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As much as they aggravate me, I love my babies. I care about them more than stuff. I know the cat didn't mean to knock it over. He was trying to climb over it. Good thing I had the messed up backup monitor for the time being. The lines on it are annoying but at least it's not shattered and flashing with a big crack. Although, it did look like an art piece somewhat. I'm looking in to wall mounts now.

I think I'll trade mine in for non destructive Sugar Gliders. That or a Mogwai. If I want another, I can make him after Midnight.
Eddie, I miss Beef SOS. I would say the word, but I'm not allowed to say the word of the sludge that comes out of the body part the Democrats chose for their nickname and mascot.

I think I'll make some soon, thanks for the reminder... Not the dried "beef" product though, fresh ground.
Speaking of beef, I've heard there is a shortage or will be one due to meat factories getting hacked. Although, I heard that some of the hackers who put ransomware on multiple systems got paid entirely in Bitcoin and the FBI hacked them and took their bitcoin away. I think there is a dispute now bc they didn't give the Bitcoin back to the companies that paid the ransom. We'll see if they get it back or not. FBI might consider it asset forfeiture and keep it.
Regarding cats: they're great, I love them almost as much as dogs, but toxoplasmosis is very real, especially if your house ain't very clean and you're not in great health. "Crazy cat lady" is a cute bumper sticker only until it's a legit parasitic disease.

Democrats didn't exactly choose the donkey; someone called Andrew Jackson a jack@$$ once and he responded by leaning into it ("owning it" as the kids would say). Political cartoonists and journalists working over the years solidified it into the party symbol. But I digress; this thread is meant to be politics-free (hopefully we agree I was talking history just now).

I think I have some inner ear thing going on, maybe related to seasonal allergies although this is the first time it's happened. Got so dizzy yesterday I had to lie down. Got basically nothing done diy-wise, hopefully today is different.
Speaking of beef, I've heard there is a shortage or will be one due to meat factories getting hacked. Although, I heard that some of the hackers who put ransomware on multiple systems got paid entirely in Bitcoin and the FBI hacked them and took their bitcoin away. I think there is a dispute now bc they didn't give the Bitcoin back to the companies that paid the ransom. We'll see if they get it back or not. FBI might consider it asset forfeiture and keep it.

I can't even eat feedlot beef anymore. I have to go with local / regional grass fed. It's like a treat because I can't afford it like it was on the McDonald's menu. More like when I want just the killer Burger.

As far as the FBI, they are as corrupt as the day is long, they kept it and "disappeared" it amongst the senior staff.
Nice! I'm still working on my plans for the desk, and I may need to figure out how to add a 2nd compartment for a serger. FB marketplace had a serger + 2 drawers full of thread + 3 how-to books for $75. Sergers cost well over $300 from what I've seen when I shopped around. If it works it might be worth it. But, I will see if the seller answers.

Meanwhile, cats knocked over my monitor and busted it.
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I got the 3-yr protection plan from samsclub so I'm going to take it back in with a printout of the receipt (can't seem to find the original receipt)- plus they can look it up to see I got the protection plan. I'm using another monitor that was just past the warranty when it developed vertical lines on the screen. If I split my windows and have them on opposite sides of the line, it works ok. Monitor was designed to have split screen.

I think I will get an articulating wall mount for my monitor so I don't have to worry about the little a-holes knocking it over again. also considered making a base for it and bolting it down somewhow.
Here are the desk mount arms I've used. Looks like they are on sale for $47.97 and I've been really happy with them. If your looking at something different just make sure you don't pay much more than that because those have been rock solid for a number of years for me and 3 other people I've installed them for.
My dad didn't like most of the FBI agents he encountered when he was working in INS. Said they wouldn't share critical info, would come in and try to take over even when they didn't have authority or jurisdiction, were often arrogant, and would inevitably screw things up. He and his people referred to them as the "f****ing feebs".

Today was a mixed bag of success and failure. Turns out the Samsclub yokels were either dishonest or mistaken (likely the latter) about the 3yr protection plan for my monitor. They said it covered damage but after a long time on the phone trying to explain what was going on, they told me it wasn't covered. So, I will have to eat the cost and get a new monitor. Mom said I should get the same kind again and put it on the wall-mount. I'll put a damn pillow under it in case the mount breaks. If I'd bought it at Best Buy and gotten their protection plan, the damage would have been covered. I could have cleaned it up, brought it back in and they would have exchanged it. My wall mount should come in before I get another monitor so I will be able to test how well the current one works on the mount. I'll put doublesided sticky tape on the mount arms in case cats try to climb on it or grab it.

The success was that I got a serger. Bought it from an 80yr old lady named Melba. Very sweet lady. Still very active and moving around, keeping up-to-date on stuff on the internet and news. She gave me the manual in a nice folder, the surger with 4 bobbins already on it, a test scrap under the needles, a shoebox with bubblewrap, the power cord and foot, a VHS tape that explained how to use the machine, 3 sewing books on how to use a serger, and I'd say over 20 spools of thread (I haven't counted them yet). And the serger just barely fit in the bin I got out for it. Now I need to clean up that room so we can get set it all up.
I want to sell my sewing machine that I "bought" on collateral from a lady that wanted to borrow $100. I hope it's worth that at least. It's a Singer flip down and hide thing. Any idea, Z?Sew.JPGSew2.JPGSew3.JPG
@Spicoli43 I believe the table alone is worth $100 so long as it is in good shape and made of real wood instead of particle board or mdf. The machine price depends on model. Singers are pricey. Except for the crappy handheld ones (which are absolute garbage), I rarely see them under $110. Amazon's cheapest one is $79 for a mending machine. Not sure on older models though. They don't have the advanced features but they tended to be sturdier. My vision is too crappy to make out if there are any model # markings in the picture. If the machine can be removed, another machine of the same or shorter height could potentially be bolted on. I just price-checked the table and cheapest on ebay (without machine) is a similar one that was as low as $60 (that cheap one was pretty beat up). Tables ranged from $70 to $599 in a quick search.
Mind you, I'm no expert on it. I've been searching but I haven't done extensive research like a dedicated sewist. (Apparently "sewist" is what people who like to sew regularly prefer to be called).

