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Chilly today so I added a bit of supplemental radiant heat . The pictures show the amount of constant glow that felt comfy to me and the voltage controller that made it possible. If kids were in the house I would have to find a better option for the controller. For two seasons it was on the floor but I decided if the cat laid down on it it might get a surprise. I guess it's reliable enough that I might consider an enclosure for the controller (or not).

View attachment 28758 View attachment 28759
Why is that controller outside the unit? Looks dangerous, especially with Animals that don't pay attention.
Don't have Hairballs from my two Terrorists lately... Been a couple of months, but I haven't sprayed them with the water bottle lately because they have been *good*... Every once in a while they puke, but that's from too many treats because one is too lazy to go get them so the other doubles down..

Different topic, got my voting ballot in the mail, don't know why they mail it because I have to hand deliver it... Shows my name, address and requires a signature on the outside of the envelope... Identity theft, anyone? Bunch of Morons... Gubment for you.
Why is that controller outside the unit? Looks dangerous, especially with Animals that don't pay attention.
The controller might get too hot if enclosed in the heater shell plus it was an experiment. It's not dangerous as the only exposed voltage is at the recessed screw terminals if both hot and neutral were touched at the same time.
The controller might get too hot if enclosed in the heater shell plus it was an experiment. It's not dangerous as the only exposed voltage is at the recessed screw terminals if both hot and neutral were touched at the same time.
Welcome back Redneck! Have you ever discussed Keto with your Doctor? I have seen tons of examples of Keto curing all sugar / diabetes issues. I would search this link for a Functional Medicine Practitioner... Most "Doctors" here are 100% Pharma, no questions, that's all that works, which is patently false. I don't take any of their poisons, that's just me. To each their own, but I would rather let thy body heal itself...

Good Luck!


Yeah, Thanks @Spicoli43 going to check it out, and see if there is anything for Canada...

And am dead against mailing ballots, too much scamming and miscounts and etc... Not a huge fan of that... The clowns we have running Canada right now, trying to become a dictator, do NOT trust him at all...
Yes, Trudeau is on par with the US in their way of thinking, but the common citizens have had it and are fighting back. The Truckers up there is a perfect example of the fight against the Commies...
Had just a light supper. Hamburger steak and potatoes in white sauce. My white sauce was a bit thick by the time the burger was done but I didn't take time to add more milk to thin it. Ths was only my second time for potatoes this way so I'll do better next time.

And am dead against mailing ballots, too much scamming and miscounts and etc... Not a huge fan of that... The clowns we have running Canada right now, trying to become a dictator, do NOT trust him at all...
Mailing ballots IN isn't a problem, it's randomly incorrectly mailing OUT ballots that is screwed up... women get ballots in all their single and married names... as do homo men... and people who have moved the ballots go to the wrong person... and junkies sell their ballots for drug money... in the USA, Democrats have been busted for paying $200 per ballot... and junkies gladly sell them for $5...
oops, I used "she" a lot. To clarify: Aunt Daffy (nickname we've called her since we were little-- real name is Kathy- cousin was named after her) called to tell us that cousin Kathy's daughter Kayleigh was in an abusive relationship. Kayleigh got beat up by her boyfriend and had a brain bleed. She was in the hospital for over a week. When she got out of the hospital she started drinking heavily and while drunk fell and broke her ankle. She went to stay with her father, Jerkface (he was abusive to Kathy). Jerkface wouldn't let Kayleigh have any alcohol while there so she left. Kayleigh went back to her boyfriend and got beat up again and then she died. Not clear of the cause of death. But the boyfriend had murdered someone in the past and is currently in jail- possibly for killing Kayleigh but it's unclear. I'll have to speak to my aunt to get the real story since Mom is terrible at listening and relating things. My aunt Mary- Kathy's mother & Kayleigh's grandmother was too upset to call.

From what I understand, Kayleigh was not a heavy drinker before landing in the hospital. I suspect TBI and perhaps a way of coping with the trauma.

Thank you for the condolences. My cousin Kathy has been through a lot and she only had 2 kids. She still has 1 left but that doesn't make it hurt any less for her and the rest of the family.

Last night we had a freeze warning but I don't know how cold it got. It was in the 50s before the sun went down. It was so cold that the cats AND dogs piled on me. Before I went to bed I called Rupert and he came running over and jumped into my arms. He slept under the covers with me and I pulled some sheets over other kitties and doggies. They were piled on so much I couldn't move when I woke up.

Fedex delivery people are going to be unhappy tomorrow because I ordered this for my friend (when it was 50% off) Robot or human?
It's in Dallas right now but hopefully will arrive tomorrow. Friend said he'll have "dwarfie" (his gf) keep an eye out for it. I need to find the battery for my auger so we can dig for the posts. Friend has a large empty backyard so a playset will be nice. No parks nearby for the kids to play at. Friend's daughter will love it.

My dad built us a playset in the yard in California that was awesome. He used pressure treated lumber (rounded stuff used for telephone poles) to make a seesaw, play house with trap door, swingset with monkey bars and a trapeze swing.
She went to stay with her father, Jerkface (he was abusive to Kathy). Jerkface wouldn't let Kayleigh have any alcohol while there so she left. Kayleigh went back to her boyfriend and got beat up again and then she died.
Sounds like her father tried to save her but she was suicidally addicted... like George Floyd...
Her father is probably the reason she was with an abusive guy in the first place. He was abusive to her mother and I suspect he was abusive to Kayleigh and her sister as well. People who grow up in abusive families are more likely to end up in abusive relationships. The cats saw me heading to my room and gave chase. The could not wait to pile on me when I got into bed. LOL. Got down to 28° the night before. Down to 36°. It rarely gets below 40 here and never this early in the year.
My maple syrup was a failure in spite if my big sugar maple. Turns out I am too far south the for the pumping action of frigid nights and warming days.

My small garden area failed to produce due to lack of sun. I am converting it to lawn with maybe some border flowers such as Monarda, Cardinal flower and Resurrection Lily. I am building it to level with compost over time adding spent cat litter, small prunings, veggy waste, leaves, vacuum cleaner dust and whatever comes to hand (and mind.)
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People who grow up in abusive families are more likely to end up in abusive relationships.
The cats saw me heading to my room and gave chase. The could not wait to pile on me when I got into bed.
Abusive people are usually created by addictions...
Is your heat working OK in your home? Colder down there than up here in N.W. Ohio... I forget what you heat with...
"They All Lied About the (Covid fake) 'Vaccine' and We Have Them on Tape"
(truth likely blocked, have to manually cut & paste the URL)
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Russians must be getting tired or lazy about sending me spam emails, only 188 to delete this morning... and some weren't full of copy/paste to the max, just two or three sentences lately...