What did you do today?

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Guys guys! I have something important to say!

I like cheese. :p

Whatever else people say about Martha Stewart-- she tries to act all elite and prim and proper but she came from a blue collar family, busted her hump to get where she is, and I think she could throw down. LOL. The woman knows how to use a skillet. I could see a "Lamb to the Slaughter" situation happening with her clubbing someone with a frozen leg of lamb and cooking it up to destroy the evidence.

My brother wants to go into town to get "ball washing supplies" and see if he can shower at my friend's house. Maybe the steam can help clear his sinuses. The hose for his nebulizer is broken so we need to get a new one.

Aminatu is all up in my face trying to get attention now.
Man, this thread blew up with the political stuff again. LOL. There was an interview (based on a book or article) awhile back with a guy who talked about how there used to be more than 2 political parties and you had more range of options/opinions but now it has become so polarized. Each side thinks the other is evil.

Fox news requires their employees to get vaccinated and any who refuse have to be Covid tested every day. They also practice social distancing and masking indoors. These rules were in place before any government mandates for vaccines. Yet they have their talking heads go on and say vaccines are bad. People who got vaccinated at the first opportunity and had no negative side effects are out telling people not to get vaccinated. I don't like Fox and I don't like CNN. They are both other ends of the horseshoe. Too extreme.

Fox News is Leftist. Their ownership and a majority of their anchors are Left. The few that are on the Right or Independent / Libertarian have the best ratings in News. None of them say anything against vaccines, though.

The Covid vaccine is Russian Roulette, as proven by VAERS. It is vastly under-reported though, as it takes more than a half hour to complete one report, and Nurses don't have the time to do that every time. The truth is what I just said, and the blatant "fact checking" websites setup to counter what I just said is the absolute proof my statement is true. Fauci allowed the funding and creation of Covid.
So... backyard cleaning continues apace. Cleaning, planting and mulching along the house is largely done. I'll be working on a walkway extending from the deck today. Hopefully I can share pictures here when done.

Also got quotes for remainder of cleaning along back and one side of fence. The best so far is around $4200; I was hoping to closer to $3000-3500. I don't know if it would be appropriate to post additional details here, but I'd be interested in knowing if people think if $4200 is reasonable or I might be able to do better.
So... backyard cleaning continues apace. Cleaning, planting and mulching along the house is largely done. I'll be working on a walkway extending from the deck today. Hopefully I can share pictures here when done.

Also got quotes for remainder of cleaning along back and one side of fence. The best so far is around $4200; I was hoping to closer to $3000-3500. I don't know if it would be appropriate to post additional details here, but I'd be interested in knowing if people think if $4200 is reasonable or I might be able to do better.

Cleaning WHAT?

@femgroup When I worked on the Kings Bay Submarine Base we had a black secretary that asked my opinion regarding a Baptist private school for her son. I knew the school was superior academically but wanted to be sure she knew why the school was originally established. She knew what I was inferring and had already explored it from that aspect finding that it had moved well past that mindset.

I also recall in the 90s when a black engineer (and his wife) came to our facility in NC. They had a motel reservation only to find out they didn't. I still hurt over that encounter though my boss (friends with the motel owners) accepted that it was a mix-up).
Cleaning WHAT?


Apologies as I should have thought of that. I don't have great picture off-hand (the ones below are from late last year I think), but I'll try to get better ones tomorrow. The first picture shows the level of the problem because this house was a foreclosure and inhabited for 6+ years before we bought it. Then, when we got it we were focused on fixing stuff inside and this didn't seem like an urgent thing.

So there are 3 trees on the back fence that need to come out (I'll do the cutting, but the contractor will pull out the stumps) because they are either way too close to the fence (like the maple in the 2nd pic) or about to fall (pine on right back corner). Then they need clean all these shrubs and sapling growing everywhere, and regrade the soil along the back. I also want to get rid of that "pull-out" along side fence (enlarges from 3ft at the gate entrance to about 1ft wide) and make it an even 4ft wide area all the way though with 3-4 shrubs. Then, install stone edging, weed fabric, and put mulch everywhere. I have a sketch how I want it. I've also attached an estimate I received. The last $550 amount for a stone edging is for something else, so let's not consider that. The other things come out to $4225.

