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Hi Cindi.
Sounds like you've been busy. I'm sorry to hear you are in pain. I have the grabber arm thingies for picking stuff up too, but I can't always remember where I put them.
Are you on any medicine for the hypothyroid? Everyone in my household has it so we are all taking Levithyroxin. I was still feeling very worn down so my doctor had to up my dosage.
I haven't had pizza in awhile, but I have a Chinese place I like to go to where the staff are always friendly because I know how to say "Thank you" and "How are you" in Mandarin. I hope the lady from the restaurant is feeling better.
I made another attempt to fix my hot water in my shower but it didn't work. Was going to call my friend over but he had to go to the hospital bc he's peeing blood. He needs to lay off the sodas and drink more water. I think I will make another attempt later on though.
Sorry about your friend. Thanks for response. First time I've been to that Chinese restaurant, now that you mention it, maybe I'll try again and see how she is. I, too, can say thank you in Mandarin and hello in Cantonese and Mandarin, but did not say anything then. Today--what did I do? OK, I went out to P.O. to mail the dvd's I sold on eBay -- I went to supermarket to pick up a few things, dropped into the Salvation Army and bought a book about healthy eating (that before I ate a zillion Reese's peanut butter cups tonight), and now I'm reading your post. I gathered the garbage together because tomorrow is collection day. I heated up some chicken & corn for my husband. I put my guitar in a case that is broken, I am sorry to say, I'll have to put safety pins to keep it closed, it's a fabric case.
We have two guys here in the trailer park that help fix things, they've been promising to do the roof for about four years now. I had an estimate, and it was like about $5,000. I'll just take the leaks, so far we haven't really had any but the roof is tar. I hope you get your water fixed soon at a reasonable price. One man came over a few years ago for the heater (gas) since I couldn't turn it on. For nothing he charged $100.
I have grabber things in almost every room. And I'm working on getting rid of things, painful as it is for me to get rid of stuff.
Nice hearing from you.
Got the inside done this morning. Got the switch wired to the window shelf outlet, so it's ready to light up after Thanksgiving. Digital print on the back covers up the frame and wiring on the foyer side. This project has been on the back burner since we built the house a little over 20 years ago. No need to rush into deals like this. View attachment 21288

Today is post op day 1. Rotator cuff repair surgery yesterday. Nerve block took well with this one. My mom never made a path for me to be able to take the dogs out that way. My son is laid off currently so he can take them out thankfully.
My mom told me today that I only think of myself because I have not said wether or not I was cooking Thanksgiving dinner (I have one usable arm currently) or asked her to do it.....I just don't understand her at times. Recovery so far is good. Hopefully it will continue to progress this way. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. I might get some Chinese this year. No must, no fuss
Cindi, if you are worried there might be leaks, there is some kind of sealant that can be mopped on. Trying to remember the name of it, but we used it on a metal roof years ago.
I'm still hoping to get the hot water thing resolved myself bc getting the plumber to come out is not easy and the only one who will come out is not very competent. A late friend of mine hired him to fix a shower handle in his bathroom and it never was fixed properly. Had him over multiple times too.

Shan, I hope your recovery goes smoothly. My uncle had rotator cuff surgery not too long ago and is in recovery. I'm glad that your son can walk the dogs but sorry to hear that your mother is being inconsiderate. I know how that goes.

I talked to the insurance company and the auto repair place today. Turns out a strut got bent in the accident and they discovered it after they pulled things apart so they need to order it. Insurance said they noted there might be more damage than estimated so they are prepared to pay him whatever it costs over that amount. Hopefully it won't take too long, but I suspect the holidays will slow things down.

I made potato soup for dinner and my mother was happy with it. She must have known I was talking about her bc she paged me while I was typing that. LOL. She wanted some of the chocolate log cake I picked up at Walmart. She wasn't getting out of bed earlier so I put a bowl of soup under her nose to convince her to get up. She's now watching TV. Her computer is still down bc we have to replace the video card.

I attempted to patch the leak in the pump house with flex tape but it turns out it's not that flexible and is much thicker than expected so it didn't want to cooperate, but it at least slowed the leak by a lot.

