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$100? Hell, my electrician won't even drive to my house for less than $200. They're almost as bad as floor layers!
A few years back when my company was doing well I managed to save about 100k in one year, I was very frugal in everything I did because I wanted the money in my work account just incase of anything. Well came tax time and just for saving that money I had to pay 36k in taxes. My CPA told me I should have spent it on things I could write off. I learned a valuable lesson that year. I learned that our government does not want people to succeed, they want you to have the allusion you are succeeding but they want to keep you just above breaking even at all times.
Yeah, that is too hot for me anymore.
Had to work on the A/C myself. Two weeks to get a tech.
I love them hot dogs!
Charged the wife's A/C. $5 for Freon. I can do that once a month instead of spending $600 or $700 to replace the rear evaporator.
Let me guess,........ Chrysler product ? They seem to hold the rights to transmission rebuilds and a/c leaks. Many hours labor to tear out the dash to repair.
Stock up on freon.

Yep, Dodge Caravan.
The 1911 is a nice one.

So far today I've been doing the stretches my doctor told me to do to prevent another back sprain.
I also bought a 1911, don't tell the wife.

My wife owns a Ruger SR22 and a S&W M&P compact 22. She would have more if we could afford it. She also has a CCW and is a better shot than me.