By the way, I'm contracting only the side and back because as I mentioned in my previous post, I've fixed next to the house myself already.



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Apologies as I should have thought of that. I don't have great picture off-hand (the ones below are from late last year I think), but I'll try to get better ones tomorrow. The first picture shows the level of the problem because this house was a foreclosure and inhabited for 6+ years before we bought it. Then, when we got it we were focused on fixing stuff inside and this didn't seem like an urgent thing.

So there are 3 trees on the back fence that need to come out (I'll do the cutting, but the contractor will pull out the stumps) because they are either way too close to the fence (like the maple in the 2nd pic) or about to fall (pine on right back corner). Then they need clean all these shrubs and sapling growing everywhere, and regrade the soil along the back. I also want to get rid of that "pull-out" along side fence (enlarges from 3ft at the gate entrance to about 1ft wide) and make it an even 4ft wide area all the way though with 3-4 shrubs. Then, install stone edging, weed fabric, and put mulch everywhere. I have a sketch how I want it. I've also attached an estimate I received. The last $550 amount for a stone edging is for something else, so let's not consider that. The other things come out to $4225.

By the way, I'm contracting only the side and back because as I mentioned in my previous post, I've fixed next to the house myself already.

View attachment 26702

Ok, so a complete landscape job. As far as stumps, can you dig around them enough to use a chain saw on the sides and bore a hole through them for a chain / drag them out? I have done that, and got the stump below grade. That's what they will be doing, I assume.

That's all I see that I would hire out for, you can buy the best landscape fabric on Ebay for relatively cheap, the Dewitt P5 here... Everything else you mention can be bought at Lowe's or wherever...

Other than that, maybe rent a Bobcat for a day and knock everything out? You can probably buy a new Laser level on Ebay for $500 or less and then flip it if you don't need it..

Sorry, I'm completely skipping your question about the bid because I think it's laughable.
Sorry, I'm completely skipping your question about the bid because I think it's laughable.

Why do you say laughable? The price? The job?

Let me be clear, I most assuredly could do the work but I find that I don't have enough time, especially contiguous time. I did the side of the house (other side of the gate on the pic) and I'm finishing along the back of the house, but it took me the whole summer as I only can squeeze a few hours here and there. Anyway, letting a contractor finishing up the outside frees up time for me to work on stuff inside that still needs fixing.
Why do you say laughable? The price? The job?

Let me be clear, I most assuredly could do the work but I find that I don't have enough time, especially contiguous time. I did the side of the house (other side of the gate on the pic) and I'm finishing along the back of the house, but it took me the whole summer as I only can squeeze a few hours here and there. Anyway, letting a contractor finishing up the outside frees up time for me to work on stuff inside that still needs fixing.

The price. I get hiring out so you can do other stuff, I just can't understand why you would hire out, unless you are flipping the house soon.
Playing with plumbing today (not my favorite activity) but gives me a lot of time for thought.

If I were participating in BLM I would only use violence as necessary to move out the invaders who try to hijack the movement. Since the problem seems to be LEO overreach I would calmly picket police stations much as I have picketed abortion mills. I still think insulting the majority by flag/anthem disrespect will accomplish little and violence breeds violence. And Kaepernick's stated refusal was to not stand and take pride in the flag for a country that oppresses black people. My position is that it's not the country that is oppressing blacks it is considerably more specific than that. Don't insult me for the actions of others.

This is an extreme example, Islamists claim their religion is a peaceful one then behead infidels. I know it's not all of them but it paints a picture. When I hear BLM I envision public clashes. To change the hearts of the majority the blacks must be nicer than the bad guys. Police overreach is there I haven't received a ticket in many years but when I did the officer certainly felt his oats and exhibited an air of superiority (and I am a white guy). Officers should be screened during the probationary period to weed out this trait which in my experience is all too prevalent in the blue line.

High speed chases all too often don't end well. I recall one that I wrote a letter about which was published. A kid on a motorcycle made some minor infraction but decided to run. He was chased into the next county where he wrecked and died but how many in blue can avoid the thrill of a high speed chase?
Islamists claim their religion is a peaceful one then behead infidels.
ALL religions have written orders in their handbooks for their customers to hate, hurt, and mass murder everyone of a different religion or no religion addiction...
OK folks. This thread is titled "What did you do today?", which is not a political thread.

