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I made buckwheat pancakes with an overeasy egg on the side for brunch. My experiment with yeast fermented Kasha worked but I think I will just grind some Kasha into flour next time.
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My new wi-fi LG refrigerator told me via computer that my air and water filters needed changing. A quick trip to the Home Depot, and $70 later, I replaced them and reset the notification light on the face of the fridge. I wonder when the oil and oil filter will need changing?
I woke up at 320ish this morning..... again.... was awake until about 830 or so.... then took a nap for like 3 hours.
I just put some chicken and broth and cream of mushroom soup as well as salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder and thyme into the crockpot. In about 3 hours after I started it, I will added some frozen Raemes egg noodles and a few peas and carrots and call it dinner.

I di nothing yesterday... well thats not true. I did 2 loads of laundry.... other than that, nothing. I read on my book for about an hour last night. I need to find my highlighters so I can mark up the pages for things that strike me or for things I want to look into more deeply. Maybe I will decide to do that today...

I agree Anne Geddes does a good job of capturing innocence. I wish that we could all retain some innocence and somehow discourage hardening of the heart so early on in life.

I watched the last 6 episodes of season 4 of Manifesto yesterday. This season was a little weird compared to others.

Now, I am getting caught up on my youtubers that I watch.

My favorite is a channel called DIYFFERENT. Closer to spring I will watch my gardening favorites like ROOTS and REFUGE FARM. I also like Simple Life Reclaimed and Country Road Cure as far as DIY channels go....

I was going to paint 2 walls this week, however, maybe I should wait until the sag is fixed? Just in case those walls have damage... what do you think? One of the walls is the center wall.

Anywho, I'm boring today.

Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend!
So we went to Home Depot, found one, and it will be delivered on December 13th... This one is LG, I tried to keep all the appliances the same, and the fridge and stove are Samsung... But I believe LG is right up there in quality with Samsung. Plus it was $200 cheaper when taxes and extended warranty were all done. So, now we wait for the 13th...
Well, maybe it's different up there, but the quality of name brand stuff here is the same... They are all utter garbage. You did good getting that extended warranty. You will need it if the quality is the same.
Winner! You are correct! My house had a S trap until I re-plumbed it last fall. I learned on a Hammerpedia ad that there is one legal S trap in every home…and that’s your toilet. But fills so slowly that it refills the trap and doesn’t siphon out.
All of my fixtures have S-traps (with the exception of the guest bathroom shower bc it doesn't have a trap at all-- which is why I had to plug the drain). Really need to gut the plumbing.
An S-trap can work well under most conditions. The inverted siphon holds water and the upper siphon only works as a siphon when the drain pipe is full. IOW when releasing a sink bowl of water it may siphon but not when washing hands or rinsing with running water. However it can present a problem thus the code.

:rolleyes: I had to do a google search to find the purpose for a shelf on a toilet paper stand. No wonder I missed it, it's for the ever present smartphone and I don't do smartphones. So now the question is should I put a shelf on the one I am making in deference to others? I could turn a round-to-it and add a slit for the phone.
I use the shelf above tp holder for wet wipes. It can probably also be used for small tissue boxes if you want to blow your nose without wasting toilet paper for it. It can also be used for other objects-- soap, deoderant, etc. Good in a small bathroom that doesn't have as much counter space.

Redneckgrump, that sounds very frustrating. Hopefully your new dishwasher will arrive safely.

Shan, Ooh, I love cream of mushroom soup!

I woke up sweating in the middle of the night bc my brother turned the damn heat back on. He also didn't put the lid back on the leftovers properly & bugs got into them so I had to feed them to the dogs (I had made shepherd's pie).

Arm was really bugging me last night-- hurt all the way down to my wrist. I used arthritis cream but its not doing much. I've also been doing the recommended pendulum exercises for shoulders.

It's cloudy out and the cats are piled around me sleeping (too warm for them to sleep on me). I wanted to do some cleaning but my coordination is garbage and I keep stumbling around.

I talked to Samsclub customer support to complain about my packages being left out in the rain instead of being put on my porch. I requested that they put a note in with my account to please leave things on the porch & to not run from the cow or she would chase them as she sees running as playtime. Had the CS agent laughing about that one. They apologized and hopefully the delivery person will heed the instructions.
I'm wondering if I can use Maple Syrup powder in my Chocolate refiner. No liquid is allowed as it binds with the Chocolate and will cause it to seize, AKA turn into a giant lump, and possibly kill the machine motor. (I can't pour Milk in to make Milk Chocolate, I have to use Milk powder)....

I can add most powders, I usually add Coconut Milk powder and my last batch had 25g of Fine ground Coffee that was the consistency of powder. I also scraped 2 Vanilla pods and the machine didn't have any problems with that, but if I mix finished Chocolate with Peanut Butter powder in a bowl, it immediately becomes a giant ball.

There's only one way to find out, and I would have to watch for any issues and shut the machine off.

If I can create a Maple Vanilla Coffee Chocolate and pour it over Pumpkin Seeds / Cashews / Hempseeds, I think I will have a good recipe.
As many of you long suffering fans know, I forget stuff when cooking, like forgetting Jalapenos THREE times when making Chili, even though they are sitting on the TOP shelf in the fridge right in front of my Fat Forking Face!

Well, I remembered Jalapenos this time. But I forgot the Onions!

