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I don't understand why some commercials still exist like Laundry detergent, dish soap and cleaner spray... It's all garbage and people know that by the time they graduate Junior High. My Maytag dishwasher won't peel Peanut Butter off a spoon whether I use detergent or not, and it's impossible to get results like the commercials show. Soaking any dish in water overnight takes care of anything.

Now I have seen a "Dawn" spray that cleans counters... They put a Tbsp. of BBQ sauce on a range and then spray it and wipe it away instantly... The sauce has been there for 14 seconds. It's complete rubbish, and as long as I'm talking like a Limey, at least they could get a Bloke to do the commercial to make it entertaining...

"Have you heard of the new Dawn MAGIC SPRAY? You haven't? Well, you're in for a treat! Watch as the magic spray totally neutralizes the stain in seconds, even though it's been there for days!

What would you expect to pay?

Wait! Don't answer!

Did you see how that cloth cleaned it so effortlessly? It's MAGIC also!

Now how much would you expect to pay?

If you call in the next 9 seconds, you will get 10 FREE MAGIC cloths along with your MAGIC spray order!

Brought to you by Dawn, we have been irritating your eyes and ear hairs since before you were born!

Call Now! Operators standing by!"
You can add fabric softener sheets to the "Suckers Will Buy It" list. The sheets work by imparting tiny, synthetic, chemical laden fibers on the clothes. Do we really want to inhale fibers all day? Not me! (A chemist for one of the sheet makers taught me that one.)
Salt water pools have almost no salt. Less than tears, it doesn't or shouldn't taste salty. The small amounts of salt are to allow a chlorine generator to make chlorine in the pool rather than adding it directly. It would take a lot of salt to prevent freezing.
Well, sp43 is, a couple of feet above sea level.
You can add fabric softener sheets to the "Suckers Will Buy It" list. The sheets work by imparting tiny, synthetic, chemical laden fibers on the clothes. Do we really want to inhale fibers all day? Not me! (A chemist for one of the sheet makers taught me that one.)
My DIL use to use fabric softener sheets on towels, and wondered why it took several towels to dry after bathing, until I pointed out that they make the Items water resistant.
Because it rained almost all day yesterday, some cities did theirs on the 3rd, others on the 4th and a few will have events today.
Actually, a saltwater pool wouldn't need to be drained and adjusting the salinity can preclude freezing.

For the cabana, as an open roof only & they can be made to adjust the height from just at the pool rim to several feet above.

An entrepreneur, will find a solution.
Saltwater has a lower freezing point than Freshwater. The more salt you put in, the faster it freezes.
Me and my 2 dogs go thru a jar of skippys in a little more than a week, no utensils, just my finger.

There may be an elevation issue with your dishwashing, after all, you are a couple of feet above sea level.
You scoop out some PB and give it to your dogs mouths, then scoop out some more and eat it yourself?

Never heard of elevation for dishwashing, just cooking... I'm 100% sure it's just a Whirlpool manufactured Maytag piece of radio edit.
You can add fabric softener sheets to the "Suckers Will Buy It" list. The sheets work by imparting tiny, synthetic, chemical laden fibers on the clothes. Do we really want to inhale fibers all day? Not me! (A chemist for one of the sheet makers taught me that one.)
Yeah, everything in the bathroom and laundry room is made of dangerous chemicals. You can extend that to the Air Fresheners and even the ones hanging from rear view mirrors. People are slowly killing themselves in a painful way due to all the drugs that Dr. Whitecoat gives them for their maladies when they could probably avoid all disease by refusing to be around said chemicals and chemicals in Fast food / Grocery store food and detoxing their bodies routinely...

Then there is the lawn chemicals, literally made by the OG Nazis at Bayer and BASF.

People not only ignore the hazards, they PAY for the privilege of poisoning themselves! It astounds me.
Saltwater has a lower freezing point than Freshwater. The more salt you put in, the faster it freezes.
Only in the polar regions, although there is evidence that the ice fields are from the freezing of spray, not oceans.
You scoop out some PB and give it to your dogs mouths, then scoop out some more and eat it yourself?

Never heard of elevation for dishwashing, just cooking... I'm 100% sure it's just a Whirlpool manufactured Maytag piece of radio edit.
No unnecessary utensil.

I was concerned, you being upslope, and all.

While your appliance was installed plumb and leveled, that the "smart" appliance may have perceived the upslope, and with you having loaded the "nut-butter-p" utensils in the back, determined that the effort to push the water, to the upslope, was beyond it capability.

Licking fingers, as we speak.
Everybody here knows how much I preach against Dr. Whitecoat. I have been talking for close to 2 decades about reports of the reversal of ADD / ADHD in kids that switched to an Organic diet and eliminated toxins etc.

Here's a report on Autism... Some people might be stunned, but it's not stunning to me at all. Literally every disease can be cured if one gets away from Dr. Whitecoat and his or her poison pills. It doesn't matter what disease or affliction it is.

