What are you drinking right now?

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I am drinking coffee to night. but i love a ice cold Fat Tire beer!! or a bud light:)
water is refreshment,ice tea is refreshment. beer is alcohol

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Water because I'm at work. Tonight I'm going to have a glass of wine.
water is refreshment,ice tea is refreshment. beer is alcohol

Agreed. Any alcoholic drinks have never seemed "refreshing" to me. Just like milkshakes aren't refreshing - if anything, they make you even more thirsty!

Also, coffee for me. Every morning.
If I am in the right mood an alcohol beverage can feel refreshing. Up until the point I need a glass of water to quench my thirst.
have you tried a honey mead? you gotta try it!!!!!

and, get your employees to start drinking coronas. why? get the bottles, they can be recapped

the caps cost next to nothing. stores a lot easier.

i am drinking a bud light
I bottle and keg. Usually keg cider so no bottle bombs. Been making my own for years. Still drink bud light tho.

Never tried it. How do I make it?
push a mower? that what kids are for !!! when mine turned 10, i gave him a brand new snapper!!!

he already had a new trash can, and a rake. he got those around 8
A modified Vesper Martini.

2 Measures of Hendricks Gin
1 Measure of Tito's Vodka
3/4 Measure of Lillet
2 Nice Napa Bistro garlic stuffed olives with 2 slices of jalapeno between them on a toothpick

Stir very well in ice, served in a 60+ year old 24k gold rimmed cut crystal martini glass.