Those are cute, but way too small for my tastes. I'm picky (and I want to build stuff).

My brother reported that he loved the pork & garlic meatballs I got at the little meatshop. I told my best friend where it was and what the name of the place was in case he passes it on his way to his baby's doctor's appointment. I *think* he has to go to Eunice for those. Either that or Ville Platte, but I think Ville Platte might be for his gf's pysch appointments.
Thanks, Z. I guess it's worth checking out. I don't think the lady is bringing my $100 back, it's been about 20 years.

The table is authentic, time dated to the machine probably. The model is 13608M, some are about $100 on Ebay. I don't have the foot pedal though.

Maybe I'll find a local "sewist" or antique shop and go from there.
It took us forever to learn how to turn on/off the lights in our new house. Many of the switches are in strange, unintuitive locations (e.g. to turn on one of the big overhead lights in the kitchen you have to reach behind the fridge to access the switch), and an alarming number of them are 2-gangs on which one of the two switches isn't apparently connected to anything, just a dud you can stand there flicking on and off all day for no reason if you want to. (No, they don't control any outlets, we checked.)

The other big overhead light in the kitchen was controlled by a switch that, if you walk into the kitchen from the garage, is behind the open door. Yeah, that stupid. Only stupider: it wasn't even a switch, but a dimmer knob, and unless the knob was turned all the way up the light would blink (not flicker -- blink) on and off. Easily messed with by kids, and drove me and my wife nuts. Who needs a dimmable overhead light in their kitchen, when it's the farthest light from the living area and none of the other lights are dimmable??

I wrote the above paragraph in past tense because today I swapped that controller out for a regular switch. After I wired it up hilariously wrong the first time I watched a quick video on how to do it, then redid it properly. So nice to be able to just flick a switch and have a light turn on.

Spicoli, today I learned that bank employees -- even just the guy who designs the logo you see on the screen of the ATM -- are not allowed to lend other people money if it's more than a few bucks for lunch or something. I thought that was interesting, anyway.
Speaking of sewing machines nowadays it's hard to find anyone interested in sewing. I have a Pfaff machine which has a walking foot. My wife chose it as it would easily a variety of material w/o bunching. I may try listing it on craigslist and see if I get any bites. It needs a professional adjustment so it can't really be demonstrated and most that I have spoken to don't even know what a walking foot is.
Spicoli, when I'm more awake I'll google that model and see what I can find on it. Even without the foot, it's probably a good machine (replacement feet are still available for some of the older models).

Flyover that sounds about like our house. We have switches that don't seem to control anything. And some had 2 switches for one light in different places that didn't quite make sense. No dimmers at least. Glad you got it fixed.

Eddie, I've heard Pfaf made good quality machines, although I'd never heard of them before. I'd mostly heard of Singer and Brother. I've heard of a walking foot and was told I should get one but I'm not exactly sure what it does. There are all sorts of feet: zigzag, pintuck, overcast, zipper, buttonhole, blind stitch, monogramming, quilting, darning, piping, and more. I'm slowly starting to learn about them. There's a lovely lady named Evelyn Wood who looks sort of like Snow White who does videos on Youtube about sewing.
I have a switch that does nothing by the front door, no outlets in the laundry room or master closet besides the outlet behind the washing machine that is useless for anything but that.

When my Brother did his shop, he put an outlet every 4 feet around the whole shop at the standard height, and one every 4 feet around the shop at a 10 foot height, so no matter where you are, there is an outlet and no extension cords are needed. Instead of "Where's a plug in", there are 3 right in front of you at all times.
Spicoli, having that many plugs sounds nice, although I imagine he needed more breakers (or are they called circuits?) in the box since there is a limit to how much load you can put on one.

Power went out this morning and I fell asleep before it came back on.The heat and lack of air circulation made me sleepy.
The National Electrical Code (NEC) does not limit the number of outlets per circuit. It only states that a circuit cannot supply more than 80% of the circuit breakers limits. This is so the circuit breaker does not constantly trip during regular use.
Regarding cats: they're great, I love them almost as much as dogs, but toxoplasmosis is very real, especially if your house ain't very clean and you're not in great health. "Crazy cat lady" is a cute bumper sticker only until it's a legit parasitic disease.

We had a friend who took in a number of stray cats. She developed a vision problem which turned out to be due to parasites from the cats.
My understanding is cats were never truly domesticated in the same sense as dogs. With cats it's much more like we exist in mutualistic (and in many cases nowadays, commensalistic) symbiosis with a wild species. Bears, koalas, skunks, squirrels, and cats all are cute and fuzzy, but they're all in one category while dogs are properly in another.