Funny Pictures and stories....

House Repair Talk

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The second one seems quite legit. Sheldon (from Big Bang) would be satisfied with that. All in all, an interesting little side trip into a subject I had not considered before.
LOL. Back in the 20s, single women even in their late 20s were expected to be obedient. It was actually legal for their mothers to paddle/spank them-- and even the courts were allowed to dish out corporal punishment for women. Flapper girls apparently got in a lot of trouble.

It's interesting to see what the laws used to be and what the laws are now-- although in some places there still are some silly laws on the books.

I think there is still a law on the books in Louisiana (that is not enforced) that if a woman is driving, a man is supposed to walk in front of her vehicle waving a flag to warn oncoming traffic.
LOL. Back when I first started driving, I drove out to meet with an elderly friend who's car had gotten stuck in a ditch on my road. When I stopped and got out, he looked at me and said "If I'd known you were driving, I would have run away!" LOL.

That guy was great. He had so many hilarious stories of pranks he pulled and stuff. It was better to actually hear him tell them, but some of them translate OK into text. Like the time he and his friends had to kill an alligator that came after them when they were fishing. First they put the body with the mouth propped open next to the passed out town drunk-- putting the guy's arm almost inside the mouth-- and then threw pebbles at him to wake him up. Apparently the guy got to his feet without using his hands or arms. LOL. Then they put it in the back of their truck and went to a local carhop. When the waitress asked if they caught anything fishing, they told her to look in the back. She saw the gator and screamed. So they drove to every carhop in town to pull the same trick.

And then there was the time my friend was going door to door to collect insurance premiums from customers (because they didn't mail them in back then and he had to go get them). He had a co-worker who always wore crisp white pants. He stopped at one house and asked the guy to get out and go get the premium for him. So the guy walks to the door and knocks and then sees a little duck. He said "hello, little ducky" and the duck attacked him. Apparently he ran around the car a few times before managing to jump in. He had mud all over his pants from the duck's feet and bill. The guy said "You didn't that on purpose!" and my friend said "How would I know a duck was going to chase you?" (of course, he absolutely knew-- the people weren't even home and he did it on purpose).
The military things reminded me of something my father said about Vietnam. He worked with an interesting group of people. He would have to fly over places and gather intel. The pilot looked like he was 15 and people often underestimated him. One of his favorite gags was to wait until there were newbies and then he would approach after everyone else was already seated. He would look inside and say "There's no room for me back there. Oh well, I guess I'll fly this thing." and then he'd hop in to the pilot's seat. He also liked to do maneuvers that would make newbies hurl.

And then there's this:

and this
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That reminded me of when my father was in the hospital emergency room after a heart attack (I know, that part isn't funny) and he called out to my brother in a weak voice "Son, come closer." My brother was concerned and was like "What is it dad?" and my father whispered "closer" and got him to lean in very close, and then he farted so loud that people in the waiting room could hear it. Then he just started laughing.

Btw, I saw something called The HobbitHouse Illustrated Glossary of Woodworking terms and it made me think of you and your username. :)

Meanwhile, I saw my elderly cat attempting to play for the first time in years. She got into the bathtub and started swatting at a back scrubber and was sliding around in the tub. It looked so funny because she's very awkward and uncoordinated.