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ARS Rescue Rooter? They are only in 24 States.
Well we can be sure Costco isn't doing it themselves, not sure if there are any nationwide companies, but they are definitely using one or more large regional companies. ARS is really good at selling new equipment instead of repairing it. I have neighbors that use ARS and are already on their 3rd system in 20 years. I just replaced my 22 year old systems this year. My HVAC guy has been really good at keeping them running. I haven't spent more than $400 on repairs on the two systems in any one year versus buying a new system for $6000-7000.
Breakfast for supper. Yeast augmented pancakes topped with a pair of eggs over easy and Log Cabin Original Syrup (maybe the original spelling of syrup).
I just replaced my 22 year old systems this year. My HVAC guy has been really good at keeping them running. I haven't spent more than $400 on repairs on the two systems in any one year versus buying a new system for $6000-7000.
Why replace them now? Just curious.

My replacement reason now seems to be that my furnace is 50% oversized, so it probably short-cycles. This oversizing seems to have been SOP in 1982.
I'm not anymore worried about a gas explosion. Also, I guess the efficiency is lousy, never had the heat exchanger cleaned.

So I know what to expect, now that I have a furnace model number I can probably price out a control board from Trible's. Neither HVAC bidder would tell me & just cited warranty lengths.
I have 3 Costco's within 20 minutes from my house, and all 3 a/c and heater salespersons are from different companies. All three are very large companies which charge a bunch. Before getting my new system for $7995, which was a 5 ton unit, with all new ducting, new vents, installed in the attic, with a wifi thermostat that show my vacation pics all day. The company wanted $13,500 for basic install, with no gadgets, but I would have received a $1000 Costco gift card. Whoopee...
Why replace them now? Just curious.

My replacement reason now seems to be that my furnace is 50% oversized, so it probably short-cycles. This oversizing seems to have been SOP in 1982.
I'm not anymore worried about a gas explosion. Also, I guess the efficiency is lousy, never had the heat exchanger cleaned.

So I know what to expect, now that I have a furnace model number I can probably price out a control board from Trible's. Neither HVAC bidder would tell me & just cited warranty lengths.
I'm finishing my basement so I needed to install a new system there. The one unit was requiring about 3 lbs of refrigerant every year so it was becoming a constant maintenance issue. The other unit lost some, but not as fast as the first floor unit. I figure I got my money out of them. Since many of my neighbors have already replaced their replacement, I figure I'm doing pretty good to be on my first replacement after almost 23 years of living here. The new units are more efficient 2 stage units too.
I have 3 Costco's within 20 minutes from my house, and all 3 a/c and heater salespersons are from different companies. All three are very large companies which charge a bunch. Before getting my new system for $7995, which was a 5 ton unit, with all new ducting, new vents, installed in the attic, with a wifi thermostat that show my vacation pics all day. The company wanted $13,500 for basic install, with no gadgets, but I would have received a $1000 Costco gift card. Whoopee...
It is a lot like contracting installation services from Lowe's or Home Depot then. You often can get better deals by going with an independent guy. I have a garage door guy I've used directly. He does installs for Lowe's but for my repairs I just go directly to him. Very responsive and no middle man mucking up the works.
I wouldn't go with HD, Lowes, etc..
They are large enough that they don't have to abide by contractual obligations & they know exactly what the general public will put up with.
And with the net they know what customers are lawyers.

They also know how many customers they will lose for each dollar increase in bid price, but with the extensive cust. info they demand they can get a good price for this info from the dark web or the other web.

I just wanted to buy a basement window from HD that they didn't have in stock. They wanted my phone number, I refused to provide it, I told him to make up a number. One auto dealership did this for me [they'll probably fire the parts guy for doing this].

The HD guy gave me looks that would kill.

So I made up a number & the HD computer came back within a millisecond with "invalid number".
I walked out & instead caulked my existing basement windows.

I know enough that I don't have to put up with this caca.