A few of the cats zerged in to the living room bc it's the warmest room in the house and they are sleeping there.
Today is post op day 1. Rotator cuff repair surgery yesterday. Nerve block took well with this one. My mom never made a path for me to be able to take the dogs out that way. My son is laid off currently so he can take them out thankfully.
My mom told me today that I only think of myself because I have not said wether or not I was cooking Thanksgiving dinner (I have one usable arm currently) or asked her to do it.....I just don't understand her at times. Recovery so far is good. Hopefully it will continue to progress this way. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. I might get some Chinese this year. No must, no fuss
Hi, shan2. I hope you recover quickly from the surgery. I like cats especially, but my husband is allergic and so we can't have any. Last time we had a cat my husband constantly was having asthma attacks, so we can't have any cats. I'd like to have a cat, but then I may not even if could, because of the responsibility attached. Sometimes I think I will go to the local animal shelter and just pet the cats and dogs for a while. Try not to think too hard about your mother talking to you like that. On the other hand, it's good to communicate. I have that problem with my husband. I work on telling him my intentions, sometimes good, sometimes not so good. He doesn't always tell me so that upsets me. I have to humble myself sometimes because I don't always want to tell him what I plan to do. Chinese sounds good. (Why not?)
Cindi, if you are worried there might be leaks, there is some kind of sealant that can be mopped on. Trying to remember the name of it, but we used it on a metal roof years ago.
I'm still hoping to get the hot water thing resolved myself bc getting the plumber to come out is not easy and the only one who will come out is not very competent. A late friend of mine hired him to fix a shower handle in his bathroom and it never was fixed properly. Had him over multiple times too.

Shan, I hope your recovery goes smoothly. My uncle had rotator cuff surgery not too long ago and is in recovery. I'm glad that your son can walk the dogs but sorry to hear that your mother is being inconsiderate. I know how that goes.

I talked to the insurance company and the auto repair place today. Turns out a strut got bent in the accident and they discovered it after they pulled things apart so they need to order it. Insurance said they noted there might be more damage than estimated so they are prepared to pay him whatever it costs over that amount. Hopefully it won't take too long, but I suspect the holidays will slow things down.

I made potato soup for dinner and my mother was happy with it. She must have known I was talking about her bc she paged me while I was typing that. LOL. She wanted some of the chocolate log cake I picked up at Walmart. She wasn't getting out of bed earlier so I put a bowl of soup under her nose to convince her to get up. She's now watching TV. Her computer is still down bc we have to replace the video card.

I attempted to patch the leak in the pump house with flex tape but it turns out it's not that flexible and is much thicker than expected so it didn't want to cooperate, but it at least slowed the leak by a lot.

A few of the cats zerged in to the living room bc it's the warmest room in the house and they are sleeping there.
You did a lot today, zannei. I didn't do too much. At the end of the day I went to a religious meeting which I enjoyed. I opened up a can of soup <g> and had that for dinner, unfortunately I also ate a few (?) peanut butter cups also. I sliced up some tomatoes and put tomato sauce & mozzarella cheese on top, it was good. I took a shower. LOL. That's about it, other than reading and sitting in my recliner chair all day.
I get my tires at Walmart, I think they have good deals, and I buy insurance $10 each tire. It came in handy a few times when I ruined a few tires due to potholes around here. I really need to call the DOT in WV to find out why they aren't fixing some pretty big potholes on a major road. I mean the car plunges and bounces through this ridiculous pothole, I don't leave there but go into WV sometimes and then I forget exactly where the pothole is, I'm pretty sure that's what ruined my tire at least once. Now I look for the pothole and try to avoid it. But it makes me wonder why they just can't patch up these holes.
Today is post op day 1. Rotator cuff repair surgery yesterday. Nerve block took well with this one. My mom never made a path for me to be able to take the dogs out that way. My son is laid off currently so he can take them out thankfully.
My mom told me today that I only think of myself because I have not said wether or not I was cooking Thanksgiving dinner (I have one usable arm currently) or asked her to do it.....I just don't understand her at times. Recovery so far is good. Hopefully it will continue to progress this way. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. I might get some Chinese this year. No must, no fuss

Wishing you a good recovery and do the PT. I've had a cousin that has had that and the PT makes a difference in how well the use come back. (Your mom sounds a bit not in touch with your reality of this arm issue.)
I can't imagine life without cats. My parents got cats before they had kids so I grew up with kitties. My father grew up with cats as well. He told me how the only time he ever remembered having a tantrum as a kid was when his mother nagged the father to take all of their cats to a shelter to get rid of them. When my father got home and found his cats were gone he pitched a fit so my grandfather went straight back to the shelter and brought them all home.

