Garage Make Over

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So, having a few days off and being bored I decided now was a good time to clean out some cabinets, move some stuff around. Extend some circuits on the wall so I don't have to run extension cords every time I want to plug something up, make some overhead storage shelves and paint the walls.

It's time to purge a lot of old stuff I don't use anymore and stuff I've been hanging onto ....Man what a mess I have. Promised SWMBO'd that I'll get her car back in the garage tomorrow nite...ain't happening today.
but no pictures?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
but no pictures?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Didn't happen without pictures.:eek: Maybe tomorrow we will get a picture of the knot on his head if her car stays out.:D
...or a pic of that boot up his arse.
Is that white rope hanging down the noose your wife is stringing up for ya?
Something I tried rigging up my self, you never know......:eek:
Nice work Tom, we can barely get a lawnmower in our garage.
Use a chain, you don't want that chinsy rope to break when the job is almost done. At least thats what I would do.:eek:

Good idea, found a length of chain in the cleaning....thanks!:cool:
Ordered a Rotary two post lift for my garage. To create space for it will take some major house cleaning, shuffling tools and machines. Looking forward to the " new space ".
Took down the old T-12 shop lights and replaced them with T-8', what a difference. :eek:
Ran wiring to the work bench, shelf for the stereo and new service over to where the drill press/chop saw/grinder lives. Won't have to drag extension cords every time I want to do something. Fab'd up the last 2 of 4 over head shelving units and will get son-in-laws to give me a hand lifting them into place tomorrow.

At least I'm making some sort of progress.
Going to need some pics of the finished project. :D
Looks like a bomb went off in there right now, didn't know I had so much junk. Can you say purging?
Running power to where you need it is the best thing you could do. I never did it in my old garage. I had cords everywhere.