Tips on Better Planning for a renovation that will surely take longer than planned

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Joon Ma

New Member
Sep 27, 2018
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Manhattan, NY
The vision of a newly updated home is so enchanting, it's easy to forget that the project will most likely come with aggravating delays and unexpected issues. Think about it. When was the last time you heard about a home remodeling project that came in on time and under budget? Chances are that the answer is, never. After a six-month renovation that was supposed to take two months, I have a few strong points to share.

1. Plan your post-renovation transition pre-renovation

When you are starting a renovation, it’s easy to be 100% focused on the renovation itself and not pay as much attention to preparing your home for the post-renovation transition. However, nothing ruins the triumphant return to your newly updated home like realizing that everything you left behind is coated in a fine, pernicious powder. Our contractor was fastidious about sealing off rooms and taping unused doors, but we still found several rooms full of dust. If moving everything out isn't an option, segregate your possessions into as few rooms as possible. Then, head to the hardware store and lay in a supply of plastic drop cloths and blue painter’s tape. As we found, sealing the entrance to the room wasn’t enough, particularly when your renovation runs longer than expected, the seasons change, and you need things that are packed away. The best approach is to seal off each section of room and each large item separately. Pro tip: take particular care to cover book shelves—removing dust from our books was one of the most time-consuming cleaning jobs we faced.

2. Pack as though you will be traveling

Think carefully about everything you will need over the full duration of the renovation (plus the inevitable extension) when packing. We made the mistake of thinking we could pop in every now and then to grab items we forgot, so we didn’t exactly pack for every possible need. However, as mentioned above, each time we entered a sealed room created opportunities for construction dust to creep into these rooms. And despite our contractor’s best efforts, our renovation stretched from one season to three, forcing us to again unseal our closed rooms to grab necessary items for each new season. This brings me to another important tip: label everything and keep a master inventory list with room and box numbers. When spring turns to summer and you need your beach gear, you’ll be glad to know where your flippers are hiding!

3. Plan every detail in advance (as much as possible)

Even if you have a very competent contractor and architect, unless you have a dedicated project manager (we did not), it’s critical to know and plan every detail in advance—or be prepared for unexpected delays. At the planning stage, sit down with your contractor and architect and walk through every detail of the project. You may not be able to make every decision at the start, but you should understand all of the detailed deadlines and dependencies. In our renovation, we planned for all the major items (e.g., permits, approvals, key fixtures), but were unprepared for the time associated with some of the smaller details—the lead time for the tiles we selected, not having planned our lighting fixtures and then having to redo electrical work when we picked a side versus top mounted light, having to scramble when selected items were unexpectedly out of stock, etc. Even a few days of delay here or there will add up (in both time and cost), and there’s nothing as frustrating as being stuck in temporary housing while the builders are idle because you’re waiting on a fixture!

4. Be prepared for Mission Creep

If you’re doing anything less than a full gut renovation, be prepared to deal with “Mission Creep” from your contractor or architect, which goes something like this: “Well, as long as you are doing this, you might as well do that too.” When planning your renovation timeline, build in some time to deal with Mission Creep. It happened to us, but the add-on projects we did turned out surprisingly well. For example, when renovating our master bathroom, we decided to install ceiling lighting in the bedroom, which not only added much needed light, but also created an accent wall that makes our bedroom feel significantly more polished. In addition, we were living with a legacy refrigerator barely bigger than a dorm fridge, and in the last weeks of our renovation, we asked the contractor to remove some cabinets, redo a wall and install a bigger fridge. Kitchen renovations were not in our original plan, but these adjustments made our kitchen far more functional, and we feel the extra time involved was well worth it. So, don’t be afraid to improvise a bit, but remember to build that extra time into your schedule from the start.
Great reality based suggestions!
Far to many people watch these DIY shows and seem to think you can gut and redo a bathroom in an hour since they saw it on TV :)
We had one complete gut huge bathroom from floor to ceiling in a 100 year old house and put it in writing it would take two weeks
Included rerouting old steam heating, wiring, new windows, fire blocking, insulation, all new fixtures.
Second day the wife is going off that it's taking to long, even though we had gutted the whole room to the studs and removed the old hardwood flooring, installed new Advantech subflooring, fire blocked and insulated the walls, ran new heating lines, and new wiring in just 2 days, and ended up having to install wider floor joist because to old ones were way over spanned.
Come to find out someone had lowered the ceiling in the kitchen below the room and had used 2 X4's spanning 16' on 24" O/C and used 1/2 sheetrock and the joist where attached to the floor joist above so that got messed when we removed to old flooring.
Offered to fix that for free, not good enough, on day three she's posting on Facebook with negative comments saying I was taking to long and trying to fire me with no pay.

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