Broken Beyond Repair

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No reason to put out an apology. You have done nothing wrong.

I also wish that the judges would put these unscrupulous contractors behind bars rather than pull their license and send them on their way to join with another licensed contractor and continue their unscrupulous activities.
No reason to put out an apology. You have done nothing wrong.

I also wish that the judges would put these unscrupulous contractors behind bars rather than pull their license and send them on their way to join with another licensed contractor and continue their unscrupulous activities.

Exactly! You were someone in need and the jerk took advantage of you. He knew exactly what he was doing.

I think it is important to always look at the contracts, because there are times when it is perfectly acceptable to fire a contractor if they really screw up. Or at least tell them not to do work until further notice.

I have to agree with Havasu, that we do need more legal recourse to penalize contractors who willfully scam people like that.
At this point, I wouldn't mind seeing the creep in jail. Maybe they will start to think about it before they do it then. It's so easy, I mean sheesh if I didn't have a conscience...I might as well do it too, why not? You can destroy someones home, life and take their money with no consequences. All you need is a license to be a scumbag.

Heck though, I couldn't even keep 10 bucks a lady accidentally overpaid me for some windows awhile back. No, I contact her right away to correct the error...I'd call myself a fool, but it's just the right thing you know? You think by now, I'd be just bitter enough to pull stunts like that, but I have to live with myself.

Ah well, least I can look myself in the mirror and not vomit. :rolleyes:
It's been awhile, and I wish I had more to update, but things are the same and looks like another has walked away. What can you do? It's a little frustrating when you have enough for the materials, just can't get the help. *weak smile*

Had some issues with the bank that triggered some medical problems and I found myself in places I never thought I'd see...but don't need to go into it openly [I'm ok with private message with those that have been keeping up with thread]. Looks like we'll get the issues worked out, though it's hard to forgive them for what they did. They are trying to make it up and so on, but it really threw me on my toosh hard.

So looks like another winter, and back to searching for volunteers to help do the labor. Everything else is just waiting for that green light.

Until then, looks like we're all going to have to be patient and hope some good vibes hit the target. I hope someday to give this thread a happy ending.

Best wishes...
Does that mean you got the siding and such fixed?
If so, I'm so happy for you! I hope the bank will back off on you now.

Unfortunately no....that's the old siding. One taken so far back, it has the old roof. Was just showing Neal the garage part and this was only way to share pictures.

I'm back to square one. :hide:
That's awful that the contractor did that. I would find a new contractor to try and repair the damage. It can be very frustrating but the right person will be able to make your dream home a reality. Best of luck!
That's awful that the contractor did that. I would find a new contractor to try and repair the damage. It can be very frustrating but the right person will be able to make your dream home a reality. Best of luck!

Thank you for the kind words. I've since had the city called on me because they don't like the looks of my home, they toss new things at me when I least expect it...I suppose I should have saw it coming. Anyway, I can't afford another contractor since I still have to pay the bank for this contractor [I still have to pay for everything]. I try to put a little aside when able, but it is what it is. Good news is most of the dire side is protected and fusebox was done, thanks to this group and a couple kind hearted friends.
Do you have a Habitat for Humanity affiliate in your area? Some have a program called "A brush with kindness" (other affiliates may call it something else). That program is designed to help people with repair projects on their existing home. Our affiliate has helped a number of people in similar situations as yours. If you haven't already, it might be worth checking out.
Do you have a Habitat for Humanity affiliate in your area? Some have a program called "A brush with kindness" (other affiliates may call it something else). That program is designed to help people with repair projects on their existing home. Our affiliate has helped a number of people in similar situations as yours. If you haven't already, it might be worth checking out.

That's a good idea, and I did. It was real hard to even get them to respond, I had to send them a picture of the side of the house to get them to...then they told me they didn't know what I was expecting from them, they only help families. I don't qualify because I'm a single person.
That's odd. I guess some affiliates have different rules than others. We've helped single people in the past, with the "Brush with kindness" program. We built a new home for a single lady with 3 children also. Sorry to hear that.
That's odd. I guess some affiliates have different rules than others. We've helped single people in the past, with the "Brush with kindness" program. We built a new home for a single lady with 3 children also. Sorry to hear that.
We had two very good stores here that suddenly lost there affiliation with the national group. stores closed and items auction off today. Can only imagine what the problem was.
That's odd. I guess some affiliates have different rules than others. We've helped single people in the past, with the "Brush with kindness" program. We built a new home for a single lady with 3 children also. Sorry to hear that.

It was, and could very well depend on each branch. I did find their applications and indeed it said they only help families of ...I think it said 2 or more [might have been 3, I'm not positive. It's been SO long now].
I hope the city will stop pestering you and that you will eventually get stuff fixed. I also hope the contractor gets some karmic justice.

Yeah me too, be nice to rest a little.

How about a community action agency? They often help disabled folks. Are you a veteran by chance?

I've tried everything I know of. I had a church step in, then quietly step out [they were depending on one of their members to lead it, and he flaked out-not really their fault, I'm sure they felt bad]...that's as close as I got. I'm disabled, but not a vet.
I wonder if you can get a youtube or instagram channel for your dog. I bet he'd be pretty popular. He's very photogenic and adorable. Not sure how people make $ off of that, but somehow some people do it. LOL.