Today I've been coughing and feeling bleh. UPS rolled up so I had to go out and get the package. I really should go for a walk but my lungs are being hateful today.

The logging trucks have destroyed parts of our road. There was a huge pot hole combined with a lump of the paved part and mud pushed up that managed to tear some plastic under the CR-V. The paving is substandard. I don't think it's even a full inch thick and they didn't compact the soil before laying it down. So when the big trucks drive on it, it gets all deformed and chunks break off. It's mostly when it has been raining. They keep violating the "no driving on the road w/in 24hrs of rain" rule.

I'm thinking of making more stuffing with chicken and adding corn. I wish we had some cranberry sauce because I've been craving that. Too much watching food network. LOL. I was wanting to pick up another rotisserie chicken but I feel to crappy to drive. I also wanted to get some potatoes so we could have mashed potatoes. Tomorrow we are considering going to eat at the casino restaurant where my brother works (it was Mom's suggestion).

I really need to get myself motivated to do more each day. I read some of the things people here accomplish and feel useless (but also inspired). I just need to quit with the procrastinating.
Thanks guys! So far, this recovery is going much better than when I had the other side repaired in 2016. I am most excited to getting through the next 4 to 6 months of recovery and getting back into the groove of normal life. Hopefully I will only be off work for 6 weeks, and can go back light duty after that .
I cant drive for 6 weeks, so I know I'll be off that long at minimum.
My mom is difficult, um not sure what she was thinking, or not thinking. Its times like this that I wish I had a sibling or 5 to share her with. Today was better, no snide remarks.... tomorrow , well, we shall see. I plan on being thankful and having a good day no matter what!
I hope you guys each have a blessed holiday full of love and yummy vittles and thankfulness!
Shan, I'm glad to hear you're recovering well. Sorry that your mother is being a pain. Mine can be at times too, although in some ways she's improved. She never used to say "thank you" or apologize. I think I was 40 before she apologized to me for the first time. She's been more appreciative since she depends on me for so much now, but every once in awhile she forgets that I'm only human. I think sometimes older people have a hard time understanding or empathizing with others-- particularly their offspring and/or younger generations. They want things to be a certain way & get cranky when things aren't the way they want.

I made the stuffing with corn and chicken and it turned out great. I used Bird's Eye sweet corn that is steamed in the microwave and added a little more butter than the recipe called for. My mother was happy with it and had seconds. Her only gripe was that the chicken pieces were too big.

It's 39 degrees outside so when I woke the cats were piled on. Rupert was up against my left arm. Itsy was on my left arm. Predicate was on the left side of my chest. Ginger was on the right side of my chest. Mewlatto was on my abdomen/upper legs. The dog, Princess, was curled up against my left hip and leg. I delayed getting up for 45 minutes because I didn't want to disturb them. I did get up earlier than usual and cleaned the trash up in the living room. My mother creates nests of trash (which attracts mice). Since my brother doesn't take trash out like he's supposed to, she just dumps it all over around her desk. I filled three 33 gallon trash bags. Cleared a path to be able to pull out her computer bc her new video card arrived. Took it apart and discovered that mice had pissed on her old card, which I'm guessing is why it died. There were mouse droppings & some kind of larva inside the chassis. I cleaned out it a bit and put the new card in. Not sure how the mice got in there, I couldn't see any openings as large as my pinky fingertip. But, I got it in and tried to boot up the computer. Disk read failure. Then it wouldn't load the user profile. It's running a repair scan right now. I hope her hard drive didn't get borked. My tech-savvy friend doesn't have a day off work until December 5th so he won't be able to help.
I can't imagine life without cats. My parents got cats before they had kids so I grew up with kitties. My father grew up with cats as well. He told me how the only time he ever remembered having a tantrum as a kid was when his mother nagged the father to take all of their cats to a shelter to get rid of them. When my father got home and found his cats were gone he pitched a fit so my grandfather went straight back to the shelter and brought them all home.

Today I've been coughing and feeling bleh. UPS rolled up so I had to go out and get the package. I really should go for a walk but my lungs are being hateful today.

The logging trucks have destroyed parts of our road. There was a huge pot hole combined with a lump of the paved part and mud pushed up that managed to tear some plastic under the CR-V. The paving is substandard. I don't think it's even a full inch thick and they didn't compact the soil before laying it down. So when the big trucks drive on it, it gets all deformed and chunks break off. It's mostly when it has been raining. They keep violating the "no driving on the road w/in 24hrs of rain" rule.

