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Yeah, everything in the bathroom and laundry room is made of dangerous chemicals. You can extend that to the Air Fresheners and even the ones hanging from rear view mirrors. People are slowly killing themselves in a painful way due to all the drugs that Dr. Whitecoat gives them for their maladies when they could probably avoid all disease by refusing to be around said chemicals and chemicals in Fast food / Grocery store food and detoxing their bodies routinely...

Then there is the lawn chemicals, literally made by the OG Nazis at Bayer and BASF.

People not only ignore the hazards, they PAY for the privilege of poisoning themselves! It astounds me.
And we add to the problems caused by pharmaceuticals by eating lots of white flour and other highly processed foods. We beat our bodies up by eating high fructose corn syrup and sodium laden foods. (Check a can of soup. Yikes!) We treat meat as the main course, not a small side dish.

Next, we consume vegetable oils with unknown contents- including soy. (Monsanto owns most of the soy farms in the U.S. Guess whose evil chemicals they use as pesticides?)

And, we're happy to eat meat that was not cleanly raised & fed. We even cook in aluminum or PTFE coated pans.

Vegetables & fruit healthy? Wonder what was sprayed on them? Wonder if washing got it all off?

A fun experiment:
If you have Kroger grocery near you, buy a head of iceberg lettuce. Now buy a certified organic one at Aldi (or anywhere). Open them at the same time and take a sniff. Even the rabbits won't eat the washed Kroger lettuce off of the compost pile, but they fight over the organic scraps.

And, we lay around all day. Among benefits of exercise is to help organ function to facilitate removal of toxins from our bodies.

It sure is a challenge to live and eat in a healthy manner.
Might as well get it over with and step in front of a bus.

PS: My sister is a senior scientist for a giant pharmaceutical company. She has periodically told me of medications not to use. Ever. Scary, isn't it?
He could use the rice & lintels, he touts as a cleanser.
If you're referring to me for the rice & lintels for a cleanser, it wasn't me. Not sure what one could clean with those & would like to learn.

I'd be too busy eating the lintels to clean anything with them, anyway.
I spent a glorious hour floating around in my pool this morning. It was soo relaxing. Then I took a nap this afternoon because the sun wore me out. Now I am struggling to be awake. My skin wasn't even pink at 1230 when I came inside, but I do have a sunburn, lol. I meant to add sunscreen to my grocery order, but forgot.
I consider day 1 of vacation week a success.
sounds wonderful!
@zannej I hope you get your water problem sorted soon. It's way too hot to have to struggle with that.

I spent a glorious hour floating around in my pool this morning. It was soo relaxing. Then I took a nap this afternoon because the sun wore me out. Now I am struggling to be awake. My skin wasn't even pink at 1230 when I came inside, but I do have a sunburn, lol. I meant to add sunscreen to my grocery order, but forgot.
I consider day 1 of vacation week a success.

I'm currently cooking dinner small shrimp, baked potato and maybe some green beans.
I would get Badger sunscreen with Zinc Oxide... Coppertone and most of the others have chemicals that actually cause Skin Cancer. Those companies have recently bought the mainstream media to say they don't cause Cancer, but it's all lies.

And we add to the problems caused by pharmaceuticals by eating lots of white flour and other highly processed foods. We beat our bodies up by eating high fructose corn syrup and sodium laden foods. (Check a can of soup. Yikes!) We treat meat as the main course, not a small side dish.

Next, we consume vegetable oils with unknown contents- including soy. (Monsanto owns most of the soy farms in the U.S. Guess whose evil chemicals they use as pesticides?)

And, we're happy to eat meat that was not cleanly raised & fed. We even cook in aluminum or PTFE coated pans.

Vegetables & fruit healthy? Wonder what was sprayed on them? Wonder if washing got it all off?

A fun experiment:
If you have Kroger grocery near you, buy a head of iceberg lettuce. Now buy a certified organic one at Aldi (or anywhere). Open them at the same time and take a sniff. Even the rabbits won't eat the washed Kroger lettuce off of the compost pile, but they fight over the organic scraps.

And, we lay around all day. Among benefits of exercise is to help organ function to facilitate removal of toxins from our bodies.

It sure is a challenge to live and eat in a healthy manner.
Might as well get it over with and step in front of a bus.

