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Still feeling really cruddy. Had to get up early to unload all the cases of water and the cat food from the truck so I could take Boo to the vet. He wasn't eating or drinking, was moving slow, couldn't seem to get comfortable, cried when he stood up, cried when I touched his belly, and really seemed to be in pain. He growled at me when I got him in the carrier-- and that is unusual for him. Vet said he has a urinary tract blockage and his bladder is full. Said they'd have to sedate him to clear it so I had to leave him there and am supposed to call to check on him. I hope they don't have to keep him overnight. They are expecting some bad storms around 3pm apparently.

Couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep well. Mom is awake now bc she couldn't sleep. My brother made an appearance and ate some of the takeout food. I got him some noodles and he finished off the chicken sticks.

Tomorrow Mom is supposed to have a followup with the urologist. I'm not looking forward to that drive.
Interesting. I've seen that several times, and it was a step in the evolution of water supplied to developers. "In general", it begins with a metered manifold off a fire hydrant, with 1-1/2" hose and 2X bridging, then to the individual properties, with your hose bib and lockout until the property has a subscriber. "Usually", the plumbing contractor will remove, and the fill is placed, but sometimes..................
Or somebody doing a DIY project for a water point... The concrete isn't needed here, but the frost proof hydrant is... I don't think I could get away with that type of faucet.

How it proceeds can be dependent upon how the in-fill grading contractor is contracted, IE, contract or piece work, and you'll see this more in the piece work than project contracts. Because, while the plumber is notified, the grading proceeds, unabated.
Interesting. I've seen that several times, and it was a step in the evolution of water supplied to developers. "In general", it begins with a metered manifold off a fire hydrant, with 1-1/2" hose and 2X bridging, then to the individual properties, with your hose bib and lockout until the property has a subscriber. "Usually", the plumbing contractor will remove, and the fill is placed, but sometimes..................

That makes sense.
Vet closed early due to the weather. They got the blockage cleared from Boo and flushed his bladder out but they wanted to keep him over night. Bridges have iced over and there's already been at least one wreck. I'm worried about my brother driving home on the ice. We don't have the tires designed for snow and ice and other drivers don't know how to handle stuff. Plus he's not a great driver to begin with. He might have to spend the night at our friend's house.

I'm still coughing up mucus but the cramps are gone. Just got Fippy in with Mom so he'd stop growling constantly. He was mad that Biscuits was sleeping in a spot he wanted to sleep in and he was snarling and having a little fit while Biscuits was fast asleep. Now that he's put up, Yasuke has decided to curl up next to me.
We woke up to snow this morning. My BIL says there’s ice under the snow. It’s not going to melt until Thursday. I haven’t been in snow like this since I left Indiana in 1978.

The good news is that our pipes didn’t freeze last night but the bad news is that it forecast to be colder tonight. Tomorrow will be warmer during the day than today.


We woke up to snow this morning. My BIL says there’s ice under the snow. It’s not going to melt until Thursday. I haven’t been in snow like this since I left Indiana in 1978.

The good news is that our pipes didn’t freeze last night but the bad news is that it forecast to be colder tonight. Tomorrow will be warmer during the day than today.

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So is the whole state of Alabama closed down? I was in Alabama for work once and it snowed a couple inches. It was like the world was ending, everything was closed wrecks all over the place, it was all the TV news could talk about. I didn't have any problem driving around since I've lived in Northern Ohio all my life. The poultry processing plant I was working with was still open but half the people that work there didn't show up. Snow and cold events down south are always kind of humorous to folks up north.
Was speaking with a friend from Lemon SD and mentioned that it was -8, he said it was a heat wave and grab the fishing pole and head for the lake.

Funny thing is, folks drive on to the ice. the ice separates from the bank, and they need rescued.

Must be a bump in the learning curve.
Was speaking with a friend from Lemon SD and mentioned that it was -8, he said it was a heat wave and grab the fishing pole and head for the lake.

Funny thing is, folks drive on to the ice. the ice separates from the bank, and they need rescued.

Must be a bump in the learning curve.
That happens virtually every year here. If there is enough ice on Lake Erie for ice fishing it is almost inevitable that a group of guys will get stranded on the ice. The ice is often broken up out on the lake to keep the freighters running. Suddenly one day we get a south wind and large ice sheets drift north opening big gaps. It happens slowly and most of the time people aren’t aware its happening until they head back in and find 100 yards of open water between them and shore. The Coast Guard and some local fire departments will get the air boats and hover craft out and retrieve them. The catch is that they will rescue you, but not your gear. So fishing equipment, ice shanties, snowmobiles, etc. are left behind. The folks that leave stuff will watch the weather and when the next north wind blows the ice back in they will go out and retrieve them.
Our water lines must have frozen. No running water, obviously. I'm hoping nothing burst. Not expected to get above the 30s range today.
I was able to go pick up Boo from the vet. We took longer to get in because there was ice on the windows. Took awhile to defrost and then my brother found a plastic dinner plate in the truck and used it to scrape the ice off.

Mom requested McDonalds so we got her bacon egg & cheese biscuit.

Grabbed mail.

Got some groceries & headed home with Boo. He was very quiet on the ride home. But once he got in the house he was vocal about wanting to go out and got mad at me for not letting him go out.

Still feel like garbage. I canceled mom's urology appointment since we couldn't make it in time and I feel too cruddy to drive out there.

Didn't sleep last night so I'm going to try to nap now.
Gotta get looking at those pipes right away, Z... You can't delay that. Good luck.

People in my family used to Ice Fish... They *said* only when the Ice was 2 feet thick or so... They would drive out, pitch a tent, bore a hole or two with an auger, and start a heater... I would Ice Fish, but I'm not going out driving distance to drill a hole... I don't care if the Ice is 6 feet thick, it's not natural in my brain to do that.

People camp on the Ice for weeks at a time, forget where, probably one of the Great Lakes.
My dad was involved with a NASH, CASE equip. dealer, so there always things we made digging bars from, and so we made our own TIP-UPS for ice fishing. In the early 50's he made a boring tool from a starter, 4 to 1 reducer, out of scrap. it was just a flat pan so there was a lot of living to clean, the downside was that when it was really cold the material would freeze, preventing extraction, so out came the bars. Me, that tool and my 41 KAISER/FRAIZER, made spending money.
Gotta get looking at those pipes right away, Z... You can't delay that. Good luck.

People in my family used to Ice Fish... They *said* only when the Ice was 2 feet thick or so... They would drive out, pitch a tent, bore a hole or two with an auger, and start a heater... I would Ice Fish, but I'm not going out driving distance to drill a hole... I don't care if the Ice is 6 feet thick, it's not natural in my brain to do that.

People camp on the Ice for weeks at a time, forget where, probably one of the Great Lakes.
It's sort of unnatural walking out on a frozen lake. The thought of going through is always in my head. On a big lake like Erie the ice always shifts with the wind. You constantly hear cracking and popping. It's weird, you hear it coming toward you then go past you and off into the distance. There are also ruptures in the ice, we called them shoves. The wind pushes the ice sheets into one another and the force pushes up huge piles of ice some 10' - 15' high though 4 or 5 is more common. It's exactly like plate tectonics. Walked on the pond today, I'm going to drill and measure it tomorrow. Grandkids might want to play and skate.
It's sort of unnatural walking out on a frozen lake. The thought of going through is always in my head. On a big lake like Erie the ice always shifts with the wind. You constantly hear cracking and popping. It's weird, you hear it coming toward you then go past you and off into the distance. There are also ruptures in the ice, we called them shoves. The wind pushes the ice sheets into one another and the force pushes up huge piles of ice some 10' - 15' high though 4 or 5 is more common. It's exactly like plate tectonics. Walked on the pond today, I'm going to drill and measure it tomorrow. Grandkids might want to play and skate.
Yeah, I'll take No Thanks for 5000, Alex...

If I heard the cracking, i would think I'm going in... I would also think of the movie Tremors, and some Sea Beast was going to chop me in half... That said, I don't go near Horses because they can bite my head off, so my mind is active in that aspect.
I loved the Tremors movies.

Yes @Spicoli43 I certainly did bump it on something..... my pride and the floor..... lol
It is still bothering me. I had a good time with the kids yesterday. I am going to watch them again on Saturday so that they can move into the new apartment. We have Mattresses coming Saturday I believe. I got some fitted sheets delivered today, got them some blankets for Christmas already.
I am giving my daughter my washer and dryer. I ordered my new washer and dryer today. Looking forward to seeing how well this new washer wirks.... the dryer door opens out insteD of left or right.... idk how I feel about that. I thought about getting a riser to put the dryer on so that it was easier for me to get things in and out. And then I thought about getting a small stool for the washer. I am only 5'3" and reaching into the bottom of the washer is no fun.

Z I hope you get to feeling better soon. You need to get your lady parts looked at. You may be right.in what's going on, however you could be devastatingly wrong also.

Hope everyone is getting their fill of this cold weather and snow.
I personally am excited that Spring is in like 62 days. My bones dont like all this!
So is the whole state of Alabama closed down? I was in Alabama for work once and it snowed a couple inches. It was like the world was ending, everything was closed wrecks all over the place, it was all the TV news could talk about. I didn't have any problem driving around since I've lived in Northern Ohio all my life. The poultry processing plant I was working with was still open but half the people that work there didn't show up. Snow and cold events down south are always kind of humorous to folks up north.
No, we live up in the Northern part of Alabama. Guntersville is near Huntsville, East of Muscle Shoals. I think it was mainly the Northern 1/3 of the state that was slammed with the snow and sleet.

You can’t walk on this ice…too thin!



We actually saw two pickups with plows on them. I was under the impression that there wasn’t any snow removal equipment here but I was wrong. Nothing heavy duty though.

Tonight, it’s supposed to get down to 7. Tomorrow it starts to warm up again. If we can make it through tonight, we got it made. I can’t wait to get back to normalcy.
No, we live up in the Northern part of Alabama. Guntersville is near Huntsville, East of Muscle Shoals. I think it was mainly the Northern 1/3 of the state that was slammed with the snow and sleet.

You can’t walk on this ice…too thin!

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We actually saw two pickups with plows on them. I was under the impression that there wasn’t any snow removal equipment here but I was wrong. Nothing heavy duty though.

Tonight, it’s supposed to get down to 7. Tomorrow it starts to warm up again. If we can make it through tonight, we got it made. I can’t wait to get back to normalcy.
That's what we call Rain.
At night when it freezes, not following the ruts will tear up tires.