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Half the city was built on the flood plain only made possible after the river was contained. Periodic storms like this, the river would just cut a new path to the beach. Things might be able to be done to please the tree huggers but it would cost a furtune for the studies on how to do it never mind doing it.

Could you imagine if they wanted to build Hoover dam today. I don’t think we could do that again in just 5 years. :confused:
Almost 50F here this morning 10am in the cold frozen north. I guess I should go out and change the oil in the cars, a job I have been putting off as it was too cold.


Beautiful view. You need to get some cross country skis and get out there and set some trail. I haven’t XC skied in a few winters and really miss it.

As a side note that grain bin down there looks just like the two we took apart and moved from Ohio summer before last. The ones we got were 30’ across. Never again.
Single digits right now. Sitting by fire drinking coffee. Might try and fire up the jeep in a few and go have some fun.
Still 50F in January at 5:00pm crazy.

Was a beautiful spring day today and it only took me 2 hours to change my oil. Hour and a half to find the socket extension and 30 minutes to change the oil. Something is telling me it’s time to clean up the garage again.

Looking forward to jumping in the tub after dinner.
19F this morning put the short pants away again. Spring is gone again.
29 degrees this am, saw a single snow flake yesterday coming out of HD,

not a snow flurry, 1 is a flurr ?:)
7 F this morning heading to work about 2” in the driveway but as I headed 30 miles closer to Lake Erie they had about 6” and more coming. Very strange to be mid January and seeing the new snow learning curve of the drivers. By this point each winter most are thinking they are pros and that’s worse. Trip took an extra 15 minutes with everyone slowing down.

I saw one car off the road stuck pretty good and force of habit had me slow down to offer a tug but it dawned on me I now drive a Kia Soul that’s not going to pull anything out.

Might be enough to plow tonight.
Right now we are in 24 th place in the snow race Sioux falls is in first with 41 inches our yearly normal by now is 46 inches and we are only at 13 inches. It’s really coming down right now and they are talking about a foot of lake effect today. 10 inches would move us up to number 5.

So keep your fingers crossed. Not for us to win but for me to get home from work. Then it can snow all it wants.

The only other big player on the front page is Anchorage they are in 6th right now and way behind their norm as well.

27F right now and the snow machine is running.

I have done some work at a mine on the BC, Alaska border, average snow fall 960 inches, one year they had 1300 inches.
What a 3 day weekend. Temps have been cold in the teens but wind chills down in the – teens.

Snow, snow and more snow. We had 3 feet over the last 3 days at my house and north of us Erie has been keeping up pretty well.

The good news for the snow followers is Erie as of yesterday has moved up to 3rd in the snow race actually tied for second but for .2” Sioux Falls still has an 8” lead but when they measure yesterday’s snowfall we should have them I think.

The bad news is Syracues is right on our heals and they know how to post some numbers for sure.

Looks like it’s going to shape up into a good race this year again if the lake keeps making snow.


PS I know a lot of places get a lot more snow I only live 30 miles from Erie and we normally get twice what they see. The race is only for populated areas over 100,000 that have official measuring points ours is at NOAH location airport.