PS: My sister is a senior scientist for a giant pharmaceutical company. She has periodically told me of medications not to use. Ever. Scary, isn't it?
Yeah, you know probably everything I do... It just stuns me that people don't look stuff up... There's ZERO curiosity in WHY the eggs don't stick to the pan... Do they think it's magic???

All the oils besides Coconut and Olive are bad, but you have to find authentic Olive Oil since most is fake... I can do the Lettuce test at Albertsons, but I know what the result will be.

I tell people to do a test with their Costco Coconut Oil that's in Plastic... Buy a glass jar of it somewhere else and taste the difference.

I detox with Chlorella / Spirulina / Activated Charcoal and incorporate herbs like Ginger to detox the Gut and Dandelion Root for the Liver and Dandelion Leaf for the Kidneys. If the guts are blocked off and they ain't poopin, nothing else is working either. If the Liver is blocked up, that person has a disease, guaranteed.

I have heard of Functional Medicine Doctors reporting patients went from Stage 4 Cancer to no evidence of having Cancer just by unblocking the guts and then doing repeated Liver cleanses. It's amazing how toxic the Air / Food and Water is in this Country, and the Gubment doesn't do a thing about it...

The same chemicals manufactured by the OG Nazis of Bayer and BASF that are sprayed on people's lawns are undoubtedly dropped in the chemtrails as well. Crickets from the Gubment... But, they are the same people that let a Chinese Spy Balloon fly all the way across the Country, so.....

Your Sister probably knows that even Tums can be deadly.
If you're referring to me for the rice & lintels for a cleanser, it wasn't me. Not sure what one could clean with those & would like to learn.

I'd be too busy eating the lintels to clean anything with them, anyway.

I'll post a 7 week Cleanse using Lentils and Basmati Rice if you want. You have to cut out pretty much everything else... Or, you can just do the Gut cleanse for Week 1 and then do Liver Week 2 whenever, assuming you haven't wrecked your guts again in the off time.

7 Weeks straight is the preferred method of course.
Just today...

"Hamas now appears potentially willing to accept a more gradual approach to its core demands, including a permanent end to the fighting and a full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza, according to multiple officials close to the talks who requested anonymity."

As a Hurricane is about to hit Texas... Granted, it's only 45 MPH, but it can still mess things up and spawn Tornadoes...


Going back to that article about Natural disasters happening to the USA when we mess with the Biblical writings about Israel...
If you're referring to me for the rice & lintels for a cleanser, it wasn't me. Not sure what one could clean with those & would like to learn.

I'd be too busy eating the lintels to clean anything with them, anyway.
Follow the three, it was Spicoli43 who touted rice & lentils.
My vacation read
View attachment 32978

Of note, a friend of mine wrote a memoir, it was really good. I was present for a lot of it, it's a wonderful story.

My vacation read
View attachment 32978

Of note, a friend of mine wrote a memoir, it was really good. I was present for a lot of it, it's a wonderful story.

There in lies the choice, delve into and perpetuate, beyond you, or reasonable assessment of the value that brings to you, as an individual, and rise above.
Well...I haven't got much done recently on the kitchen project. I'll blame it on the holiday and the heat. It's been really hot, although, I'm glad we're not in California because Sac has been in triple digits for a week and forecast to be in triple digits for another week ahead.

Anyway, I did get the right corner base cabinets leveled and set.


I've been getting a lot of ads for the EZ-Level cabinet leveler system. Does anyone have experience with those?

Harriette had to work around my careless tool placement.


Today I plan on moving the old stove hood duct. Then patch the hole and start hanging the left side upper cabinets.


The guy that bought our old ski boat (a month ago) posted this picture. I have serious sellers remorse.


At least this didn't happen... Somehow, this person (unknown to me) managed to get their pontoon stuck just below a small submerged dam. It's being held there by a rope and a cable.

In the decades I've installed cabinets for several custom shops, in the LA basin, I leveled the floor, selected a high point, marked the wall at 54" above, used a level line, snapped a chalk line, hung a cleat, which acted as a 2nd, attached the cabinet, shimmed for plumb , and secured.

If your appliance is elec. do you really need a vent, unless of course, there is some obnoxious prep being composed.

