Hi all,
New to forums and very much appreciate the ability to come and get some advice since I'm willing to DIY...just not very handy. ;)
Anyway ...
I just installed a section of gutter on our house - all went fairly well but I'm lacking on part/accessory that I can't find.
I believe it's called a "rain deflector" - it, apparently, slows down and channels the water from the roof into the gutters - I need it as the water coming from a junction of 2 roofs is actually "jumping" the gutter a bit... it looks like a "v" of sorts.
Problem is that I can't find these anywhere! The local Lowes and Home Depoy do not stock them. I can't find them on either of those 2 chains websites, nor does a google search bring up any type of online store I could purchase one.
I did find some decorative types that were a bit pricey and wouldn't go with any of our other hardware - I just need a simple one.
If any of you can link me to a source, to purchase one, I would be very grateful.
New to forums and very much appreciate the ability to come and get some advice since I'm willing to DIY...just not very handy. ;)
Anyway ...
I just installed a section of gutter on our house - all went fairly well but I'm lacking on part/accessory that I can't find.
I believe it's called a "rain deflector" - it, apparently, slows down and channels the water from the roof into the gutters - I need it as the water coming from a junction of 2 roofs is actually "jumping" the gutter a bit... it looks like a "v" of sorts.
Problem is that I can't find these anywhere! The local Lowes and Home Depoy do not stock them. I can't find them on either of those 2 chains websites, nor does a google search bring up any type of online store I could purchase one.
I did find some decorative types that were a bit pricey and wouldn't go with any of our other hardware - I just need a simple one.
If any of you can link me to a source, to purchase one, I would be very grateful.