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I can't decide wether to put my tree up or not. I think at this point I am just going to skip it this year. I have my TV stand decorated, that'll have to be enough for this year. I don't wanna wrestle with keeping my moms cat out of the tree.

I got to through away all the cardboard, the dumpsters had been emptied while I was out and about today, so that was nice. No appointments or anything the next 2 days, so I am hoping I can find my motivation and get some things accomplished, or at least get comfortable and read or study on the Bible.
Shan, the lauan doesn't look so bad. You might be able to keep it and just put Killz over it. Any idea what color palette style you want for your floor? Home Depot has some decent click lock waterproof stuff that is quite thin so it handles bumpy floors well. Other thicker stuff is available. I think the stuff I got is 6.5mm thick with a 20mil wear layer. That is for my laundry room. Got it on a big sale though. Had a different name when I ordered it. Different brand. Was MSI or something and is now AA and is called Herritage Mahogany. It comes with its own underlayment.

The stuff we got for my friend's kitchen was much much thinner but is still nice and works well on his floors. I love looking at flooring so if you want any help finding stuff, let me know. Wish I was in your area to help out.

Been exhausting myself with the trips to and from the hospital. The roads are so twisty & people are such bad drivers. Brought Mom her cpap, a new hairbrush, new socks, a new sleeping cap, some shea butter wet wipes, and some tp. She was most excited about the tp bc the stuff they have in the hospital sucks. She did not like the new brush, cap, or socks. I will give the socks to a friend and return the cap and brush. Or maybe give the brush to a friend. Cap was too small/too tight so she kept the one I got for myself that I gave to her.

Her bp was lower today. She ate grits and mashed potatoes. They made her get up and walk a little. Much better spirits today and looking forward to getting out of there. I'm hoping this will encourage her to take monitoring her sugar more seriously and get her to use a cgm.

Grabbed food on the way home, went to the post office to pick up packages, went to pharmacy to get RX, dropped some food off at friend's house & headed home. His daughter has the flu and he had to take her to the doctor and wasn't home so I let myself in and told him where I put the food. I have my own code on the lock.
I can't decide wether to put my tree up or not. I think at this point I am just going to skip it this year. I have my TV stand decorated, that'll have to be enough for this year. I don't wanna wrestle with keeping my moms cat out of the tree.

I got to through away all the cardboard, the dumpsters had been emptied while I was out and about today, so that was nice. No appointments or anything the next 2 days, so I am hoping I can find my motivation and get some things accomplished, or at least get comfortable and read or study on the Bible.

I can't imagine putting up a tree, would only do it if I had little snot goblins, but my 2 cats would eviscerate it in less than 5 minutes. My Sister puts up her tree every year and her 2 cats don't touch it, they also don't touch her nice recliners...

Here is a series on Acts, 12 episodes... It's on the Roku App... I only watched 6 episodes and quit because I don't want to finish it! I wish there were this kind of series for every book in the Bible, as it is EXTREMELY well produced.

I'm going to restart it soon and finish it this time...

I've always hated putting up a tree so I was happy when my parents finally stopped.

Hospital just called and woke me up. They are moving Mom to the regular part of the hospital. Using her cpap apparently helped last night. I'll be visiting her later after I get more sleep. Haven't had 8hrs of sleep yet.
Have you ever heard me talk like I was one of the .004% of people in this Country?
It's the wilding of Montana politics.

I just find that historic, religious based repressions, are now, systemically, being discussed, openly.
I called Mom and talked to her briefly and let her know I'll be coming a bit later than usual. Visiting hours are different for the regular hospital. My stomach doesn't like me today so I'm waiting for Pepto to kick in.
Here is a series on Acts, 12 episodes... It's on the Roku App... I only watched 6 episodes and quit because I don't want to finish it! I wish there were this kind of series for every book in the Bible, as it is EXTREMELY well produced.

I'm going to restart it soon and finish it this time...

"A.D, The Bible Continues," was produced by Roma Downey and her husband Mark Burnett. Roma has produced and acted in many Christian movies as well as the TV show, "Touched by an Angel."
Ok. There's only 2 genders, which goes back to the 6th day of time, no matter how one dresses or how many pounds of mascara they wear.

Any questions?
As is my point of view, as well.

However, that is the biblical summation, and differentiates from centuries old cultural points of view, as being the basis for the suite.

The mandating of the reformation and expulsion of centuries of cultural norms leads to civil chaos, as we are witnessing, today.
As is my point of view, as well.

However, that is the biblical summation, and differentiates from centuries old cultural points of view, as being the basis for the suite.

The mandating of the reformation and expulsion of centuries of cultural norms leads to civil chaos, as we are witnessing, today.
There is no mandate on any Indians. Any law passed in the State isn't applicable to Reservations, and vice versa.
There is no mandate on any Indians. Any law passed in the State isn't applicable to Reservations, and vice versa.
Name, ANY, indigenous tribe or reservation that issues separate or recognized automotive equipment operators lic., in Montana.