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I hope you are not talking about me I did not mean to spam.

Not you buddy. I was referring to the spammer who threw his gibberish into our thread, a few posts above. I banned him and deleted his crap.
told the wife I'd like to schedule a romantic interlude,
she said fine, Feb 29th , be on time!
so my question is.
does this allow me free reign to seek others for fun and games?
or am I looking at a quick trip to the morgue?
already been pretty close, and won that battle ( so far)
so the fear factor isn't as great as it was.

your sincere opinions are valued, :D
Since the next Feb. 29th is 2016, ya better stock up on a few blow up dolls to maintain your memory.
Don't tell him that, he'll just put M-80's in Barbies, uh, you know what... ;)
a Very Merry Christmas
and Happy new Year!

I'm not a bible thumper, or jesus freak, ( ok if any of you are)
but this happy holiday crap to be politically correct, can kiss my a$$

more of the muslim influence?

as far as I'm concerned, if you want it to be like it was in your country back home............ get your butt back home and stop trying to screw up the USA!

were doing a good job on messing it up with out your help.

please continue to enjoy the Christmas Season.:)
Well said Lee. I would also like to wish you a Merry Christmas, and hope next year brings you health and happiness.
visit a swingers party!!!!:D:eek:


without getting into the fray!

what ever duck dude says, is his opinion, and last I checked, we are still allowed to voice our opinion.
but it seems some people ( one in particular, that lives on Pennsylvania av)
would like to change that!
I've never watched more than 10 minutes of Duck Dynasty. From what I hear a lot of folks love the show. From what I have heard, he never discriminated, bashed, threatened or caused harm to people of alternative lifestyles. When has it become unacceptable to have and express an opinion? Political correctness, absolutely frosts my you know what!

From what I understand, the duck guy told it like it was. From what I understand A&E, knew exactly what their values were before the show even first aired. They made a fortune off their duck call business and I can only hope the rest of the family tells A&E to stick their time slot up their Nielson rating. :rockin:

Oh yes, one more thing MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
This is a ruse. There is no such thing as bad publicity.

I agree. Besides the standard contract prohibits them from saying anything on another show that would cause problems for A&E. They can be fired or suspended for violating the contract. Also, the whole show is fake. It's scripted. One of their neighbors did an interview where he said that most of it was made up. They don't own that vineyard. The limousine is a prop rented by the producer.
I agree. Besides the standard contract prohibits them from saying anything on another show that would cause problems for A&E. They can be fired or suspended for violating the contract. Also, the whole show is fake. It's scripted. One of their neighbors did an interview where he said that most of it was made up. They don't own that vineyard. The limousine is a prop rented by the producer.

Just like any other show out there. It would get boring real quick following anyones real life. I am surprised they even do the show, if I were rich from my real business the last thing I would want to do is go on TV and let the world watch me.
TV shows are just a rebirth of the World Wrestling Federation with a slightly modified script. I don't like hunting and car shows much anymore cause they have evolved into 30 minute commercials.
Gotta keep up with the Jones's. god forbid you use that five year old bow.
Off the running subject, but Merry Christmas to all! I've been MIA from here due to a Surgery in mid November to repair an Abdominal Aortic Aneurism. Then on Dec 3, I took a fall while extending the height of one of my shop door from 12' to 14' to accommodate our new (to us) camper. Result of the fall? Oh just a broken Left hip, 2 ribs, and 12 stitches to my right pinkie from trying to slow my decent using the door track (not a recommended method).
Merry Christmas to you as well Deckape! I hope you are now on the mend!

hope your getting better deckape!
we went to Laughlin for dinner last night,
Harrahs casino, really enjoyed it! gambled $20, ( big spender)
came home and asked the wife if the wanted dessert?
she smiled and said dream on ! :(

so best wishes to all.