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Shan, yes that is a push fitting and yes you can remove it without special tools. You can use an adjustable wrench. The key is to push the beige part that sticks out back in to the fitting while pulling the pipe out.

Once you remove the fitting, you may cut the pipe shorter.

Ron, those doors look great!

It rained a lot today and I stayed inside. I fed kitties, cooked for Mom, and sat around looking stuff up on the internet. I also talked to my friend about plans for his house and once he gets me some measurements I'll do some stuff in sketchup for him.

Feeling tired still and coughing but not as bad as other days.
Thanks everyone, I might give it a try tomorrow. I
Today I did a terrible job of hanging drywall in the kitchen, its been missing for almost a year. Since I had the mold remediation done.

Tomorrow I am renting a cargo van to get the last few things from my daughters apartment and I am giving her my washer and dryer. I bought a new set. I hope to get my new ones installed tomorrow.

Those pantry doors look great!!!!

My daughter hot rear-ended today also..... this is going to be a headache. Grateful she wasn't hurt and that the babies were not with her.
Shan, that drywall isn't terrible. I've seen worse work from alleged pros. The cutouts around the outlets are done well. The contractors who did drywall at my friend's grandfather's house didn't do the cutouts that neatly or close to the outlets. I only see one spot that might be a problem and I can't tell if its the angle or if that bottom right piece sticks out more. You could probably adjust that to make it go in a bit more if need be, but if not, you can mud over it to get the seam smoother. And some drywall is better than no drywall. It sucks that your daughter got rear ended but I'm glad she wasn't hurt.

Power went out last night. I was able to shut my computer down, call the power company to report the outage, and then went to shut down my brother's computer but it was already off. His UPS must have failed. The UPS was keeping Mom's cpap running. I checked on her and she didn't know the power was out. My UPS kept running for a few hours but then lost battery before power came back on. Stagnant air didn't help my respiratory crud.

This morning I went out and Mom was already up so I got her something to eat and I had some tomato soup.

I need to take Spicoli's advice and get my face over a bowl of hot water to help with my sinuses and stuff. Been using cough drops like they are candy. It's cloudy and damp out right now but I need to go open up a bag of hay for the cows. I should go to the pharmacy to get my Metformin and I need to go to samsclub too, but I might do samsclub tomorrow and pick up meds on Monday. I think I'll go eat an orange- we got a bunch of them-- to have some fresh fruit.
Today I did a terrible job of hanging drywall in the kitchen, its been missing for almost a year. Since I had the mold remediation done.
Shan, I'm trying to figure out if this is an optical illusion or not? It appears that the bottom piece of sheetrock sticks out farther than the one above it. Or is there just a gap between the two pieces?

If one sticks out more than the other, it will be impossible to get the wall smooth with tape and joint compound, however, if it's just a gap, pre-fill it with joint compound. Let it dry and then tape it.

The plumbing is also a mystery to me. Why does it come so far out of the wall and then go up? Couldn't you route it inside the wall to the level you want and then pop out of the wall? I guess it really doesn't matter much since it will be under the kitchen cabinet.

Does the P trap need to be that far out?

Also, the P Trap is turned 90 degrees.


Be sure that fitting in the red circle goes horizontal when you reassemble everything because it is not allowable to have a rise or drop there. It seems like you could do away with that section in red and just have a straight tail pipe.

The trap has to see the vent.



Siphons suck the water out of your trap and leave your house unprotected from sewer gas.
There is a gap and some of the drywall does stick out a little further but not there, the top seam does.

