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So, right after we got the AC fixed the weather turned chilly again. LOL. But that's fine. I was walking around in a short-sleeved shirt today and was happy.

Got blood taken for bloodwork. Saw a guy I knew when he was just a kid back in the 80s. He's got Down's Syndrome and even though we haven't seen each other in over a decade, he remembered me and rushed over to hug me. He'd been shaking hands with everyone (He's always done that) but wanted a hug from me. He's always been such a sweetheart. Sadly he's having health issues. His heart stopped during some procedure the other day and his mom said they are having trouble managing his bp and sugar levels. It's a shame because he's such a nice guy. Can't really talk or anything but loves everyone.

Got my CV axle replaced. Wheelbearing was still ok apparently- but they said it looked like the honda place damaged the axle when working on the wheelbearing. Not that those jerks will reimburse for anything. Was only $50 for labor and I brough the part that was about $40. Not bad. Still making weird noises at high speeds.

Put seafoam in the truck's gas tank and filled it up.

Was going to take a shower at my friend's house but his water heater busted. The city workers broke a main waterline. It flooded my friend's yard and the water messed up the ground the water heater stand was on. Stand tilted, then broke, and then the water heater fell. No one was out there to try to fix the problem but the city kept saying "we're working on it" and my friend is livid. Meanwhile, the mayor is driving around in a brand new Mercedes purchased with taxpayer $$$ but we have roads that haven't been fixed in years.

At least I can relax in cool air for now though. And my kitties are piled on for comfort.
Today I fixed a couple loose knobs on the old guitar I'm selling. That's about all I did on the DIY front. It was a busy day with lots of work meetings and stuff.

Somehow I found time to cook dinner too. Made a dish we call "Mexican lasagna": layers of corn tortilla, diced sweet potatoes, cheese, and black beans (done in the slow cooker with bacon fat and spices of course), smothered with enchilada sauce and then baked. I serve a kind of salad made of tomatoes, cilantro, and avocado over top of it, with a dollop of sour cream. It was even more of a hit than usual.
Today I fixed a couple loose knobs on the old guitar I'm selling. That's about all I did on the DIY front. It was a busy day with lots of work meetings and stuff.

Somehow I found time to cook dinner too. Made a dish we call "Mexican lasagna": layers of corn tortilla, diced sweet potatoes, cheese, and black beans (done in the slow cooker with bacon fat and spices of course), smothered with enchilada sauce and then baked. I serve a kind of salad made of tomatoes, cilantro, and avocado over top of it, with a dollop of sour cream. It was even more of a hit than usual.
I love anything Mexican and it's probably the only thing about California that I miss. There's one decent Mexican in Alabama but nothing like Super Taco in Elk Grove, Ca. They had a Chili Verde plate that was to die for! With corn tortillas of course!
I love anything Mexican and it's probably the only thing about California that I miss. There's one decent Mexican in Alabama but nothing like Super Taco in Elk Grove, Ca. They had a Chili Verde plate that was to die for! With corn tortillas of course!
There's a Good Mexi joint here, although the Carne Asada Burrito is 50% more expensive now..

Then there's the Bad Mexi joint where they serve White people gristle! HAHAHAHA

Or maybe I'm just ugly and they gave it to me.
There's a Good Mexi joint here, although the Carne Asada Burrito is 50% more expensive now..

Then there's the Bad Mexi joint where they serve White people gristle! HAHAHAHA

Or maybe I'm just ugly and they gave it to me.
I'm always a little paranoid I'm getting special "gringo service" but I lost touch with Mexican friends I had in the past and until I make a Mexican friend here I'll never know.
I have a recipe from the Colorado Cache Cookbook that layers corn tortillas, salsa, browned ground beef and grated cheese. Layers are repeated ending with cheese. Baked 30m at 350° and topped with sour cream just before serving. The salsa was home made with onion, garlic, tomato and green chili pepper I think we made it once or twice then found a frozen Michael Angelo's Mexican lasagna at Sam's Club that was similar and went with it until it wasn't available anymore.
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I don't know what OG means. Occasionally people have told me I don't really look white, but nobody's ever told me I look Mexican!
Original Gangster, but OG stands for anything original. The section of fence I have to replace that rotted out is probably OG from 20 years ago.

Or, for you it could be OH for Original Human, since you were born in that region.
The fence has been fixed by the owners next door. I am so very grateful for that.

I have packed up most of my kitchen,someone is coming next week on Thursday to measure the kitchen and give me a stupid $$$$ quote.

I called to have a loan modeled on my 403b, I have take. A loan out previously and long story short.... payroll apparently didn't take out the last payment, noone has called or emailed about it. I gave info last week to pay it off, was told to wait till tomorrow to call. Went to do taxes Nd printed off a 1099 through them only to see that I was claiming a distribution.... so then I call them to find out that I couldn't pay it over the phone. I will have to ask for an amended 1099, and still have to pay it..... with a money order, and snail mail.... and minimum of 2 week turn around time, while I continue to breath more mold. And..... let's not forget about the current financial crisis happening.... I need for my retirement to hold up so I can fix this.

Livid does not even begin to explain how I felt earlier. My advisor hasn't called me back or payroll.
I wonder what has happened to RedneckGrump? I haven't seen any recent posts.
Yeah, I was wondering that also... Always happy Redneck Grump... And the always grumpy Buzz!
I just remembered: NealTW, I think that was the handle of the guy I was wondering about a little while ago.
I hope redneckgrump is OK. I do miss Neal. I think he stopped posting because of some arguments. I saw him on another forum afterward but its been quite awhile.

Shan, can 1099Rs be retrieved from OPM? My mother was never sent hers and she's been trying to get OPM to send them but she kept getting hung up on after staying on hold in an automated message thing on the phone and the website said it was down (she showed me). It was back up last I checked but I don't know enough of her info to request it myself. she can't login and hasn't been able to for years and they claimed they would snail mail her a password but never did.

I went to the doctor for a checkup but my bloodwork wasn't done. My weight is down to 200lbs so my doctor was happy with that. Said my heart and lungs still sound good. Apparently he likes the same type of salad I do. I eat it instead of carbs when I need some filler.

Took a nap after getting home and am just waking up.
Well, I watch one neighbor's dog kill another neighbor's dog today. That was pretty crazy.