One HVAC guy bid a two stage unit but I want less complexity. In fact, since I don't care about efficiency but only that I can fix it myself, I may now wait for a major failure.
I'll still get multiple bids from my list of HVAC contractors, tho.

It seems my reasoning on this HVAC issue is evolving. I guess that's good.
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Hope you can get the new HVAC installed for a reasonable price.

I had an allergic reaction to something yesterday-- I think the antibiotic even though it's not a sulfa drug. I'm waiting for my doctor to call me back to see what he advises. Couldn't get through to the pharmacy. When I listed the medicine combo a doctor friend of mine told me it's an experimental treatment for Covid-- but I tested negative for that-- but not bronchitis and there is no reason for it to have been prescribed to me. So either I'm being used as a guinea pig if she's participating in a study and she's just experimenting to see if it works for bronchitis or if she confused me with another patient and meant to prescribe it to someone with Covid.

I'm continuing to take Mucinex, allergy meds, and vitamin C for the time being.
My wife announced her plan that tomorrow I will do the glue-up on the waterfall table. I also have started planning out a timeline to build the little mini-workbench for my son's birthday.
I'm gluing up custom-made cardboard boxes for all our stuff. Fitting lids is still a problem.
Box factories work to closer tolerances than I do.
My doctor's office failed to pass my message to my actual doctor and instead talked to the quackpot who prescribed the wrong meds in the first place-- who apparently had the response of :shrugs: and that I should be almost done with meds anyway. Nevermind the crap she gave me made me worse rather than better. I'm going to complain to my doctor next time I get to talk to him.

Went to the post office and grocery store. Got more red beans and salted pork. The tea my brother made for me helped a little but I'm still very tired.
Quack, crackpot, quackpot, "a word blending the sounds and combining the meanings of two others"

You're good! :D
Now I suppose someone will write a treatise to explain the subtle difference between d'oh and a simple duh.
I tell them that I will call them.

And in food stores or cafes when they want all this info
I tell them that I am not a member & I don't wish to be,
that I have no phone, no internet, no TV
& I live in a cardboard box in their parking lot.
That shuts them up & some customers laugh out loud. :)

More & more these "foot soldiers" act like telemarketers, pumping me for info. Because their boss/commanding officer told them to do it.

At some stores I pretend to mute & write down what I want. If they then seem OK I talk to them. :)
Most women are amused by this but one at this uppity auto body shop was very rude & I told her so, loud enough for all to hear.
The look on her face was one of astonishment, strong rage & strong disgust, all at the same time. Too bad I didn't get a photo.

I am definitely having fun now. It's about time.

BTW, today I soldered some wiring for my TV/CD player/Youtube signal blender that feeds into a 20w amp.
All resistors, no switching.
Youtube songs will now fill the family room & with decent fidelity. It's about time.
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Got one leg glued on the waterfall table, with neighbor's assistance (leadership). Found out he's never actually done this. So we'll take lessons learned from this leg to improve how we do the other leg. Giving it 24hrs to dry.

I'm excited because after the legs are on then it's a table! The rest is just removing material (to make the legs level, plus more sanding) and then whatever I'm slathering on it as a finish. Poly prolly.

After dinner my wife and I hung out on the couch listening to classic country while the two youngest played on the floor.
Got one leg glued on the waterfall table, with neighbor's assistance (leadership). Found out he's never actually done this. So we'll take lessons learned from this leg to improve how we do the other leg. Giving it 24hrs to dry.

I'm excited because after the legs are on then it's a table! The rest is just removing material (to make the legs level, plus more sanding) and then whatever I'm slathering on it as a finish. Poly prolly.

After dinner my wife and I hung out on the couch listening to classic country while the two youngest played on the floor.
No pics?
So, more consultation with other medical professionals and I found out that the medicine combo the NP prescribed should never be given to anyone with heart conditions and that it can cause long qt.
Was feeling so crappy yesterday I forgot to go out and put the Reflectix back up on the well shed so now the water inside the pump is frozen and I have to wait for it to thaw out. No working plugs in there anymore to plug in a heater.