Dr. Whitecoat in the function as a Surgeon is great for trauma and broken bones, but in the function as a routine sick care provider, they are limited to their education, which consists of Anatomy and Physiology for the first 2 years and Pharma for the second 2 years. That's all they learn in that 2 years is Pharma, taught by Pharma reps. (More Doctors have said that on conferences I watch than I can count). Unless they look behind the curtain and start exploring other modalities, they are literally clueless.

One drug = symptoms that require Two drugs = symptoms that require Three drugs = Symptoms that require Four drugs = an intellectual Zombie, and a physical Zombie if they are of an advanced age. None of that is Rocket Science, it's obvious as night and day, but people believe Dr. Whitecoat because they have no idea his or her only training is from the multinational corporations that make the drugs, which is the literal definition of a conflict of interest.


A trick to keep cats off of things like stoves is to put one, small drop of eucalyptus oil on the item. They hate the smell. We won't smell the one or two drops after a few minutes, but the cat will smell it for a long, long time.

Just to be safe (in case your cat thinks it's a koala bear) is to put the drop where they can't lick it. As far as I know, both are harmful to cats if swallowed.

Tea Tree Oil is also said to repel cats. (Also potentially harmful if ingested, so use with caution.)

I put one, small drop of tea tree or eucalyptus in the trash can to keep flies out and to repel pesky raccoons. I put either on cloth flags around tomato plants to stop the squirrels.

PS: Bonus- A drop of eucalyptus under our (not the cat's) nostrils and on the temples will empty sinuses very quickly.

Tea Tree oil is good for a whole host of uses. I use it on cuts.
Thanks, I'm going to try the Eucalyptus. I'll put it on a counter that they have already destroyed and see if they refuse to go there. Vinegar will eliminate the urine smell, but doesn't keep them away.
It originally was just one wall but our initial plan was for a L shape but the latest plan (plan C) is a flattened U shape like this.

View attachment 32967
Plan C calls for the stove moved to a different wall and counter top on both sides of the stove. I drew the counter in on the left of the stove because it wasn’t included in plan “B”

I was able to hang the right side upper cabinets and built the corner base cabinet.

View attachment 32968

There will be a narrow cabinet to the right of the corner base cabinet to make it even with the uppers.

I had to reposition the uppers 5/8” higher than I originally had hung them due to my OCD. There will be crown molding across the top of the uppers.

To get the crown to work out, I had to install a trim piece to get the crown out even with the door faces.

View attachment 32969
Then there is a crown backer on top of that.
Ooh! Plan C looks great! I bet it would look cool in Sketchup too. Those are nice cabinets. I have a U-shaped kitchen plus some extra cabinets in other places near the pantry and dining room table. One of these days I'll do a Sketchup of it.
When you're done you can post pics in the Post Your Kitchen thread!
I don't understand why some commercials still exist like Laundry detergent, dish soap and cleaner spray... It's all garbage and people know that by the time they graduate Junior High. My Maytag dishwasher won't peel Peanut Butter off a spoon whether I use detergent or not, and it's impossible to get results like the commercials show. Soaking any dish in water overnight takes care of anything.

Now I have seen a "Dawn" spray that cleans counters... They put a Tbsp. of BBQ sauce on a range and then spray it and wipe it away instantly... The sauce has been there for 14 seconds. It's complete rubbish, and as long as I'm talking like a Limey, at least they could get a Bloke to do the commercial to make it entertaining...

"Have you heard of the new Dawn MAGIC SPRAY? You haven't? Well, you're in for a treat! Watch as the magic spray totally neutralizes the stain in seconds, even though it's been there for days!

What would you expect to pay?

Wait! Don't answer!

Did you see how that cloth cleaned it so effortlessly? It's MAGIC also!

Now how much would you expect to pay?

If you call in the next 9 seconds, you will get 10 FREE MAGIC cloths along with your MAGIC spray order!

Brought to you by Dawn, we have been irritating your eyes and ear hairs since before you were born!

Call Now! Operators standing by!"
My brother manages to get stuff burnt into pans and into plates and bowls so deep that soaking overnight doesn't even get it out. I have to use all sorts of scrubbers and scrapers. I vaguely remember back in the 90s when Mom left the dishes sit so long they got moldy & my dad offered my sister and I some $ to take all the dishes outside and spray them with hoses to get them clean. He worked 60hrs a week and didn't want to mess with dishes-- plus he never rinsed the soap all the way off. I've always hated dishwashers bc they never worked. Always had to wash stuff before putting it in and wash stuff afterward to rinse the white stuff off.
Yall I have had an exhausting day already.
Didn't fall asleep until 3 a.m. got up at 815 so I could help my son with his car. Figured out we couldn't fix it, took it to the garage and dropped it off. Then he was complaining that my daughters car was too hot (ac isn't working) so he fiddled with that, added freon, and coolant and removed the cabin filter. Still no air. I came home for the second time and got cooled off. Now I am waiting for the kids to come over and set the pool up now that they got the sand back there and leveled.
Turns out I don't have to work tomorrow since it is a holiday. So I will have been off for 9 days and then work 2 and then off for 11. I am excited.

