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My other big HD purchase was 2 of their biggest Husky rolling tool chests, model HOTC5623BB2S that weren't at the store. I was getting them for a buddy that has a backhoe and other construction equipment and helped me set up my current concrete pad, including burying a water line for my future bathroom in said shop. Eventually, he will insist on helping do the wiring and everything inside as well.

He didn't ask for anything besides gas money, but that wasn't going to fly. Paying a contractor for what he did would have been twice the cost of the tool chests anyway. I walked into HD, told the pro desk I wanted 2 of them, put it on my card, got the receipt, and they said to expect a call / email etc when it was on the way or I could track on the website. Done.

A week later with no word from them, I called the local morons and gave them the order number. A guy gets on the phone and says "You can't order that here". Well, "I have the receipt, I kinda did"... NOPE. I talked to the super, she said the same thing blah blah.

I can't remember which, but I called or chatted with corporate and they ended up voiding any transaction history with the local putzes, and ordered the chests through them, but I still had to pick them up from the local morons, which ended up being completely different normal non morons.

If the super had called me the next day and said I had to order online, fine, no problem. So that was what I did two years ago, not today, and I still ordered that mower from them because Lowe's refuses to carry good brands (Well, Cub Cadet Mower TBD).
zannej... Get Coconut Sugar, a Head of Organic Garlic, Organic Turmeric powder and Organic Ginger powder. The Coconut Sugar masks the taste of the Turmeric as well as reduces airway inflammation. Normal Sugar promotes inflammation and CANNOT be used.

Mince or shred all the Garlic cloves. Let sit for 15 minutes.
Boil a quart of filtered water.
Dissolve 1/3 Cup of Coconut Sugar.
Add Garlic
Add 1 TBSP Ginger
Add 1 TBSP Turmeric
Stir, heat off.
Cool to room temp in Glass / Stainless storage container.
Stir and take a couple of shot glasses or 3 spoons in the morning before anything else and the same in the evening an hour before bed.
A lot of snot should come up to the point you need a spit cup. You should notice better breathing.
Thanks, Spicoli. The respiratory issues are already starting to clear it seems. I was able to go to the auto repair place and get my brake pads put on and oil changed. They tried to fix the issue with the tire rubbing, but they said it looks like when the fender/bumper were repaired, the bumper was set too far back so it pushes the fender liner too far & hits the tire. Said the dealership or body shop would have to fix it. At least they tried. Also said my rotors are still good. I wore a mask but was the only one. I mentioned having a cold so they all understood and said they appreciated that I was trying to keep from spreading it. I also made sure to take the truck to the car wash to get an undercarriage wash so it wasn't quite as bad. The guy who worked on the truck said he appreciated it but he said he's worked on super muddy trucks before so he was ok with it still having mud on it.
Road people only grated up to about 50ft away from my front gate so it gets very mucky just before my gate. Good thing I have AWD.
At least my stomach feels better now, but I'm still tired and a bit meh feeling.
Went to the post office & they had tried to lock my box. I have to fill out a form and show ID and a recent electric bill showing my physical address. I did all that a few months ago but apparently they lost the photocopy they made of the bill. They stuck another form in the box but mom threw it away thinking it was put in mistakenly. They are now refusing to hand over my packages until I bring in the bill along with the new form.
I'll have to take care of that tomorrow.
Good to hear, zannej. Keep up the regimen. Because of it, I have full breaths for the first time in almost 20 years, all I could get before was mini breaths. Of course losing weight and not consuming dairy would help me as well, the weight is easily taken care of with Paleo, but I'm currently a cookie monster and need Milk.

I'm surprised you don't do your brakes.
I replanted my green beans and corn and peas today. I actually dug up one pea shoot ( about 5 inches in ever direction and it's only 3 inches tall). I moved that plant to the row in front since it is getting too later for peas in zone 6b where I am.... so I will only have one row of peas now, and 3 rows of green beans instead of 2. I intended to replant my bush beans that i had planted on the edge of the hills of potatoes (for shade for potatoes) but i decided that 3 rows of vining beans was enough and the potatoes would just not get shaded..... I also replanted some corn. I just have a 12x26 garden and then a 5x16 bed for corn. First time I have had an inground garden. I also bought myself this greenstalk for mothers day..... 16 strawberry plants, some lettuce, some flowers, some green onions and banana peppers.
20210514_152936.jpgLots of things I want to do different next year. I planted a flower bed in the dark the other night (did i mention already?) Anyways.... i planted poppies dwarf marigolds, tall marigolds, bachelors buttons, calendulas, and 3 kinds of sunflowers. I sprinkled them in from shortest to tallest. Watered them in, added straw and now i wait.... i also ordered 2 signs for my "gardens") 1 for the flowers and one for the bigger one. I'm going to redo the garden posts this week hopefully. I have bird netting accross the top to keep most birds out, but i cant stand up in there without the netting making me look crazy...... pics attatched for your enjoyment 20210524_193807.jpg20210524_193747.jpg20210522_145350.jpg20210519_142442.jpg
The lug nuts on my truck are hard to remove. They have been machine tightened. My friend couldn't get them off. LOL. Took the truck back to have it looked at and the front brakes stopped squealing but now just the rear passenger side one is squealing. They couldn't find anything wrong. I'm hoping it will stop doing that with time. I should take it to the dealership soon anyway.