Who forgets ONIONS? That should be a Misdemeanor! At the very least Blasphemy of the Culinary Arts!!!



  • Chili.JPG
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Shan, you sure the weird taste isn't the plastic chemicals?
They were canned instead of frozen, I'm not a fan of canned carrots to begin with. I was wondering if maybe I didn't drain it well enough.
Idk, bot deal breaker just not as delicious as it could have been.... however, I have a headache now from eating it..... my stomach isn't happy with me.
Now to decide what to make tomorrow that will not give me a headache.

I'd kind of like to make cream of wheat for breakfast, makes me a little leary since my stomach already is bothering me... we shall see.

Do you make your chili in the instantpot frequently? I use my instantpoy for a lot of things, but I haven't made chili in it.
No, Shan... The plastic liner for your crock pot. You're ingesting endocrine disruptors, no matter what # the plastic is. Plastic bags of vegetables don't leach anything because they aren't heated. Those microwave ones? Might as well just drink a cup of plastic chemicals.

Your Crock pot is an offender as well, with it being paint coated.

As far as cans, they are lined with BPA, or if the company claims they aren't, they are probably lined with BPS, which is arguably worse. There is many, many Bisphenol chemicals, but I have only heard of BPA and BPS being used in food containers

Which brings me to my point... Although I'm guilty with canned Tomatoes, which are very bad because of the acidity, and Beans etc, I make sure to always use my Stainless Steel Mueller version of the Instant Pot. Stainless might give off Cadmium, but considering the alternative, I'm sticking with SS.

I don't use the pressure cook function, just use it as a slow cooker.

I would use the plastic liner in your Crock Pot with plain Distilled or Reverse Osmosis water for 6 hours or how long you usually cook with it, then take a sample of that water to get tested at your work... See what shows up.

No, Shan... The plastic liner for your crock pot. You're ingesting endocrine disruptors, no matter what # the plastic is. Plastic bags of vegetables don't leach anything because they aren't heated. Those microwave ones? Might as well just drink a cup of plastic chemicals.

You wouldn't exaggerate a bit would you?
Good Morning Folks,
Not a lot to report today, Except its dump day today... Always pick up an extra coffee for the supervisor at the dump... Other than that, not a lot happening...

My new wi-fi LG refrigerator told me via computer that my air and water filters needed changing. A quick trip to the Home Depot, and $70 later, I replaced them and reset the notification light on the face of the fridge. I wonder when the oil and oil filter will need changing?
@havasu it's good we have these reminders on all these things today... Because I would never remember to change the water filter in the fridge... The refrigerator tells me every six months when it needs to be changed, and I always have a reminder on the phone to always remind me also. Also, the Ecobee reminds me when to change the air filter on the furnace... I would never remember these things...

The new dishwasher can turn on miles away also, can't see why I would need to do that, but that is om too... Most of the stuff in the house today can be controlled by my phone. I used to drive Lorie nuts when we first got these new appliances when we moved here... I will be over at Buddy's and turn on the oven light...

Well, maybe it's different up there, but the quality of name-brand stuff here is the same... They are all utter garbage. You did well getting that extended warranty. You will need it if the quality is the same.

@Spicoli43 it's probably the same here, usually always the same appliance but with different tags on them... When it comes to appliances, I always put an extended warranty on them... At the store we bought the TV, Fridge and Stove if you don't use the warranty, then when the time is up, what it cost you for the extended warranty, you can use that money at the end and use it in the store on other things... Which I think is pretty kewl too...

Well, Folks, I hope YOU all have a GREAT day, going to have breakfast, and then off to the dump we go...
Speaking of changing filters, I need to change my hvac one. Meant to do it yesterday but brain froze up on me.

Shan, what is your recipe to make cream of mushroom soup from scratch?

I don't use canned veggies anymore. I've managed to find them frozen though. I'm debating trying to make more spaghetti tonight.

Redneckgrump & Havasu, it's interesting how technology has progressed and what stuff can be controlled with phones. I think my thermostat could probably be controlled via phone but I haven't tried. I hate having to use my phone for anything but taking pictures. I don't like making or receiving phonecalls. LOL. We don't have many of the "smart" appliances. So much can go wrong with them. But nowadays you just about have no choice bc newer stuff comes with it whether you like it or not. Newer TVs won't even let you use them without connecting to the internet anymore and that irritates me.

Heard from my friend and he said his mom told him she has to pay some $300+ ticket by 1:45pm today or she goes to jail for a month. She told him it was a bs ticket (which may or may not be true) and she went in to contest it and the judge didn't care/didn't listen (which I absolutely believe bc I've seen this judge in action) so she got hit with court fees, probation fees, etc on top of her ticket. It was like a $30 ticket and in the past she'd been able to contest and get out-- but not with this judge who had 100% conviction rate. Anyway, she was hitting my friend up for $ as none of his sisters will help her out & neither will her boyfriend. I am suspicious though. He doesn't have it but plans to take out a loan to pay it. I told him to get a money order and go with her to make sure its actually for court and not for drugs. He once gave her $600 to pay the taxes on the house & she spent it on drugs instead. Dude is such a doormat and Mom isn't giving him anymore $ so long as his abusive gf is still there.

Tossed and turned last night trying to get comfortable. Arm is still bugging the hell out of me. I'm waiting for the post office to open so I can get mail- after I change the hvac filters.

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