I like fish, so when I prepare, my DIL, who's from MINN., the land of 10K lakes, leaves, and upon her return, opens all doors and windows and turns on every fan.
Shan, Thanks! I'm glad you got some time to relax in your new pool. I wonder if you can set up some sort of umbrella or shade for when you want to float without being in direct sunlight.

Ron, those cabinets are looking good! We have the crepe myrtles in our yard as well. I still need to cut up and remove the one that had stuff break off. I also need to trim the branches on the ones touching Mom's window. The cardinals used to sit on them and throw themselves at her window, but they stopped after my friend put her new curtains up.

So, the solvent weld held but the union wasn't tight enough to compress the o-ring so it was spraying water everywhere. I threw in the towel and called my friend. He drove out and tightened the begeesus out of it. He said that the threaded fitting it was adhered to was turning deeper into the metal elbow and I told him that's what it did when I tried to tighten it but then my wrench kept slipping. I had one of those strap thingies for turning pipes but it broke. Friend got it fixed and we made sure it worked. I then tried to show him how the sliding door was jamming but it moved perfectly when he was watching. I swore at it. He laughed and said it's just like my truck not making noises when he's around it. It won't do it in front of him.

Sunday was a completely lost day for me and Mom. She didn't get out of bed. I barely got out of bed. Felt like I could barely breathe-- like I couldn't get enough oxygen. I was totally exhausted and had terrible sinus pressure. Thunderstorms raged all day and I was out. I managed to bring Mom some food in bed, refill water, feed kitties and doggies, etc, but I got nothing done and didn't start to feel better until 3am Monday.

Mom's blood sugar went too low and her dexcom sensor straight up died without any warning. Still had a few days left on it, but it just gave up. Her pump then kept wanting to give her insulin when her bg was low and kept arguing with me when I kept telling it "no". Half of the menu options disappeared and it only wanted to resume insulin or keep pausing but it kept saying it didn't want to keep pausing and said it was going to resume and I had to tell it several times not to resume. Once the new sensor synced up it finally worked Ok again, but her bg got down to 60 this afternoon (it was something like 52 when the sensor was failed the night before). I had to do several fingersticks over a few hours.

Monday afternoon I took a brief shower. I'd been sweating all damn night and morning. Mom apparently tried paging me while I was in the shower and got mad that I didn't hear her so she stuffed her face with candy and her bg went to 300 by the time we left the doctor's office. NP checked out her bg readings on both the pump and the fingerstick thing. I explained about the problems with the canula and she said she'd order the kind that are easier to unclip (to remove the tubing to fill the tubing since it can't be connected to the canula/patient when filling).

Went to the Mexican restaurant after the appointment. Burrito grande is awesome. Waitress got Mom's order wrong though. She doesn't understand English well (which is why I pointed to the thing on the menu that I wanted but Mom didn't). Mom still enjoyed what she got and took some home. Mom took Spanish in high school but it's the textbook kind and not real spoken Spanish. I didn't take a language in high school since I had to move overseas. I took Japanese in college. What little Spanish I do know is NSFW or not polite. Asking for someone's papers, some insults, etc. I do know a few words like adios, gracias, de nada, hola, agua, and queso. There are a few other random words as well. I can never remember them when I'm around people who speak Spanish though.

Anyway, I had a nice nap and will have to clean litterboxes and give Fippy a bath tomorrow.
I got another corner base cabinet in today.


This shot is really distorted. The uppers look huge.
I was trying to figure out what it means when they say the base cabinets have to be level. How level? I put a level on our kitchen counter that was installed by a pro and the bubble was right up against the line. I put my 8’ level across mine and it looks like this. Level is blue.


Lookin at the forecast for all the MAJOR cities here, it looks like they will all be around 97-100 through Sunday. Well, I'm going on strike! I'm not supporting this Global Warming! They can change the name to Climate Change for all I care!

I'm also not using AC.... If I can make it through this week with no AC use, I can make it through August until it cools again in Sept.

Great way to repel people from the House also! "You can come in, pull up a fan since there's no AC"!!!

I'm not Anti-Social, but I'm also not paying the Power company $$$$$$ this year... I tested the AC to make sure it worked, and that's the only time I used it this year.