question about floor boards

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Active Member
Dec 30, 2012
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I got about 200 pcs of red mahagony floor boards about waist high (4 ft) and 2 inches wide. Just wondering what can be used for this. The guy i got it from was going to use it for a partial wall. I am thinking about making a exterior door(looked up a little online last night). How hard would this be? I live in a manufactured house and how close is the wood to cherry? thanks
Generally people put flooring on the floor or sometime on the ceiling. I guess you could put them on the wall or door, might be hard to pull off and make it look good and not strange.
When you are starting out it is best to just copy what everyone else does. You might find since you got the flooring for free, that it is warped or the t&G do not connect well. It might make a nice fence.
I got about 200 pcs of red mahagony floor boards about waist high (4 ft) and 2 inches wide. Just wondering what can be used for this. The guy i got it from was going to use it for a partial wall. I am thinking about making a exterior door(looked up a little online last night). How hard would this be? I live in a manufactured house and how close is the wood to cherry? thanks
200 x 4' x (2/12)' = 130 sq ft. That's a lot of doors.
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How thick is the wood? 3/4" Trying to picture how you are going to make a door with this stuff ... with 4' lengths, you will be forced to lay it horizontally ... an odd looking door.

Got a sketch for your idea?
Thanks. I am not going to do a exterior door. Would like to but it would be to hard to bc of thickness. I am thinking about using it for a coat closet