Let's get back on track please!View attachment 26707
What Havasu said... I don't mind shutting this thread down for a week.

Arguing points of view on a public forum...Is like trying to teach a pig to sing, it's a complete waste of time and annoys the pig.

Nobody's mind's going to be changed. We have our own personal views based on our own life experiences. Let's try to keep this thread about DIY matters, please.
So..... today I finally finished putting new 1/2" OSB down in the 3rd bedroom. My oldest moved out bought a house. It has taken me 3 to 4 weeks to get this done. I could just work on it a little at a time (literally). But... it's done yay me!!!!

And!?! I cut the vent hole perfectly on the first try. And I cut a small hole for the cable wire to come through on the first try.

Now.... we have to put roofing tar paper down to protect this and I just bought cheap indoor (similar to indoor/outdoor) to put down. I will work on stapling that down tomorrow maybe. I can't put real carpet down because of my moms cats. Hopefully my other son keeps the door closed so they just don't go in there. I decided that I was just going to paint over bad places throughout the house with odor killer, put down 1/2" OSB and roofing tar paper and the padding and carpet when the time comes. Originally I wanted to cut it all out.... now.... I don't care anymore. It's getting harder and harder for me to do that kind of thing and I cant afford to pay someone else. Therefore, this is going to be my solution.

Hopefully, he takes all the stuff out of here later tonight so that it's a clean slate tomorrow. Then, I am going to find a cheap couch for the living room so that I dont have to sit in my room all day everyday (second son has been living in living room so that my mom had a bedroom, with first son gone, he has a room again)
I am looking forward to not sitting in my room all the time.20210927_145601.jpg
Great job Shan! But why would you put down toxic tar paper? Have you considered just putting in waterproof vinyl flooring? If you do, you never have to worry about spilling anything again.

Here's a post from a forum...

"In 2009 we installed hardwood flooring in 3 bedrooms, using roofing felt as instructed by the store from which we purchased the flooring. I had already become chemically sensitive from the materials we used in the building of a home we lived in previously. When I walked in the first bedroom just after my husband had laid the tar paper and smelled it, I was concerned, but we had other things going on and wanted to get the job done and out of the way, and my husband brushed me off and went ahead and laid the flooring.

I now suffer from chronic inflammation of both sinuses & other body tissue, and our youngest son has sinus issues and has even suffered from migraines. I'm convinced it's from the off-gassing of the roofing felt under the hardwood"
Still no sign of my favorite cat. I'm not quite ready to give up on him. I had one that went missing for 2 weeks and turned up before, but it's unlikely that he's still alive. :-( I've been going out and calling him from time to time but no response. Most of the other cats are staying inside. Earlier today Mom looked in to my room (door is open) and didn't see me under the pile of cats. LOL.

Still no sign of my missing phone either. It must have fallen somewhere. I will have to do more digging around and try to focus to see if I can remember where I last saw it. Thought it was my desk but it doesn't seem to be anywhere around there.

Yesterday I went to visit my friend. Asked him if the texture of the butcherblock was ok and he said it was fine and then admitted he can't feel textures because of nerve damage from nearly being electrocuted about 5x. We brought him with us to the store so he could get some new electrical outlets, a switch, face plates, etc. Trip would have been much cheaper if I'd left my brother at home. He got a bunch of stuff.

My friend just sent me a picture to show me he moved the wires for an electrical outlet up (it was covered by a base cabinet) and replaced the whole outlet with a new one. He also installed the microwave cabinet on the wall and put the microwave in it. I will have to get a small stepladder and stain it. I'll have to do the higher spots with my left hand and hope I don't mess up. Can't reach up with my right arm.

I woke up in the middle of the night, mom was still up, so I cooked for her. Watched some programs about the Hubble Telescope for a bit and then went back to bed. Today I mostly slept except to get up and cook for mom. I managed to lose my balance going in to the living room and slammed my shoulder into the doorframe.

I think tomorrow I need to go to Samsclub and get more water.