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When a disposal was installed, 5 decades ago, it was accompanied with, "run the water 10sec. after shutting the appliance off", and while you didn't mention a disposal, and granted, that in the Montana hinterlands, that appliance, may well be a hand crank operated, still.......................
Well, apparently word hasn't gotten all the way over to Fargo yet, but smart man no use disposer with septic system.
And, speaking of pesticides... This is an example of what almost every packaged frankenfood product contains... NONE of the Big Ag manufacturers ever test or more importantly refuse bulk ingredients containing chemicals and heavy metals... AND, Big Ag owns almost all of the "Organic" brand names, so all the boxes of that stuff is undoubtedly the same...

And, speaking of pesticides... This is an example of what almost every packaged frankenfood product contains... NONE of the Big Ag manufacturers ever test or more importantly refuse bulk ingredients containing chemicals and heavy metals... AND, Big Ag owns almost all of the "Organic" brand names, so all the boxes of that stuff is undoubtedly the same...

But, no mention of gained mosquito resistance, HMMMMM.
So.... I texted the electrician again a little bit ago. I used my receptacle tester on every new outlet and the outside one is the only one that doesn't work.
The test button doesn't do anything, neither does the reset. In fairness to the socket nothing works (with this outlet) when something is plugged in. The little light at the bottom is red, I'm sure it should be green. The washer outlet is gfci and it's light is green as well as the test amd reset buttons work and make a clicking sound. The outside doesn't.

I'm gonna say that's a faulty outlet. But I'm not an electrician or anywhere near one so IDK.

Can we take a moment to discuss this outlet box though? Like I didn't really pay a lot of attention to it before because I was more concerned with the electricity situation.....
I just don't think that this is how this is supposed to be installed.... is it? Also.... overlook my weird hillbilly voice 🤣🤣
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@zannej I have not seen very many type 2 diabetics with insulin pumps. Like maybe 2 or 3 in 18 years. Why does she need the pump versus just giving injections? Especially if she is only using long acting insulin? Is it a vision problem? If so, can they not just get authorization to use the dial up pens?
I've talked to a few type 2 diabetics online who use insulin pumps. I know that her pancreas barely creates any insulin, but the main problem is that her current insulin only has a very small amount of the rapid release so it means she has to take more to get it down faster but then it continues to go down too much. The specialist felt that it would be better for her to have a continuous small dose of insulin but that the Dexcom will tell it not to dose if her sugar is already low. I don't know much about how it works. The dial-up pens might be ok, but she had insisted on sticking with the type of insulin she's using. We will discuss the options though. She has been taking the novelin 70/30 three or four times per day instead of only twice per day and her sugar is checked constantly. They sent me a long text message saying they wanted ALL of the test results again as well as other info that they never asked for before. I handed my phone with the text message up to take to the doctor to see what they wanted. She ordered new tests to be done and made note of how many times she needs to say she's testing and how many times she needs to be taking the insulin. I think due to her age, they want to put less of the burden on her for deciding when to take insulin. I have told her that I've been told the insulin she takes is not the best kind and it may be time to change.

My brother uses the pen insulin.

Shan, I have no idea what the outside box thing should look like. I don't think your voice is weird.

Snoonyb, now I want dark chocolate. LOL.

Went to pick up my naprosyn RX today and was told it would be over $200. They said the Singlecare took about $100 off. I said "Nevermind" and left without getting it. I can get some over the counter generic Aleve instead. I looked it up on the Singlecare site and if I got the 550mg tablets instead of the 500mg tablets, its cheaper. So, I may go that route. But its not like I'm desperately in need of it.

Now I need to find a good printer to get to print the taxes. I think I want to get a laser printer but I want one that can print on card stock. Color laser printers might be too expensive though. I want to be able to print sewing patterns.
Without the chocolate, the wings tend to elicit a cough reaction.

As part of my transition to my present regiment, I was on 70/30, but because of my activity level I was experiencing to frequent extremes, which resulted in my present regiment, which affords me the ability to adjust for my activity level.

It's a balancing act.
We had the total eclipse about 30 minutes south of Buffalo Ny at about 3:18 EST , got so dark that street lights came on there was no traffic on the often busy road in front of my daughters house. After the dark minute, the horizon started to get bright fast , then in 5 minutes we were back to normal brightness. Heavily overcast all day but we did get glimpses over the total time, nice thing is you didn’t need any special glasses, the clouds filtered quite a bit , we were lucky, friends not 10 miles away saw nothing.


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Cool, Ron... Sorry though, it isn't the Moon that blocks the Sun, it's the Alien Mothership... People that look at it are registered now.

I don't think it appeared here, I didn't notice any darkness while driving.
But, for those viewing, and appreciating RON'S ingenuity, would we be considered 2nd hand roses, in the registration process?

It only appeared here as a darkening of the skies, similar to an in crease in cloud cover, as in impending rain.
It only appeared here as a darkening of the skies, similar to an in crease in cloud cover, as in impending rarain.
I was mowing during the eclipse and I felt like the sky was a weird yellowish color almost. I was thinking to myself about how the color remind me about how they always said the sky would look yellow before/during a tornado 🌪. Especially in light of the 8ish we had touch done within a couple of hours area last week.
I was mowing during the eclipse and I felt like the sky was a weird yellowish color almost. I was thinking to myself about how the color remind me about how they always said the sky would look yellow before/during a tornado 🌪. Especially in light of the 8ish we had touch done within a couple of hours area last week.
Well, in deference to, Spicoli43, and the exodus revisited, are these events harbingers of a societal disfunction, similar to the plagues a-ffecting?
So.... I texted the electrician again a little bit ago. I used my receptacle tester on every new outlet and the outside one is the only one that doesn't work.
The test button doesn't do anything, neither does the reset. In fairness to the socket nothing works (with this outlet) when something is plugged in. The little light at the bottom is red, I'm sure it should be green. The washer outlet is gfci and it's light is green as well as the test amd reset buttons work and make a clicking sound. The outside doesn't.

I'm gonna say that's a faulty outlet. But I'm not an electrician or anywhere near one so IDK.

Can we take a moment to discuss this outlet box though? Like I didn't really pay a lot of attention to it before because I was more concerned with the electricity situation.....
I just don't think that this is how this is supposed to be installed.... is it? Also.... overlook my weird hillbilly voice 🤣🤣
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Shan, I’m not sure what you’re seeing that you don’t like about the outlet. I don’t see anything alarming about the installation. That’s actually a cool watertight cover that allows for expanding and accepting a larger plug.

I really don’t understand the watertight covers anyway. They usually aren’t very watertight. I have an outlet out by our pool that hasn’t had any cover over it for over 4 years and it works and hasn’t tripped the GFCI.
@Ron Van to me it just looks junky/bulky. Nothing alarming, just why in the world does it jut out so far from the siding thingamadoodle. I would think it would be more waterproof if it were flush. As is the outlet itself is basically outside of the siding. It is enclosed and does have a grey piece of foam that I can see for water shield. I just feel like the back of the grey part should be flush with the siding box instead of sitting on top of it.
As long as it's absolutely water tight, I guess it really doesn't matter.