Pinging Noise

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2015
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Curious as to what this could possibly be. I have a gas furnace in my house (Carrier 70,000 BTU) which was installed August of last year along with a number of other items. I hear a ping noise randomly every 2-5 seconds or so coming from behind a bump out in the master bedroom. I assume this bump out is for the duct work. The reason as to why I feel its something from the furnace or possibly duct work is that when the furnace kicks on, the noise goes away. When the furnace shuts off, its back again. Has anyone encountered anything similar or heard of anything similar?
Sounds to me like the ductwork is doing something they call oil canning. If you remember the old oil cans you pushed on the bottom of the can made out of sheet metal and it flexed in and made a ping or a pong sound and then when you let off it popped back letting out one drop of oil. Your duct is doing something similar as it warms up it grows slightly and when its cooling down its returning back and making a noise.

That’s just my guess. If you could jam something in beside it, it might just go away.
yes im familiar with the term oil canning. the research ive been doing online has possibility suggested that as well. if it gets to the point of being terribly annoying i'll cut a hole in the drywall to get in there but id rather not patch the wall if i dont have to. thanks for your help!
Just a wild idea and untried by me.

If you drill a very small hole in the drywall maybe 1/16 you could stick a snout from a great stuff foam can in the hole and let it fill the space.

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