I just have the plumbing turned sideways in order to pull the cabinet out without having to get on my hands and knees because of my back. Those pipes have been soaking for 2 days 😳 😆🤣.. so they were stubbed out that length previously in copper, the other faucet I had, had some weird water lines that weren't long enough, so when I had him change the copper to pex there we just left it that way so the faucet could reach the water line. That faucet went bad, I installed this one, and now all of that pex is ridiculously in the way. However, I am going to buy a smaller sink base cabinet and smaller sink with junk one drain hole, so I will redo all of that at that point. I was going to try to do that today, however...... it has taken me more than 4 hours to move and install my new washer and dryer, then when I was taking second load out, I found an ink pen (in my pocket from work). Then I had to go through what was in the washer and look for ink. Then I had to clean a few globs of ink out of the inside of my washer and the drum of the dryer.....
And of that weren't enough, it took me forever to find the bottle of rubbing alcohol and I was annoyed and ended up squeezing it too hard when I picked it up and got it in my eye....
I also got the plug wired for my dishwasher, although my GFCI that I had there previously wouldn't tighten day on the wires, so I had to use a regular plug for now.

Needless to say, I am worn out, I haven't eaten but 3 sour cream amd chives crackers today, the kitchen still isn't put back together, I strung water all over the floor moving the dishwasher, so..... I decided that I should probably sit for a bit before I get myself hurt or something. I've been at.it with minimal breaks since 9am this morning.

I put this cheap floor down in the laundry room, while I try to decide what I am going to do in their. The inlet drain box is rusted out and needs replaced and there's drywall missing from the electrician and me removing another spot. I did get a temporary access panel made for the whole in the drywall behind the bathtub in the laundry room. There's a lot of drywall that needs removed because it is yellowed from absorbing cat pee years ago, it's quite disgusting.... however I just don't have any energy left today to do that.

This is the access panel and the flooring is el-cheapo peel and stick. Ignore the paint..... that wall has been hiding behind bead board for 16 years lol
Shan, I'm trying to figure out if this is an optical illusion or not? It appears that the bottom piece of sheetrock sticks out farther than the one above it. Or is there just a gap between the two pieces?

View attachment 32232
If one sticks out more than the other, it will be impossible to get the wall smooth with tape and joint compound, however, if it's just a gap, pre-fill it with joint compound. Let it dry and then tape it.

The plumbing is also a mystery to me. Why does it come so far out of the wall and then go up? Couldn't you route it inside the wall to the level you want and then pop out of the wall? I guess it really doesn't matter much since it will be under the kitchen cabinet.

Does the P trap need to be that far out?

Also, the P Trap is turned 90 degrees.

View attachment 32234

Be sure that fitting in the red circle goes horizontal when you reassemble everything because it is not allowable to have a rise or drop there. It seems like you could do away with that section in red and just have a straight tail pipe.

The trap has to see the vent.

View attachment 32235

View attachment 32236

Siphons suck the water out of your trap and leave your house unprotected from sewer gas.
It's a common mistake. Folks don't realize that drywall is slightly narrower of the 8' edges, to facilitate a smooth taped joint. Also the screws should be no more than 6" apart.
Yes, I know I have to add more screws and I will once I have actually decided on cabinets and stuff, but it was super cold on that side of the house since there wasnt drywall up (the bottom 4 feet). I'm trying to decide if I want to have the soffets and a wall removed and it would be all redone (not by me). Everything is all hooked up and in working order again and I am exhausted.
Yes, I know I have to add more screws and I will once I have actually decided on cabinets and stuff, but it was super cold on that side of the house since there wasnt drywall up (the bottom 4 feet). I'm trying to decide if I want to have the soffets and a wall removed and it would be all redone (not by me). Everything is all hooked up and in working order again and I am exhausted.
My mistake, it's actually 8", and when speed hanging I've used them 1ea. top & bottom and 2, 2" apart at 12" and 36".
Shan, that sounds like a mess!
Yesterday or the day before I cleaned the hallway, took the trash out of the kitchen and bathrooms, swept up trash that had spilled out of kitchen trash when I was fighting to get the bag out and it got stuck and the whole can turned over. Today I did more cleaning in the kitchen. I found a round tub, cleaned it out, and used it to store stuff while I cleaned the sink. My brother had piled crap in there and there were spiders, strange bugs, etc. I had only been using one side of the sink because I couldn't keep up with his mess so I cleaned out the other side out. I don't know where to put a lot of the stuff and I need to clear the cabinets out. Cats got in there and knocked stuff out and made a mess.
Shan, that sounds like a mess!
Yesterday or the day before I cleaned the hallway, took the trash out of the kitchen and bathrooms, swept up trash that had spilled out of kitchen trash when I was fighting to get the bag out and it got stuck and the whole can turned over. Today I did more cleaning in the kitchen. I found a round tub, cleaned it out, and used it to store stuff while I cleaned the sink. My brother had piled crap in there and there were spiders, strange bugs, etc. I had only been using one side of the sink because I couldn't keep up with his mess so I cleaned out the other side out. I don't know where to put a lot of the stuff and I need to clear the cabinets out. Cats got in there and knocked stuff out and made a mess.
Just a curious question, re your mom.
When you record her blood sugar readings, the meter will indicate the amount with 3 or 4 letters. What those letters?
Hmm.. I've never seen letters. I always just look at the numbers. I'll have to look at it next time. Ok, I looked up the meter and the images show it saying mg/dL

Not sure what that is.

Cleaned up some more today and discovered my friend's fridge had come in at Lowes. Told him so I went and got my curbside order from Walmart (after unloading some stuff from the truck), went to his house and had his fiance show me her dress and tell me her ideas for embellishing it. I gave some suggestions. She was thinking of using hot glue to glue fake rose petals on and I suggested using gold thread and just attaching at one point. That way there would be a little sparkle and no messing with glue. Took awhile for them to bring the fridge out at Lowes. Their machine for moving stuff wasn't working. Finally got it in and went to pick up takeout from the Chinese place. Got back to friend's house and helped him unwrap it and he handed me stuff to set aside as he had to take the doors off to get it through is front door. Neighbor across the street came over to help and got it moved in. His job involves moving appliances all day so he's good at it. Handed my friend parts and tools so he could put it back together, helped remove the plastic on the inside, & took some trash out. Closed the back hatch of his car that he left open when he got a tool out.

Oh, I almost forgot that before we left I helped him fish the supply line through. His fish tape got stuck and I got down on the ground to look under and told him where it was sticking and found something he could grab it with. He had a pvc pipe. this thing had a sort of hook on it. But it was too short. So I said "tape them together" and he did and it worked. I held the light for him so he could see when he was pulling the line through. Before that I made sure it didn't snag on anything as it went under.

Cooked for Mom and am now exhausted.
Today I went to the post office, grabbed some stuff from Walmart, and dropped off a drill bit at my friend's house.

Last night Mewlatto somehow got himself stuck behind the couch. I thought it was a mouse at first and then felt the tugging and sound of claws. Then he started crying. I thought it was Itsy at first but saw she was in the kitchen. I saw him waving his paws out from behind the couch as he was freaking out. I pulled the back of the couch forward and called to him. He kept getting stuck in one spot and couldn't seem to pull himself up so I got him by the scruff of the neck and lifted him out. I thought he'd be mad but instead he started following me around and wanted me to hold him. He slept on me all night and kept trying to climb back on me when I had to get up this morning.
In the LA, CA basin when the desert heat over comes the foothills, it rolls into the basin, overwhelming the coastal ocean cooling, and those winds are called santa anas.

In ND, in the summer, we called them hot breezes, and in the winter, they were cold breezes.
Just thinking about how stupid I have been with money over the years... Getting in trouble, partying, spending it on nothing since I was a little kid... I never had money because I always spent it on nothing.

Flash forward to 2004 when I was in Iraq... I HAD money because I couldn't really spend it on anything since everything was free and I didn't have to keep the apartment back home or pay a car payment etc... I remember the ATM receipt at the Base PX saying over $15 Grand... Of course I ended up spending it on nothing.

So, yesterday I decided to figure out what I could have bought and what it would be worth... It was a good decision and a bad decision to start thinking this up...

