hillerys smoking gun

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Senior Member
Aug 5, 2008
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russia has 20 thousand of her emails

minute 2:14


also, the young clinton, is pulling out of the campaigning to "tend to a sick friend"

others think she is getting out so her name is not associated with what is fix'n to hit the fan
yea buddy, she can spin a story faster than a maytag washing machine on spin cycle hooked up to 220.

this is one of them stories, guess we will find out later. the soviets are having meetings to see which emails they want to release.

all i have to say is they tried over and over to hack the gubment computers that are protected.

if anyone thinks they did not hack her unprotected server is rather naive

but hey,,,i have come to the conclusion, she could kill 50 9 year old children in the street, on camera

and her delusioned supporters would say it was the kids fault and vote for her anyway
I have my doubts that information like that would have trouble getting out of Russia. Their freedom of the press is a little lacking.
I believe you are right the truth will come out, it will be up to us whether we believe it or not. So really there is no sum gain either way.

But stories like this are important, if true it will be important to learn about it.
But if it is just a made up story it is important to find out who made it up and why. If the people don't want to be called sheeple then it is up to everyone to sort thru the BS from both sides or all sides to get to the believable.
I believe you are right the truth will come out, it will be up to us whether we believe it or not. So really there is no sum gain either way.

Whether she is found out or not is not of importance as she will be pardoned by O'Bama as he goes out. He is as guilty as she is and cannot be found out, especially the Benghazi episode.
Whether she is found out or not is not of importance as she will be pardoned by O'Bama as he goes out. He is as guilty as she is and cannot be found out, especially the Benghazi episode.

Guilt is strange word to use in a country that is so proud of their constitution.
You either protect and fight for the constitution or pick and choose what you like today. That does say something about the people.
I have thought about that,, I dont care is she doesnt go to jail. obama can protect her all he wants.

What i want, is for the truth to come out, and she will be run out of any type of gubmvet job.

as it stands RIGHT NOW...they are talking about issuing security clearance for trump and her

i for the life of me, can see how they can justify giving her a clearance when she is under investigation for security breach

makes my head swim28824.gif
Guilt is strange word to use in a country that is so proud of their constitution.
You either protect and fight for the constitution or pick and choose what you like today. That does say something about the people.

we have 2 partys here the dems...who are against the constitution and the reb
who are for the constitution

it is a constant battle

yes, the liberals, they want big government, with control over everyone

because they are of course are the only ones that know what is good for us.

they want control over all aspects of life.
to have this control, the constitution is in the way,

the rep. on the other hand, are for small government, giving the power of decision to the states who inturn give it to the seperate countys and town ships

if you were to read the constitution anf the bill of rights, you would see the forefathers wanted power to be with the town ships not washington'
read article 1 section 8 it lays out what we the people need our government to do
anything else is over reaching

you want a copy of the constitution ? got one right here
pm your address and i will be happy to send you a pocket version
Edmund Wilson — 'No two persons ever read the same book.'
With that quote in mind you will never get an agreement on what any contract says and that is why you have an independent court.
funny as hell

Guilt is strange word to use in a country that is so proud of their constitution.

You either protect and fight for the constitution or pick and choose what you like today.

That does say something about the people.

If you haven't noticed, America left the port during the Vietnam era. This is the new America, the newest third world country with unlimited illegal immigration supplying countless people of backward cultures.

The people kill and plunder and no one seems to really give a damn. Our once great Constitution is being destroyed. No right or wrong. As for states rights, they were given away in Appomattox, Va. in 1865.

A Muslim mayor in London, what next? Western civilization is gone.
i for the life of me, can see how they can justify giving her a clearance when she is under investigation for security breach

makes my head swimView attachment 11646

Again, if you haven't noticed, the entire system is corrupt and inept. She is just getting her lunch ticket punched so she can steal and pass around some of it to the other crooks.

It is just a melodrama. Who will be president has already been decided.
Now I read McCain may lose his seat.


Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. He gave us O'Bama and has turned his back on illegals since.

This is not a Representative Republic but an Aristocracy.
yes, the liberals, they want big government, with control over everyone

because they are of course are the only ones that know what is good for us.

they want control over all aspects of life.
to have this control, the constitution is in the way,

the rep. on the other hand, are for small government, giving the power of decision to the states who inturn give it to the seperate countys and town ships

if you were to read the constitution anf the bill of rights, you would see the forefathers wanted power to be with the town ships not washington'
read article 1 section 8 it lays out what we the people need our government to do
anything else is over reaching

you want a copy of the constitution ? got one right here
pm your address and i will be happy to send you a pocket version

This is why politics and religion should never be discussed. :rofl:
Speaking of smoking gun. I burnt most of the hair off my arms and face in a smoker accident this morning. Don't ask!
Oh I gotta ask, what did you throw on the fire ?

And I am going to laugh at you :beer: