Brian Famous
Well-Known Member
We use dimmable LEDs in almost every fixture. Most expensive, and we'll probably never realize a cost savings, but then again, we're not tracking the costs either.
We use dimmable LEDs in almost every fixture. Most expensive, and we'll probably never realize a cost savings, but then again, we're not tracking the costs either.
I have a lot of LED bulbs all over the place. My house, my rentals, my shop etc. and I can tell you this. The failure rate definitely feels the exact same. I've had LED's go out in the first week of having them, and the ones I have right now that are "done" are about 2 years old. I've tried multiple brands and multiple kinds. I'm starting to shy away from the ones with built in LED's in favor of the ones with replaceable blub types. Not only is it frustrating to have to replace a whole fixture with built in LED's, but you can't always get a matching fixture. The one I have now ( I call them "****" lights because my uncultured mind can't see anything else sorry if it's offensive) I bought originally from Lowes, and for what ever reason Lowes switch brands over the last 2 years so now I can't get a match. The only thing that's close is about twice the size and looks silly in the hallway, so I'll probably just get one the same size and let my relatives notice it when they come over.
So I guess all that's to say that the marketing hype on LED's has left me a little bitter in actual practice. I feel like everybody says "Oh they last forever and they are such a huge advancement in technology" but they cost more, fail the same, and probably save you a little here and there on power bills. So I guess that's a win? I just wish everybody would stop treating them like they are the answer to the worlds problems. I've put just as many LED lights with their ballasts in the trash as light bulbs.
...and so are cars.What a tragedy! As noted above, LEDs are extremely detrimental to health and well being.
...and so are cars.
I have never heard anything about LED lights being bad for health, sounds about as crackpot science as the anti-vaccine nonsense.
I would never buy a light fixture with the LED bulb built in, non-replaceable.
Except a shop light or utility light, when they die just toss and replace.
As far as LED bulbs being whiter or brighter, that is complete bs.
You can get LED bulbs in warm white, you have to look at the color temperature information.
Around 2700 to 3000 kelvin.
If you like that bright white bluish type light, like 5000 kelvin, you can get those too, but warm white LEDs have been around for a long time.
And you can get them in brighter or dimmer types.
They are not “brighter” by nature, you need to look at the brightness listing in lumens, or else in equivalent wattage to incandescent