I was thinking like a Cobra Mustang or something, but $15K wouldn't be enough in 2004... Can't buy a House, maybe a down payment but not really... Then I focused on the Stock market and figured it out...

If I spent that $15K on 15,000 shares of Apple when it was $1 at the end of 2004.... If I held it through 3 stock splits until today, that $15K would now be worth over $157 Million.

15,000 shares original
2 for 1 split = 30,000 shares
7 for 1 spilt = 210,000 shares
4 for 1 split = 840,000 shares

840,000 shares times today's stock price of $187.68

OR... Maybe I could have spent that $15 Large on a DeLorean so I could travel back in time!

Of course, me being me, I would have spent it like a madman when the value went up to $100,000... Maybe not, but the lack of discipline for finances tells me the answer.

So, from now on, I'm Mr. Frugal on everything... I'm down to eliminating some stuff I buy at the Dollar Store... It's all going in the stock market in various industries... I don't need $157 Million of course, most would go to worthy causes like Homeless Vets, but a nice nest egg in a up and coming industry might be lucrative.

I'm thinking Hydrogen might be the next big thing, just have a feeling since it aligns with the Green people that think carbon harms the air for some bizarre reason, and it also aligns with everybody else if they can figure out the affordability part.

Just thinking about how stupid I have been with money over the years... Getting in trouble, partying, spending it on nothing since I was a little kid... I never had money because I always spent it on nothing.

Flash forward to 2004 when I was in Iraq... I HAD money because I couldn't really spend it on anything since everything was free and I didn't have to keep the apartment back home or pay a car payment etc... I remember the ATM receipt at the Base PX saying over $15 Grand... Of course I ended up spending it on nothing.

So, yesterday I decided to figure out what I could have bought and what it would be worth... It was a good decision and a bad decision to start thinking this up...

I was thinking like a Cobra Mustang or something, but $15K wouldn't be enough in 2004... Can't buy a House, maybe a down payment but not really... Then I focused on the Stock market and figured it out...

If I spent that $15K on 15,000 shares of Apple when it was $1 at the end of 2004.... If I held it through 3 stock splits until today, that $15K would now be worth over $157 Million.

15,000 shares original
2 for 1 split = 30,000 shares
7 for 1 spilt = 210,000 shares
4 for 1 split = 840,000 shares

840,000 shares times today's stock price of $187.68

OR... Maybe I could have spent that $15 Large on a DeLorean so I could travel back in time!

Of course, me being me, I would have spent it like a madman when the value went up to $100,000... Maybe not, but the lack of discipline for finances tells me the answer.

So, from now on, I'm Mr. Frugal on everything... I'm down to eliminating some stuff I buy at the Dollar Store... It's all going in the stock market in various industries... I don't need $157 Million of course, most would go to worthy causes like Homeless Vets, but a nice nest egg in a up and coming industry might be lucrative.

I'm thinking Hydrogen might be the next big thing, just have a feeling since it aligns with the Green people that think carbon harms the air for some bizarre reason, and it also aligns with everybody else if they can figure out the affordability part.

Don't be too hard on yourself I'd guess most of us could tell a similar "what if" story. I know I could. I was blessed to land a job with a great company that did well and was smart, or lazy, enough to keep it 37 years. I have a great retirement because the original owners actually cared about their employees and shared the success we all worked hard for. Can you imagine?

It's really hard to catch lightning in a bottle on an investment like Apple but it does happen. I don't disagree with your thoughts on hydrogen and have said the same thing for a long time. It's still expensive to produce and there isn't any majic way to do it. The best bet on investing is to do it regularly and for the long term. For every Apple there are 100 $1.00 stocks that simply went away. I'd bet there are nearly zero investors that have held Apple since it was a dollar a share. I have a chunk of Apple that I have owned for quite a while at an average price of $35, so you don't have to take a massive risk to do well. Pays a decent dividend.