I'm thinking of making more stuffing with chicken and adding corn. I wish we had some cranberry sauce because I've been craving that. Too much watching food network. LOL. I was wanting to pick up another rotisserie chicken but I feel to crappy to drive. I also wanted to get some potatoes so we could have mashed potatoes. Tomorrow we are considering going to eat at the casino restaurant where my brother works (it was Mom's suggestion).

I really need to get myself motivated to do more each day. I read some of the things people here accomplish and feel useless (but also inspired). I just need to quit with the procrastinating.
Sometimes there is so much to do that it's disheartening to think about it. So NOW my big objection is: do I get rid of all the magazines I've been collecting and haven't read, or do I stack them up neatly again? OK, there are other problems, but that's what's in front of me right now. :)
Thanks guys! So far, this recovery is going much better than when I had the other side repaired in 2016. I am most excited to getting through the next 4 to 6 months of recovery and getting back into the groove of normal life. Hopefully I will only be off work for 6 weeks, and can go back light duty after that .
I cant drive for 6 weeks, so I know I'll be off that long at minimum.
My mom is difficult, um not sure what she was thinking, or not thinking. Its times like this that I wish I had a sibling or 5 to share her with. Today was better, no snide remarks.... tomorrow , well, we shall see. I plan on being thankful and having a good day no matter what!
I hope you guys each have a blessed holiday full of love and yummy vittles and thankfulness!
Thanks. Nice talking to all of you. As far as your mother is concerned, I guess she's used to expressing her mind. ?? I know I've gotten in trouble for that -- not everybody takes to that too well. But since you know your mother (like I try to know my husband), I work on telling him what my plans are -- because if I don't, he can overturn me by doing something else. So I'm learning that if I even think there may be a conflict, I have to mention what I intend to do or not do. And THAT's after 43 years of marriage. :)
Shan, I'm glad to hear you're recovering well. Sorry that your mother is being a pain. Mine can be at times too, although in some ways she's improved. She never used to say "thank you" or apologize. I think I was 40 before she apologized to me for the first time. She's been more appreciative since she depends on me for so much now, but every once in awhile she forgets that I'm only human. I think sometimes older people have a hard time understanding or empathizing with others-- particularly their offspring and/or younger generations. They want things to be a certain way & get cranky when things aren't the way they want.

I made the stuffing with corn and chicken and it turned out great. I used Bird's Eye sweet corn that is steamed in the microwave and added a little more butter than the recipe called for. My mother was happy with it and had seconds. Her only gripe was that the chicken pieces were too big.

It's 39 degrees outside so when I woke the cats were piled on. Rupert was up against my left arm. Itsy was on my left arm. Predicate was on the left side of my chest. Ginger was on the right side of my chest. Mewlatto was on my abdomen/upper legs. The dog, Princess, was curled up against my left hip and leg. I delayed getting up for 45 minutes because I didn't want to disturb them. I did get up earlier than usual and cleaned the trash up in the living room. My mother creates nests of trash (which attracts mice). Since my brother doesn't take trash out like he's supposed to, she just dumps it all over around her desk. I filled three 33 gallon trash bags. Cleared a path to be able to pull out her computer bc her new video card arrived. Took it apart and discovered that mice had pissed on her old card, which I'm guessing is why it died. There were mouse droppings & some kind of larva inside the chassis. I cleaned out it a bit and put the new card in. Not sure how the mice got in there, I couldn't see any openings as large as my pinky fingertip. But, I got it in and tried to boot up the computer. Disk read failure. Then it wouldn't load the user profile. It's running a repair scan right now. I hope her hard drive didn't get borked. My tech-savvy friend doesn't have a day off work until December 5th so he won't be able to help.
That's so nice about your cats and dog snuggling next to you. Sweet. By the way, I got a very good laptop if you ever want to think about it from eBay, a refurbished Dell for less than $200. No trouble at all, except for the keyboard when I drop crumbs and sweep it out, jamming the keys.
I have a staunch "no food near the computer" rule. My mother has an Alienware gaming laptop that is heavy as hell. Bought it from a friend who got it for around $5k. It has been kept updated with better hard drives, processor, RAM, etc. It's a beast but it weighs like 20lbs.

