I'm in contract for my first house

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Feb 13, 2009
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Howdy everyone.

I guess this is the place to introduce myself - I'm Eric, a 38 year old California Transplant to Austin, TX. My wife and I are in contract to buy our first house, and today is inspection day.

While the home inspector is doing his thing, I though I'd poke around, and check out all the things I wasn't able to see during our two brief 10 minute home tours with the realtor.

Yeah, I know I'm not supposed to bother the inspector while he works. It seems like all I'm doing these days is writing checks with at least 2 more zeroes than I usually do, so leaving him alone to do the job is my #1 priority.

A bit about me. My dad owned a hardware store in Salinas, California in the late 70's and early 80's. I built my first fort at 9, and rebuilt my first car (a 1970 Triumph Spitfire that I still have) at 14. In college I studied Biochemistry, and worked in the Silicon Valley collecting patents. Several years ago I changed professions, and we escaped the Bay Area and the crazy housing prices and came to Austin. We thought we would buy a house here no problem, but it took almost 3 years to find a neighborhood we loved. For the last 20 years I can count on one hand the number of days I've swung a hammer.

I've got a website where I talk about my day to day life shooting weddings, finally getting my first home, and other day to day ramblings, and in 10 posts, I'll share that with y'all.
How are you supposed to learn about how to operate your home if you do not pay attention in class. The inspector is there to teach you and show you things , not do his own thing. You paid for something you did not get your money back for in my opinion.
Glad you got an inspection, disappointed about the inspector, not very professional.
I just got back from the inspection, and he was very helpful. He showed me the few small problems (and put them into perspective describing what a big problem would be).

All is Very good, some small superficial things, (like changing to GFI outlets in the kitchen, and fixing an air duct to cool the room, not the attic.

Glad I was there.
That is what I like to hear, maybe I'm a bit biased.:eek: Glad to hear it went well.
Good luck, we will be here to help if you need it.:D
Sorry about the rant, I just wanted what is best for you...and I don't even know you.

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