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the numbers I am seeing, and I could be off, isis members number around 20 thousand,,,so lets bump that to 30 thousand
because people lie
there are other factions involved, but I do not know there names.to be fair. lets give them a membership number that matches isis

so, we have 60,000 ''bad guys'' now..a very generous number
reports are the displacement of Syrians is around 25 million.
I am going to subtract 2/3 of that number for woman, children, old folk
and round off the 8.3 million to 8 million

8 million males, fleeing from 60 thousand ''bad guys''

I do not care who you are, these numbers do not add up to refugees being persecuted
it does add up to an invasion of muslims into christian lands

another thought, roll this around in your head, if the situation was reversed, would muslims accept Christians
into there land with open arms, ready to help and support.
the answer is no,

you can not talk to the left with intelligence Chris, They are entrenched in the belief that all is fine, the refugees are all 167% vetted, they [refuges] love every one. and everything is unicorns and tulips.
They ignore any and all news from any source saying it is either fake or biased.


never mind that homeland security and the fbi have both said
they are concerned that the refugees can NOT be 100% vetted
because, the country is war torn and they have no way to request court papers or records.
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you consider this fake ? I do not
These are from your "REAL NEWS" site. Do you believe them?


Take a loot at this from your real news site, Syrians are running from the crime and rape in Syria from Syrians. I take it all the rapist and people committing crime will stay behind?


Bias: left biaspolitical
The Daily Beast publishes information from a left biased position with an advocacy for liberal causes. The editorial content and headlines are often loaded with strong words to appeal to emotions and stereotypes. They may publish misleading reports, cite unverified sources, reference bogus reports and omit information that may damage their cause. The information provided should be regarded as speculative opinion and/or propaganda. It is among the most untrustworthy sources in the media.


The Daily Beast is owned by IAC, where the vice chairman of the Clinton Foundation, Chelsea Clinton, serves on the board of directors.


I am surprised Neal, you say this site is fair, fact check and real news yet it leans farther left than most. Not reporting news you don't like is just as bad or worse than fake news.
I am not going to read any of the links posted here from EITHER SIDE. It only illustrates the biggest problem that the USA has right now: that no news source is a reliable neutral and even those that may be, are accused by the other side of being biased It is not only sad, but very destructive to the state of the union.
I am not going to read any of the links posted here from EITHER SIDE. It only illustrates the biggest problem that the USA has right now: that no news source is a reliable neutral and even those that may be, are accused by the other side of being biased It is not only sad, but very destructive to the state of the union.

I agree, the news should report the news and that's it. It shouldn't lean one way or the other or leave anything out. We are all adults and can handle the truth so why not just give it to us? Then you have the fake news, what's the point of even having that? It does no good for anyone.
Just saw on my local news that we have the highest number of illegal immigrants living here in California compared to any place in the US. We have 2.4 million illegal immigrants. But when you compare it to the 38 million that live in this state I guess its not a bad number? Thats only about 6.3% of us are illegal here in Cal. Which is about 25% of the nations Documented illegal immigrants (the ones they can actually count). I bet Havasu is one........
The news is first what happened and second the news is the reaction to what happened, and then the reaction to the reaction and so on it goes.

Trump puts 90 stop to travel from some countries. That’s the news.

People in those countries opinion on how this stoppage is affecting their lives. That’s commentary and not news.

Protest break out in the USA because of this stoppage. That’s more news.

Let’s ask the protestors and those in government what they think about it. That’s commentary and not news.

Anger erupts because of some commentary someone doesn’t like. That’s news

And the cycle goes on.
That's why I like my local news people, I have no idea what side they lean and that's the way I like it.
That's why I like my local news people, I have no idea what side they lean and that's the way I like it.

They are on for one hour a day. The 24/7 news channels have the same 15 minutes per day of hard facts to report and they fill the rest of the time talking about the news. No one watches middle of the road 24/7 news so they slant it to align with their viewers. Liberals can’t stand watching more than 10 minutes of fox news and conservatives can’t stand 10 minutes of CNN.

In a way both are broadcasting the truth it is just the vantage point of the viewer that makes it truth to them. There is no true truth that everyone accepts.

Here is a truth I hate the idea of torturing someone for information I think it is so wrong on every level of what civil cultures should do. Someone takes my wife or kid with the intent of harming them and I have someone who knows where they are and won’t talk. I’m taking a 16oz framing hammer and going finger by finger till they do talk. What is truth there my truth is directed by my vantage point.

All life is like that to different degrees.
In a way both are broadcasting the truth it is just the vantage point of the viewer that makes it truth to them. There is no true truth that everyone accepts.


the networks should be reporting only the truth, but they either lean the truth or ignore it all together
I saw a chart on coverage of hrc emails
do not remember the exact numbers but fox spent 15 minutes per hour reporting on it
cnn spent 3 minutes a WEEK
i use fox and the BBC for my news, I find that BBC actually has better coverage of the US than we have