Disgusting cabin filter
View attachment 32970
That looks about like my cabin air filter. You should have seen my engine air filter. My friend said he'd never seen one so bad-- looked a lot like that air filter. Glad you got that changed. I love your new pool! I want one but I know it would be a total pain. It rarely ever freezes here though. I'd want one that was sort of indoors though-- with some protection to keep sun off of me while swimming.

Didn't Noxema have eucalyptus?

I slept in on July 4 and didn't go anywhere, but I found out that the guys who fixed the pump didn't secure the pipes properly. First off, they attempted to solvent weld a compression fitting and only used the blue medium strength pvc cement (without primer) on one part but not both parts that fit together so it didn't take. It wasn't meant to be used on wet pipes so that was another reason it didn't take. There was no pvc cement on the pipes- it was only on the fitting when it popped off. So, we currently don't have water.

I replaced the canula/infusion set for Mom last night but the canula bent and the insulin wasn't going in. Her sugar was 400+ so I went and changed it out again this morning. She woke me up a little before 4am screaming at me about her blood sugar and how she hates the pump. She felt the insulin go in through the canula this time and it seemed to be working, but her sugar is still high so I don't know what the problem is now. I hope the canula didn't bend again or come loose when I was removing the clip for the tube (you have to remove the tube from the canula to fill the tubing). If it doesn't start working I'll have to call tech support for the pump.

Anyway, I went to HD and Samsclub today and picked some stuff up. Grabbed takeout from the Chinese place. I'm waiting for it to cool down before I go out to mess with the pipes. It was 106°F outside.
Only in the polar regions, although there is evidence that the ice fields are from the freezing of spray, not oceans.
As salinity incresaes freezing point decreases to a point then the freeze point increases. It probably is more like a crystallization than freezing in the standard sense. A quick check says 23.3% brine freeze at about - 6F. A salt water pool is about 3000ppm or about 0.3%.
I always thought that the saltwater pools had a lot of salt in them, like the ocean.

Now I'm thinking of how salinity sounds similar to serenity and thought about the Firefly theme song.

Mom's blood sugar is remaining high despite my having changed canula, tubing, and cartridge. Not sure if its not enough insulin or if the canula bent or dislodged when I was unclipping the tubing to fill it. I've asked the diabetes supply place to send autosoft XC next time because its' supposed to be easier to remove the tubing for the tube fill cycle. Mom may have to take the longterm insulin she has leftover or dose herself with the stuff that goes in the pump if her sugar doesn't come down. It's been reading as "High" and the finger stick one says "High" as well. She seems to be feeling OK though.

Had to go to HD to swap out a fitting they got wrong from curbside. Someone must have put the wrong fittings in the bin they pulled from. I needed SLIP and they gave me one FIP. Easy mistake to make. I didn't realize until I got home, but one of the tees I got had threads in one of the ports. Again, easy mistake to make when pulling things quickly. Not worth the gas to go back up there to swap it though. The one I swapped was not available locally but the tees are easy to find. I'm going to use them to make a bag holder for 55 gallon trash bags.

Went to TSC to get some feed for the cows. They've been hollering at me wanting some. Got a cute little plastic frog figurine (I think its supposed to be a poison dart frog) on clearance. Got home and fed the cows-- they were ecstatic.

When I went to put the fittings on in the pumphouse and discovered that the pvc cement was dried up. Ugh. Had to go back to TSC (local hardware store had closed) and grabbed some PVC cement. Got back home and put the union on-- thought I could fit 2 on either end but didn't have enough wiggle room so just used the one. Will save the other for the future. Got a little less than 30min on curing time. As an aside, the well service guys didn't even wait 5min after solvent welding to turn water back on. I want to make sure this holds. Trying to be patient because I want to flush toilets, give Fippy a bath, and take a shower.
@zannej I hope you get your water problem sorted soon. It's way too hot to have to struggle with that.

I spent a glorious hour floating around in my pool this morning. It was soo relaxing. Then I took a nap this afternoon because the sun wore me out. Now I am struggling to be awake. My skin wasn't even pink at 1230 when I came inside, but I do have a sunburn, lol. I meant to add sunscreen to my grocery order, but forgot.
I consider day 1 of vacation week a success.

I'm currently cooking dinner small shrimp, baked potato and maybe some green beans.
Thanks, I'm going to try the Eucalyptus. I'll put it on a counter that they have already destroyed and see if they refuse to go there. Vinegar will eliminate the urine smell, but doesn't keep them away.
Just be sure to keep it where they can't get to it, as I mentioned. This is critical for their safety.