Canine Dewormer May be a Cancer Cure

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Name calling rather than evidence?

I have been calling you a Troll the whole time because that's what you are. Other than reporting me because your Nancy feelings were hurt, you didn't complain about the Troll tag. Now you do?

None of us need to prove anything to you. We know the truth because we look behind the curtain... Why did the Fake Fraud Fauci rub the wrong shoulder? He couldn't even feel the "Needle" because it never happened?

With Millions having died from the Vaccine, how is it that NO members of Congress or the White House staff or any of the News preachers have dropped?
"Millions dead from the Vaccine"??? This is another wild claim without evidence. Did you know that the USA has a vaccine safety tracking system - VAERS - that has been used for decades to log and report problems with every vaccine? Patients and healthcare professionals nationwide report incidents with vaccines.


You can download VAERS data directly, or search for specific vaccines, events, manufacturers, etc. Here is a summary for COVID vaccines: COVID-19 Vaccination

Similarly the EU and other nations also monitor the safety of vaccines, including COVID vaccines. For example see:




There are no reports, worldwide, of significant numbers of adverse events with COVID vaccines - let alone deaths.

This is yet-another example of the need to avoid healthcare claims on Facebook, pop media, email, etc - and check with reputable sources.
You just absolutely destroyed ever bit of credibility you have. Everybody with knowledge knows the Gubment fudges all the numbers. VAERS data represents about 2% of actual side effects / deaths.

Is that seriously the limitation of your cognition? Everything the Gubment and Media says is 100% true?
Again, extreme claims with no evidence. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." as Carl Sagan famously said, updating a statement by Laplace. By your lights, governments worldwide would have to be part of a massive worldwide conspiracy to 'hide' the impact of COVID vaccines. In addition to the USA, EU, Britain and Japan, noted above, this would have to include:





Costa Rica:


etc. etc. etc. ....
In addition to contraindications noted in this study, solutions used for eye drops MUST be sterile! This is difficult to do at home if you are not prepared for and familiar with sterile processes. Plus the precise dosage is important, as noted above. Clearly this is not a "do it myself" job. Your physician can recommend a 'compounding' pharmacy. Tablets may be best, which is a simple solution.
I make sterile saline solution and assume the sterility of the additives but I make only one ounce at a time and keep the dropper bottles in the refrigerator. Sterility is a bit overrated as we get tap water in our eyes when we shower and ocean, river, lake or pool water in our eyes when we swim normally with no ill effects.
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the Corona virus has a large 'workspace' for mutations - similar to the flu virus.
Covid Corona virus is simply "THE FLU" !!! Always has been... inflated to major BS by the Democrats to slow the Trump Booming Economy...
double-check reliable medical sites

For the story on 'Full Measure' see:
There are no reliable medical sites any more... they've all been bought off with $$Billions from the deadly nonworking shots makers...

And it's the FAKE NEWS falsely declaring that full measure is 'misinformation'...
I liked the line, ' · · · a pharma unflushable never mind how hard we flush the **** is still there!'
Creutzfeldt-Jakob is also known as Mad Cow, Kuru, and Scrapie..
Ivermectin has also been shown to be effective in treating a number of cancer types. It's sad but true that It will never be approved by the FDA because it is generic. A serious fact is that only drugs which can be patented will ever, ever be pushed for FDA approval. The mainstream media and its trolls will vilify anyone who seeks to promote ivermectin, fenbendazole and such. I know of someone on another forum that is using ivermectin experimentally to treat prostate cancer. He's had no ill effects.

BTW I am experiencing good results using fenbendazole and diclofenac in topical application for sun damaged skin. I haven't tried ivermectin but plan to purchase some to keep on hand in case it's needed for COVID.

Also, for anyone that has dogs horse paste ivermectin can be used as a heart worm preventative and treatment but you have to do the research. Some herding breeds can't tolerate it and one has to be sure of dosage levels. My wife has a nephew that uses it for his coon hounds. I don't know if he has used it for COVID or not.
People who read, do their research and are willing to experiment will always seem crazy to those don't.
I have been calling you a Troll the whole time because that's what you are. Other than reporting me because your Nancy feelings were hurt, you didn't complain about the Troll tag. Now you do?

None of us need to prove anything to you. We know the truth because we look behind the curtain... Why did the Fake Fraud Fauci rub the wrong shoulder? He couldn't even feel the "Needle" because it never happened?

With Millions having died from the Vaccine, how is it that NO members of Congress or the White House staff or any of the News preachers have dropped?
Ivermectin IS approved by the FDA and has been for many, many years. In fact it won the Nobel prize many, many years ago. Anyone who reads and does their research will find that Ivermectin used for animals is a COMPLETELY different formulation than that use for humans.
"Millions dead from the Vaccine"??? This is another wild claim without evidence. Did you know that the USA has a vaccine safety tracking system - VAERS - that has been used for decades to log and report problems with every vaccine? Patients and healthcare professionals nationwide report incidents with vaccines.


You can download VAERS data directly, or search for specific vaccines, events, manufacturers, etc. Here is a summary for COVID vaccines: COVID-19 Vaccination

Similarly the EU and other nations also monitor the safety of vaccines, including COVID vaccines. For example see:




There are no reports, worldwide, of significant numbers of adverse events with COVID vaccines - let alone deaths.

This is yet-another example of the need to avoid healthcare claims on Facebook, pop media, email, etc - and check with reputable sources.
How about this - directly from the FDA and Pfizer (which had to be forensically obtained)
A small batch of documents released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in mid-November 2021, as a result of a lawsuit forcing their hand, revealed that in the first three months of the COVID jab rollout, Pfizer received 42,086 adverse event reports that included 1,223 deaths.

The first really large tranche of Pfizer documents — some 10,000 pages — was released by the FDA March 1, 2022. Included are nine pages of recorded side effects, about 158,000 different health problems in all.

To have 1,223 fatalities and 42,086 reports of injury in the first three months is a significant safety signal, especially when you consider that the 1976 swine flu vaccine was pulled after only 25 deaths.

The details of these documents reveal outrageous and damning information that both the FDA and Pfizer grossly manipulated data and concealed dangers that are now apparent.

The CDC recently very, very quietly removed tens of thousands of 'covid deaths' from their database - many including children, covering it up as "coding logic error".

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) data reveal 70% of vaccinated U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention employees got breakthrough COVID infections in August 2021.