any one have any ideas

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I will call a buddy tomorrow, he installs them for a living so hopefully he might know.
and tried all the methods shown,
I even threw one out into the desert, ( it didn't return) and still not working.
may throw more into the desert, or use them for target practice,

I will have the last laugh, I hope!
I forgot to call my buddy, then he called me and I forgot to ask about the remotes. I will try again in the morning if I don't forget.
I noticed on the Amazon page it said to contact them if you had problems with programming.

Wish I could help you out, but I know nothing about this. But I do hope you get it sorted out.

Is it possible that the problem is not with the remotes but with the receiver on the gate opener though?
My buddy says he has problem with most all of them, usually ends up with a universal. He couldn't help without being there.
they provided a video, that did nothing.

thanks for the help gang,

IF............... I ever figure em out ,I'll post it up,