Funny Pictures and stories....

House Repair Talk

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I have firsthand experience with about half of those steps. But I have several equally amusing stories about taking my car in for oil change.
I haven't done my own oil change in years. Mainly because this is California and good luck getting rid of used oil.
I haven't done my own oil change in years. Mainly because this is California and good luck getting rid of used oil.
me neither, its to easy to have them do it, besides, they vacuum the floor..

LOL...Aw come on Chris, You dont use your used oil on your trailer's
to water proof the boards ?

collect used oil, dig a ditch, line ditch with a tarp

fill with used oil,

cut trees, let dry, roll into ditch. build a pole barn

I think the would hang me in California:)
I have firsthand experience with about half of those steps. But I have several equally amusing stories about taking my car in for oil change.

I needed a lil oil in an old harley I had, I was about drunk, i took my buck knife, and missed the oil can, stabbed myself tin the hand , to the bone.

DAMMIT !!! still have the scar
Took my brother and a friend to Popeyes. Looked at the receipt and had a good laugh.
Even Ben & Jerry are getting into the act. This new ice cream has all the good stuff on the top 1% and the rest is plain old ice cream.

A man walks into a bar one night. He goes up to the bar and asks for a beer.
"Certainly, sir, that'll be 1 cent."

"One penny?!" exclaimed the guy.

The barman replied, "Yes."

So, the guy glances over at the menu, and he asks, "Could I have a nice juicy T-bone steak, with fries, peas, and a salad?"

"Certainly sir," replies the bartender, "but all that comes to real money."

"How much money?" inquires the guy.

"Four cents," he replies.

"Four cents?!" exclaims the guy. "Where's the guy who owns this place?"

The barman replies, "Out with my wife." The guy says,

"What's he doing with your wife?"

The bartender replies, "Same as what I'm doing to his business."
A man is stranded on a desert island, all alone for ten years. One day, he sees a speck in the horizon. He thinks to himself, "It's not a ship." The speck gets a little closer and he thinks, "It's not a boat." The speck gets even closer and he thinks, "It's not a raft." Then, out of the surf comes this gorgeous blonde woman, wearing a wet suit and scuba gear. She comes up to the guy and says, "How long has it been since you've had a cigarette?"

"Ten years!", he says.

She reaches over and unzips a waterproof pocket on her left sleeve and pulls out a pack of fresh cigarettes.

He takes one, lights it, takes a long drag, and says, "Man, oh man! Is that good!"

Then she asked, "How long has it been since you've had a drink of whiskey?"

He replies, "Ten years!"

She reaches over, unzips her waterproof pocket on her right sleeve, pulls out a flask and gives it to him.

He takes a long swig and says, "Wow, that's fantastic!"

Then she starts unzipping a longer zipper that runs down the front of her wet suit and she says to him, "And how long has it been since you've had some real fun?"

And the man replies, "Wow! Don't tell me that you've got golf clubs in there!"
I noticed the Blacknaked too, but my bro circled the Butt Craver one.
I believe it was an abbreviation for Butterfly shrimp craver.
Now I need to go back and order the blackened naked chicken strips and the butterfly shrimp craver to get them next to one another on the receipt-- Blacknaked Butt Craver. and then maybe add **spicy** somehow. :p
Too bad I can't actually eat anything from there. I'm allergic to at least 5 of their ingredients. LOL.

On a side note, before going to buy the new (used) car, I told my mother I was going to need painkillers. A summary of the conversation follows.
Me: "I'm going to need a lot of Ibuprofen."
Mom: "No! Ibuprofen causes increased chance of heart attack."
Me: "That is from prolonged use and I'm going to need it when I'm driving."
Mom: "I can drive."
Me: "That causes increased chance of heart attack."
I noticed the Blacknaked too, but my bro circled the Butt Craver one.
I believe it was an abbreviation for Butterfly shrimp craver.
Now I need to go back and order the blackened naked chicken strips and the butterfly shrimp craver to get them next to one another on the receipt-- Blacknaked Butt Craver. and then maybe add **spicy** somehow. :p
Too bad I can't actually eat anything from there. I'm allergic to at least 5 of their ingredients. LOL.

On a side note, before going to buy the new (used) car, I told my mother I was going to need painkillers. A summary of the conversation follows.
Me: "I'm going to need a lot of Ibuprofen."
Mom: "No! Ibuprofen causes increased chance of heart attack."
Me: "That is from prolonged use and I'm going to need it when I'm driving."
Mom: "I can drive."
Me: "That causes increased chance of heart attack."

In the news, people are suing because of those remarks. getting big bucks also.
contact the media, instead of sueing,,,get lifetime freebe chicken