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My hangup has little to do with the beer, we have seriously different personal values and ideals. I don't mind our jousting as it helps bring out the differences which may put others (especially parents) on the alert. But for Spicoli I wouldn't have known about the DQRH controversy.
They put someone in an ad for beer, or that person's face on the can of the beer, you never met this person, this person never did anything to you, but you heard you should not like this person, and now the beer's no good, you won't buy it.

There are probably other people out there who would never drink the beer before, they also never met this person, this person never did anything for them, but they heard this person is their new Jesus, so now they will go out and buy the beer and drink it proudly.

It's the same, you see?
Speaking of those being led by the nose, it's normal people being led to accept abnormalities w/o detecting the paradigm shift.
What abnormalities are we talking about? Products change their packaging all the time. This week my beer can is silver, next week there's a pink ribbon on it, next week it's black for the missing soldiers, then it turns rainbow, then it turns some other color to be "retro", then it turns silver again only this time the silver represents something I'm supposed to have heard about in Twitter, only I don't use Twitter so it all goes over my head and I just drink my beer and ignore whatever stupid color the can is this week. The beer tastes normal every week, and sometimes it's on sale, a 12-pack for $11.99, not bad.

What else? The kids these days? Should I be griping about them? Are they going to bring our little Roman empire to ruins?

Maybe I am such a weirdo, so outside the mold of what a normal person is supposed to be, nothing can shock me. You talk about a paradigm shift, I think if the paradigm ever catches up to where I'm at then people will get whiplash.

I walk around my yard in the mornings and see nice young dandelion leaves, I bend down and pluck them out and eat them, they are so delicious and healthy, and after 30 minutes I've had a whole salad, and then I remember I'm outside my window (intermittent fasting) and I curse myself. "Dah! Idiot!" And if a neighbor is nearby he turns and looks and goes back to whatever he was doing, probably spraying poison on his dandelions. Spicoli, you say you live on another planet; I resemble that remark.
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That's why I gave the caveat, YMMV · · · and it varies considerably from mine. If you were a teacher I would not want you teaching my child. I am not sure why I let you goad me into doing research for you but here goes · · ·

· · · and another thing I gained from Spicoli was the wonder of air frying. Tonight I had over easy eggs, steak, and fries. The steak and fries were air fried (separately). I think the steak was sirloin, cut almost 1.5" thick and about the size of a filet mignon, seasoned with olive oil and a steak seasoning. I was able to get it medium rare throughout w/o the dreaded gray band. I think the clue is it's gotta be thick. I cooked the fries first then put them back in for a bit as I placed the steak on the plate with the eggs. Yummmmm All that was missing was a glass of wine or a Miller's.

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If you were a teacher I would not want you teaching my child.
This sentence inspired me to devise a thought experiment.

Imagine you and I each have 100 grade-school children, and that there is a long hallway with 100 classrooms in it. You and I walk down the hallway and pop our heads in each door, where one of each of our kids is there being taught by a teacher. In some of the rooms math is being taught, in others it's English, in others it's subject X, in others it's subject Y, etc. As we close the door and head to the next classroom, we give the teacher in the previous classroom a grade. The grade determines whether that teacher continues teaching our kid or is replaced with a different teacher who we would award a better grade.

We base our grade on things like the quality of instruction in whatever the subject and how well the teacher answers questions and manages disruptions of course, but also on the particular values the teacher seems to be imparting.

Imagine in one of the classrooms the subject is marketing or microeconomics or something like that. We pop our heads in to see the teacher projecting that beer can photo on the front of the classroom. He says:

"Look at this. AB put the phrase 'will be donated to...celebrate the LGBTQ community' on the label because they are relying on the public to have worked up a system of allegiances and groupthink identities, which AB's marketers hope to unlock and play upon with that marketing copy. They want you to see that phrase and be motivated to buy, or if not buy then at least notice, their product. If you want to be a smart consumer, a consumer who is inocculated against their ploy, you will recognize this and be unmoved by it. Don't play AB's stupid game. Buy things based on whether they meet your standards of quality and price. Set reasonable ethical boundaries of course--you probably shouldn't give money to companies that are directly supporting genocide or terrorism or some such thing, but don't get caught up in whatever silly en vogue tribal affiliations those companies' marketing divisions are signaling."

I would give that teacher an A, and you evidently would give that teacher an F.

Notice our two grades have nothing to do with our own thoughts about human sexuality (which is ultimately the referent of "LGBTQ"), or at what age kids ought to learn about human sexuality, or anything else of the sort.

