Reshingling around service entry

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May 31, 2007
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Proctorville, Ohio
What's the best way to reshingle this, I was trying to get this done today but my ladder is rusty and I couldnt extend it safely and then it started raining.... so I wont br working on it until probably Saturday maybe Sunday because I work 12 hour shifts the next 3 days. I have the shingles and the nails, I'm not afraid to do it, yes I have a healthy fear of electricity. It needs fixed, I need a new roof but cant afford to do it currently. I know the shingles go over top above it, just not sure the best way around it.... I also have some roofing tar I can us if I need to


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Generally the pattern of how the rows are laid will define the process.

The flashing above the service mast flashing, in the photo, appears to have been done incorrectly, in that rain should flow off the bottom of the flashing on to a shingle and not have to be masticed to prevent rain from intruding under the shingle.
To do this right one time and not have it leak is to get rid of that cable wire first.
No way should it have been installed that way!
They make a special retrofit seal just for this job so you can use your old flashing, any real roofing supply will carry several different styles.
I've used one like this:


They do need to be put under the shingles above the mast and over the the shingles below the mast.
Any tricks besides wd-40 to get the hinges of a ladder u stuck? I hate to buy a new ladder but mine seems to be permanently stuck.... I thought about getting a can of Monster energy drink to see if that would work like it does in the Facebook post I saw... lol
Ok, so I climbed up on the roof today and did a horrible patching job.... once I got up there and got started it really wasnt that hard physically, but I couldnt tuck the top shingles under the shingles above because they just kept breaking off.... so, I put the new shingles on, and used roofing tar around the perimeter. I was going to order the retrofit piece for the service entry but.... I need a new roof horribly bad. So, I just put roofing tar all around what was already around the service entry, it shouldn't leak. And then I put it across the top of the shingles that I couldnt tuck under. Now, I've gotta figure out financing of this roof. It was a foreclosure so idk how old it is. The house was built in 1979 at the edge of the roof it appears that there is only one layer but I'm not totally sure


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Strip the roof even if it's just one layer. Looking at the deflection in the roof and the soffit underneath, you'll need some decking replacement.

To tuck shingles under the course above, you must remove the nails from the upper course. This is best done using a shingle pry bar.

You can count on the exposed roof cement failing in 3-6 months. It doesn't hold up when exposed to uv.
I tried using a shingle pry bar, the shingles just crumbled. Yes decking needs replaced the day before my trees were cut down the pulled through the roof. It's fixed temporarily. I used the same stuff I used today 10 years ago on a leak and it hasn't leaked again. I just need this to last long enough for me to figure out financing. Roof estimates I've gotten are 7k to 10k on a 20 square, single story , either 4 10 or 5 10 pitch roof (I cant remember) and that did not include decking. Decking was $60-70 extra per sheet.


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I did look at that one in the event I couldnt find what I had and was going to purchase it if I didnt find mine. What I need to do is find a beater car to drive to work and sell my car and save my car payment for the next year. Then I should be able to almost pay cash for a new roof.... that would be great, I could move on to other things that need done!
A 4 or 5yr. old toyota P/U, will also transport your mothers stuff to the swap meet.
So..... we had a torrential downpour here earlier.... my patch held.........
A leak in my back bedroom doorframe appeared out of nowhere. The rain seemed to be coming from north east but the bedroom is on the south side. Ugghhhh
This is a first. The other two leaks where known issues this is new and only lasted 30 seconds to 1 minute. I put a small garbage can there, just in case

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