How to buy a “Fixer Up” House to be a Home.

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Also, if you have any left over membrane, cut a strip and lay it under the narrow metal, round the corners on the metal where it lays on the rubber.
This is a great idea only I didn't trim it until I had it all down. Can't get under it now. I think I will put a strip where the extender to the house is screwed down. All I have to do there is pull 2 screws.

Next time in 30 years when I redo it I will try and remember to do that. LOL
Be sure and round those corners off.

Great input :thumb:. If i get some wear thru spots I guess I will glue some patches on when the time comes or there is always gorilla tape if I get to old.

I'm all ready for the next roofing job. The neighbor saw it laid out in the yard and he wants to do his 10x10 shed.
IMG-8950.JPG IMG-8951.JPG I got tired of walking thru the house with the water can for all the hanging baskets and plants on the new Riverside front porch. It’s been 6 years and the old faucet out front never got hooked to the PEX manifold.

I bought a new frost proof 12” long faucet and pulled the 1930s heavy-duty brass job out ran the PEX and had it installed in 15 minutes.

Because I wanted water on the porch for summer I mounted a second ball faucet thru the post with a short loop of hose to the other.

If all goes well I will only have to crawl into the bushes spring and fall to attach/detach the hose. Now if I forget and we get a freeze it wont be pretty.
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Mine is a far different story. I was young married, with two kids and broke, no hope for buying that house. But while visiting my sister 40 miles out of town I met a realestate guy who had been in the country for five years and selling houses for one. He asked me if I could fix house, I thought he wanted some work done so I said sure. He said I have a house that you should buy, $700 down. Then he told me how to get gov. grants and rebaits that totaled $700, and he would lend me the money. Then he lent me $10k to sit in my bank wihile I qualified for the morgage. Over the next year he dropped in for coffee once in a while and pushed me to get the house ready to sell. In that year the market was moving up fast. He stopped in one day and said you have two weeks to get it done, there are people waiting for you. I asked him why he was doing all this and he had a strange answer. He said, you thought I was selling you A house, I'm going to sell you five houses in six years and you will not have a mortgage when we get there. If he didn't die in the middle of that, I'm sure I would be doing alot better now.
Wow - that took a dark turn...
2) Don't buy a house with a wet basement. I think this is the simplest and best tip because it is hard to ever fix a basement completely and it causes mold.
Meh - certainly be cautious of a wet basement, but the issue is to understand why it's wet. Sometimes that can be fixed super easily by mending gutters or drains.
When I first started on the house I noticed the house was built in two sections, the kitchen an addition but still a good 100 years ago. So the basement has a fieldstone-dividing wall running across it. With it being 2 story and a walk up attic above the main house the roof lines were split up above the hand hewn beam that rests on the field stone wall. The wall on the first floor between the kitchen and the living room didn’t feel sound and in the basement there were a few owner installed Lally columns that made me think they were worried about that wall at some point. Because the beam was so wide and in good shape I stripped that wall down to the studs and had room for an additional load bearing wall in front of the old wall that was still doing its job as well. When building the wall I was going to make a new archway into the pantry behind it where the TV is in the photos. She didn’t mind walking around the corner to get in the pantry and thought that location would be a good place for the kitchen entertainment center. Once I had the wall framed out I was looking at all the space in the wall cavity a double stud wall leaves and I thought of maybe using that space for kitchen storage as well. That was 5 years ago and I got the TV mounted and never did anything but leave the wall open. This Thanksgiving I got the ultimatum work on the wall or no turkey day dinner for the family.

So I started finishing it out and making shelves. All the openings will have doors eventually. First of the year project. The wall will look like an all white wall with the TV built in.

Each shelf I add she started setting things on it, starting with the hard stuff. I think she wanted to get the spacing right for what she wants to keep in there. Doors will be close to 8’ tall.

Here are a few pics more after the new year.
Kit Wall1.JPG Kit Wall2.jpg Kit Wall3.jpg
Like those shelves
Thanks Larry and welcome to the forum.

You reminded me I still haven’t made the doors and that is a project I need to get serious about. The shelves have filled up and it will look a lot cleaner covered up. Some projects seem to never get finished.

Hopefully I will post some photos soon of the finished job. It is amazing how much stuff will go inside a wall.
I haven’t posted to this thread in a while and have been having a good time in my retirement getting my vegetable garden in this year. My rhubarb is producing amazing quantities this year and the pies and crisps have been delicious with a lot going in the freezer for winter.

I got both decks cleaned and stained and had sticker shock at the price of 5 gallons of deck stain being about $250. While I was being taken to the cleaner buying redwood stain and applicators I remembered we have been nursing the back storm door that came with the house for a few years and it was on its last legs. I checked out the doors. I have installed maybe 5-6 of these over the years and I normally bought Larsen or one of the off brand doors and they went up fine and held up good. This time she took a liking to an Andersen door that was full glass but the top had a roll down screen. No more triple tracking for us. I told the guy I needed a left hand swing and he said they are made to go both ways. I thought cool. The Andersen was on sale making it the same price as the off brand door. $300 for the door seemed good for a top line door.

I decided to do something I rarely do and follow the directions so I started at step 1A and proceeded using the English version of the multilingual versions I had. Everything went great until step 9A (instillation of handle/lock) the picture shows putting the handle thru all the pre drilled holes and bolting it all up. What pre drilled holes the aluminum door was solid with no holes. That can’t be correct the directions show holes and slots. Then I get to thinking how could this be both right & left swing and have predrilled holes.

So I call the 1-800 number and get music and a guy telling me please wait an operator will help me soon. So 35 minutes later a woman comes on with such a thick accent I have to keep asking her to repeat. She won’t get to my question until I answer a million questions first that had nothing to do with my question. Finally I explain my pre drilled holes are not predrilled and what should I do. She tells me oh you must make own holes. She tells me to dig to the bottom of the box the handle came in and find other directions and template for drilling and they even included a 13/16 drill to make the slot. I was really surprised they wanted me to take this flat wood bit and drill thru my brand new painted aluminum door. I guess all the cheap doors I had put in the past had figured out how to do a R/L swing with pre drilled holes because I never remember having to do this. I told her thanks and I was not happy but will figure it out.

I started measuring parts and the recommended holes they wanted one size being 7/16 and although I have larger drills my drill I was using chuck only went to 3/8, they didn’t provide the 7/16 and 3/8 was way larger than needed. I did a pilot hole of 1/16 at each location and then the 3/8 went thru easy enough. I thought long and hard about the spade drill they sent and thought should I just use it to mark the outline and then cut it with a Dremal tool. The fact that the two holes overlapped really had me worried. But damn the torpedoes go for it.

Let me tell you this procedure is sketchy at best. The first hole produced some hot chips that went in my shoe and when the slug was cut as expected the drill grabbed and the slug falls down inside the door for eternity. The second hole being an interrupted cut was worse and I kind of leaned the drill to help keeping it from grabbing until it broke thru and of course left some ugly mangled burs inside the hole. I spent 43 years in tool making so it is not that I’m a stranger to drilling holes and this process is nothing I would recommend if I was Andersen door and window. It works but IMO for the average DIYer I would think twice.

Start to finish the job took about 4 hours given an hour on the phone and my new door looks great.

It came with a door closer that because the top of the door holds the screen rolled up they want you to mount the closer on the bottom. I like to use the latch thing on the closer to hold the door open when I’m bringing in groceries and I don’t want to be bending down to do it so for now I left it off.

Here are a few photos and beware of the R/L swing option it might be a little trickier than you think. IMG_2899.jpgIMG_2902.jpgIMG_2904.jpgIMG_2906.jpgIMG_2908.jpg