Az time goes by, and folks start self indulgent gardening, again.Well, that's where there's tons of variables. Before Monsanto was bought by Bayer, they would sue small Organic farmers if their GMO seeds found their way to the Organic farm next door. It was purely a Demonic move to shut down the Organic farm since the little farmer had no chance against a huge Corporation... That "Karma" caught up to Monsanto in the form of the Cancer lawsuits they had to pay Hundreds of Millions for. (And the Nazis of Bayer still bought the chemical corporation... Big shocker there)
That's the basic description, but the wind blows everywhere, so there is no such thing as 100% Organic that I have ever heard of, no massive Greenhouses that block all the incoming pesticides because it isn't practical. There of course could be many of those on small scales locally, but there's nothing like that here. They spray here constantly, so I can't eat anything local.
That furthers the argument though... Eating "100% Organic" according to the USDA Labels compared to doing what I just did is extreme proof that there's very little if any pesticides that end up on Organic foods... The Cornucopia Institute releases the "Dirty Dozen" and the "Clean Fifteen" every year telling how much pesticide is detected in their tests of Conventional produce... Some foods either don't absorb pesticides or they don't spray them...
That's just additional stuff to investigate though, but that has to do with people that think Organic costs a lot more, so they want to eat Conventional. Many cases exist where Organic is the same price or less though.
Back to your chocolate covered almonds, with legs that may interfere with swallowing.
Since those are reputed, as with some forms of mesquite, to exist, along with me, after the species annihilation, the return of this aperture would assisting seating;