Picked up my friend, went to the store to get stuff for plumbing, got to my house & he started to clear some weeds to crawl under when he heard a weird buzzing sound. Kind of like wasps or a cicada. Wasn't sure what it was. He leaned down for a closer look and saw this next to the 3/4" pex:
Tried to pull it out with a shovel so he could behead it with a machete but the shovel broke & it got away under the house. Dogs are currently locked inside and I hope the cats stay away.
Need to figure out how to catch it before it breeds.
Lived in Montana half my life, never seen a rattler. They are all over the place here, not for me though. I wish I had a Python, then I wouldn't have Rabbits!

Be vewy vewy quiet! I hew a wascawy wabbit! Huhuhuhuuhuhhuhuhu.
I posted on a local FB page asking if anyone knew someone who could come catch it. I was told it might be a Parish record sized one from the looks of it. They want to have someone come catch it to enter in to the record books.
I just want the thing gone. Had a couple people tell me if I see it again to leave it be and call them.

I did some more cleaning in the kitchen, pulled the burners off the stove so they can't accidentally be turned on, put burner covers over the holes, and set up the new induction cooktop. I liked the old one better. This one doesn't show exact temperature and doesn't have as much range for adjusting temperature as the old one. Took longer to cook on this one than on the other one too.
I finally weedwacked today (I like how the Australians say it: whippersnippered. I'm going to use that instead).

First time at this house. I really hate whippersnippering. To make things worse I now have to daisy-chain a 100ft extension cord to a 50ft one to reach the furthest corners of the property.

Discovered a huge patch of poison ivy in the back yard by one of the utility boxes. I couldn't whippersnip in there because I didn't want to spread poison ivy everywhere, or spray it on myself, so I'll have to go pull it out by hand before Friday. (We're having a party on Saturday.)

The only way anyone would know I won the lottery is if one day a crew shows up and hardscapes most of my property. How about a half-acre zen rock garden?

On the plus side I discovered a couple mulberry bushes. One is small, more like a sapling, but the other is probably 10 feet tall or more and I can see it will be yielding fruit this year. Looking forward to that! So now this means I've got maple syrup, cherries, peaches, and mulberries. Not bad for 42˚N and zone 3.
Are you in Louisiana?
Yes. I've been told to try to contact fish & wildlife tomorrow when it opens. Also have some local guys on standby if it pops up again. Have someone who is supposed to come out this weekend to cut the weeds around the house. We'll see if he actually shows up. He wanted to catch the snake too. LOL.
I'm considering malt options. I love a chocolate malt but the readily available malt powders are pricey and loaded with powdered milk and sugar. So my question is could a brewing malt such as a mild base malt or pale ale malt be used for making malted milkshakes? Any recommendations?
I'm considering malt options. I love a chocolate malt but the readily available malt powders are pricey and loaded with powdered milk and sugar. So my question is could a brewing malt such as a mild base malt or pale ale malt be used for making malted milkshakes? Any recommendations?

I can't answer the actual malt part, but when I want a shake, I use a can of Coconut Milk with a couple scoops of Protein powder, a Tsp. of Vanilla and Coconut Sugar, Xylitol or Monkfruit to sweeten it. If I want Chocolate, I add a couple Tbsp. of Cacao.

If you figure it out, post it. I don't think you can go get an authentic Malted Milk Shake anywhere. In the late 80's, early 90's at Arby's and McDonald's, it was just a box of Milk and Sugar like you say. We just dumped it in the machine that stirred it and kept it cold. Besides the thickening powder, whatever that was, that is as authentic as it got.

I have never had a real shake that I can remember.
I woke up late and didn't think about calling until it was too late to call fish & wildlife today. Went to the post office but none of my packages were there (even though they said they were delivered there). There was another form to fill out in the box. So they may be withholding my mail. Not sure. I gave the form in. Hope my packages aren't lost.

The number of people who said "shoot it" about the snake was kind of funny to me. I guess a lot of people don't think about gun safety and being careful about where you shoot. Shooting blindly under a house is not a good idea.

I've never liked malt for some reason. Don't know why.
So.... I got most of the upgrade to the garden done by myself last night. My daughter came over today and helped me with the last 8 feet. Then we came inside and she did some cleaning for me which has improved my mood tremendously. I went out around 730 to pick up all the bits we had scattered everywhere Nd moved my deck box up by the house and put some of my gardening stuff up. Got both hoses hung up. Put a fence up around my corn because my dogs keep running through that area. Ran out of fencing so I cut the top off and patched the last 8 feet together with those pieces.
I got an injection in my knee yesterday and it felt great, however the lidocaine for the injection has worn off and I have probably used it more than I should have.... I may have stopped the night off with mowing half of my backyard in the dark 🤷🏼‍♀️.....
Plan to take it much easier tomorrow. 20210526_180125.jpg20210526_213149.jpg

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