In fact if we walked further down the hallway and found an array of sex ed classes, I'm certain we would find many teachers there upon whom we'd bestow the same high grade, because they would teach the facts in a straightforward way (e.g. "approximately 1-3% of the adult population is homosexual, and approximately one tenth that many identify as transsexual; the causes of these uncommon orientations are not fully understood, and the numbers themselves are hard to pin down due to a variety of complications in how they are determined..." etc.).

If one of those teachers added "...and gay/trans people are creepy, weird, and evil, demonic even, and you would be wise to discriminate harshly against anyone you suspect might belong to one of those groups, regardless what else you know or don't know about them" or a similar statement, would you give that teacher an even better grade, Eddie?

If the teacher said something, like "being gay or trans may have implications for other aspects of personality and neurology (for example trans people seem on average more able to envision an image of a spinning mask as being concave or convex no matter the mask's actual direction), but any empirical evidence for this only shows up on a statistical rather than individual level, so in your dealings with other people it makes sense to consider their sexual orientation as a minor afterthought at most; instead, base your determinations about the character of the person in front of you first and foremost on the ethicality of their demonstrated behavior" would you give that teacher a lower grade? Based on this discussion it seems like you would but I hope I am wrong.
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It's quite obvious that we march to different drummers.
Sadly though I consider you a friend we have no rational common ground for discussion on certain subjects. The only other person I have experienced this with was my Japanese SIL.
Sadly though I consider you a friend we have no rational common ground for discussion on certain subjects. The only other person I have experienced this with was my Japanese SIL.
That's fine. I am curious to know if my thought experiment was accurate. Would you give the teachers good or bad grades as I predicted? Was the thought experiment flawed in some fundamental way that keeps it from being illustrative? etc.
It seemed like a diversion so I didn't bother to read it.
It seemed like a diversion so I didn't bother to read it.
No, I was using your idea to try and cut to the heart of the disagreement. But it was long, so I understand if you decided not to read it.
Just musing. A doctor from my home town kept having "female" problems. He left under a cloud and ended up in Texas (prolly Tejas back then) and ended up riding with Santa Anna as his personal surgeon. I told a Mexican engineer friend the story when I was at COMSAT Labs and he added some interesting info.

It seems that Santa Anna constantly chewed chicle. After his retirement he ended up in NY with a load of chicle which he hoped to sell for use as synthetic rubber in auto tires. Thomas Adams (an inventor) tried to use the chicle as a rubber substitute but it didn’t work out. However Adams did achieve success in developing Chiclets the forerunner chewing gum in the US. Santa Anna had skipped back to Mexico or parts unknown and did not profit from the endeavor.
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No, I was using your idea to try and cut to the heart of the disagreement. But it was long, so I understand if you decided not to read it.
Not that it was too long, I just decided you were never going to understand my position and that it wasn't just an uneducated knee-jerk reaction.

I was reaching for a cookie but realized if I avoided it I could easily make today into a 16 hr intermittent fast day.
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Just musing. A doctor from my home town kept having "female" problems. He left under a cloud and ended up in Texas (prolly Tejas back then) and ended up riding with Santa Anna as his personal surgeon. I told a Mexican engineer friend the story when I was at COMSAT Labs and he added some interesting info.

It seems that Santa Anna constantly chewed chicle. After his retirement he ended up in NY with a load of chicle which he hoped to sell for use as synthetic rubber in auto tires. Thomas Adams (an inventor) tried to use the chicle as a rubber substitute but it didn’t work out. However Adams did achieve success in developing Chiclets the forerunner chewing gum in the US. Santa Anna had skipped back to Mexico or parts unknown and did not profit from the endeavor.
I'd heard that chiclets were based on a rubber type product, that's interesting.

Not that it was too long, I just decided you were never going to understand my position and that it wasn't just an uneducated knee-jerk reaction.
I think you are underestimating me, possibly misinterpreting. I don't think you have an uneducated knee-jerk reaction, but I do think your mode of thinking about this issue is misplaced at the group level rather than an individual level. I also think I understand your position quite well, having once had a fairly similar one myself. Though I admit my language may have made it sound like I was truly bewildered, which I may have felt in the moment.
We also disagree on the group level vs individual level thingy, but there's no value in pursuit of that either.
Perfectly fine with Flyover... Check.

Most would have a problem with the constant attempts to turn kids gay, but that's why it's called "most" and not "all"..
I'm frankly at a loss at what the LGBTQALPHABET SOUP FOLKS are complaining about, because "CHUCKY", that's chuck Schumer, got them legitimizes, as a nationally recognized entity.

Minority groups are never satisfied, they stay in-your-face forever. We just have to hope there are enough beer drinkers in America to keep this Bud Light thing going.

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