Meat...

I know you're old enough to remember the "Where's The Beef" commercials...
OOF... Some kind of Hydrolyzed Soy Fakery probably... After being a VEGAN for 7 weeks, I don't understand it any further. The companies promote their "food" to consumers that don't want to eat meat, but they spend Millions in R&D trying to make their fakery *LOOK* like Meat...

I know you're old enough to remember the "Where's The Beef" commercials...
Yes, I think that's what the ingredients said exactly!

Wasn't "Where's the BEEF" applied to somebody's presidency?
Now there is a fake cereal (no grain or gluten). The flyer I received didn't say what the ingredients are. Magic Spoon was the name. I won't be trying it as I like grain.
I'm still scraping moss off brick patio. My single wheel barrow failed on me. I need to either renew the wood or replace it. I am using a two wheeled barrow and it's a hassle. I can make it work by pulling it rather than pushing. Another option is to repair my garden cart. It has 26" wheels which go over obstacles easier. But that's for later the moss has to go now.
I just thought about adding Coffee to the Chili today, but don't remember ever hearing someone do that. Lo and behold, it's a thing...
Yup. "Red eye chili". Sorta like "red eye gravy".

I've never made it, but it might be fun if I make a batch to bring to a party.
When I was in the Cub Scouts at about 8 years, Colonel Sanders opened up a KFC in my town, and he made a guest appearance. I got my pic taken with him and my Troop # 620, and was published in our local newspaper. Dang, I'm old.
What most people (in my area) call chili doesn't taste like chili to me. I'm guessing they don't use the right spices. I will try the coffee even if it's canned or Wendy's chili.
Oh man that regional chili thing is a doozie. I won't get into it, but I will say chili without beans is just meat sauce, and eating meat sauce by itself is weird.
I suspect authentic chili wouldn't use ground beef because cowboys didn't grind their beef. I cut a roast into cubes when I make chili. I hate to say cubes because they real aren't and neither is my ice.
Cincinnati has a bunch of chili restaurants, it's a big thing there. Skyline and Goldstar are the most popular. The weird thing is their chili has cinnamon in it. It's good but certainly a different taste, and it's always over spaghetti.

I was told in no uncertain terms by a native Texan that chili does not have beans. If it has beans its chili with beans.

I also prefer beef chunks over ground beef. I have made chili with left over smoked brisket too. It's prett good.