Being on the east side of the USA I get up a bit earlier than havasu most likely and sit down with my morning coffee and check my emails and bank account and then jump on here and take a look at new members. It takes 10-15 minutes helping you guys have a fairly spam free place to visit. Most mornings there are 3-6 people trying to get in and some only take a second to figure out they are spam and others take a little poking around. There are of course a couple real members wanting to join and we let them in with a welcome hoping they will stick around. The hardest ones are the ones that pass all tests but just don’t seem right, like having a cryptic email addy no one could ever remember and such. We let some thru that we are not 100% sure of and we are thankful when you folks spot them doing something odd and report it. It is hard to follow every thread and catch everything.
Oldog before he passed was catching most of the ones I’m seeing now I think. I would notice he was on most mornings and would normally say hi and ask him if the spam was up.
I check in here and there during the day some days more than others and maybe find one or two more.
I would feel bad if I booted someone that was real by mistake and I’m sure out of the 1000s of spammers I have seen I have. There is no perfect system as if you make it too hard to join people will just surf on past and too easy and you will be over run in short order.
We are trying our best. Even though Oldog doubled my pay several times when I would complain I’m still at zero.
Oldog before he passed was catching most of the ones I’m seeing now I think. I would notice he was on most mornings and would normally say hi and ask him if the spam was up.
I check in here and there during the day some days more than others and maybe find one or two more.
I would feel bad if I booted someone that was real by mistake and I’m sure out of the 1000s of spammers I have seen I have. There is no perfect system as if you make it too hard to join people will just surf on past and too easy and you will be over run in short order.
We are trying our best. Even though Oldog doubled my pay several times when I would complain I’m still at zero.