The repair thing ran but now my mother's computer can't load the user profile. There's a fix for it, but it requires loading safe mode and her computer will not load safe mode no matter what I do. I will need to get a boot disk for it.

cindi, I'm bad about keeping old catalogs & magazines for the pictures. I'm a hoarder so I have a hard time letting things go. I have a huge stack of TV Guides from the 80s in a drawer.

We went to the Casino but my brother's restaurant was farther than Mom wanted to walk so we went to the overpriced buffet. It was in a smoking section and the food wasn't that great. I popped in to see my brother and met some of his co-workers. Mom wanted to stop in at Walmart to get water but ended up getting a bunch of junk and taking forever. I'm glad to be home and plan to take a nap as soon as I can get my brain to wind down.

I brought a ziploc bag so Mom could stuff the fat from her buffet meat in it for her little dog. Ended up getting some turkey that I didn't like so that went into the bag too. Princess and Fippy ate well. Brenda didn't get any bc she's sleeping on her dog bed on my floor. I cuddled her and brushed her to make up for it (she has no idea there was food so it won't bother her). I'll have to get her a treat later when she gets up and wants food.
So let's see -- today I didn't do much. I'm having a thyroid condition, PLUS too much to do. I put a few things away put magazines in a pile, took laundry out of dryer, heated up a pork chop for hubby, heated delicious salmon I made for myself and now in my recliner.
I feel you on the thyroid thing. Even with the medicine I still get absolutely exhausted and I can't have caffeine because of a heart condition. Sounds like you accomplished more than I did. I slept until after 5pm. Made dinner for Mom, ate some leftover stuffing, and as I was about to put it away around 8pm my friend's fiance called and wanted me to go pick up her friend from another town. I didn't realize how far it was otherwise I wouldn't have agreed to go. It was over 55 miles to get there and it was extremely foggy. My visibility was utter garbage. I couldn't see houses, side roads, or much of anything. GPS had the location of the road for the girls house off by half a mile. With the fog I couldn't even see that there was a road much less see street signs. My friend's fiance was with me so she called her friend and the friend saw my headlights and said I needed to turn around. Spent about 15 minutes totally lost. She wants me to drive her friend back home today. It should be easier to see since it will be daylight and hopefully it won't be raining or foggy. The friend will be with us to spot her road though.
Got back into town around 11pm to drop the girls off and my friend was in severe pain from a tooth infection (bc his teeth all broke in a car wreck). He wanted to go to the ER so I drove him and dropped him off. Mom asked me to hit the store to get bread. Fortunately I arrived post-Black Friday madness and was able to just get my groceries and get out (I shopped while hungry so I grabbed some milk, chicken, & donuts as well as some Ibuprofen for my friend). Took the groceries home and then went back to take the meds to my friend who was still in the waiting room. I sat with him until they took him in to a room. Got back home after 1am. Unloaded some stuff from the car (there were some bags of cat food & kitten chow still in the back) and went to lie down. I ate some of the chicken this morning and now I'm feeling a bit nauseous. At least my dog is now sleeping on the pillow I got for her. She's sharing it with the cat.
My mom is only 69, but a firm believer in I am older so you owe it to me, I should get the last word and that sort of thing.
I refuse to give a play by play for her, especially after something as sensible as me being in a brace for 6 weeks so of course I'm not going to be able to cook Thanksgiving dinner 3 days post op. My kids are grown, but they still go to their dads on the holiday, they always have... my oldest doesnt go to hus but he had to work until 1 am.... the kids and I understand the importance of loving one another every day and being thankful every day.... shes wrapped up in her own expectations of what Thanksgiving should look like.... I on the other hand was thankful for the repair to have gone smoothly and to not be in tremendous pain.... I'd have eaten cereal and still been happy. She did end up cooking, I ate what she fixed and was thankful. My ex husband sent leftovers for us, because that is how we have lived the past 18 years since divorce. My mom has great ideas and great wishes but she cant seem to understand that you have to have action with those. It's more often than naught about her and her wants, and I guess that's ok.... I just wish she had her own place to live so that I could enjoy the few years she has left instead of being irritated. That would be such a blessing
Spent some time this weekend and this afternoon finishing this edge lighted sign. It's my first attempt at this type of sign, so there's a few things I'd change if I had it to do again.
Last night they were forecasting an inch or less for us. Now they're saying we could get up to 10" and high winds. I'm ready for Spring.

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