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I walked 7.66 miles, or actually 12,929 steps today. Now to indulge in a huge birthday dinner for my G/F!
I wish I could find a diet consisting of just pasta, bread, butter and potatoes. I'd be on that like stink on poo-poo.
Thats the diet I am on, I'll let you know how it works out.
I took one of my cats to the vet because he had a suppurating abscess on his abdomen and needed antibiotics. Then I went to the post office and store. Hung out with my best friend while he was at work and went to grab him some food. Ate at the Chinese place with my brother. Other than that, the day was uneventful.

The vet had a funny sign up. It said something like Pets love our vets "I shih tzu not."
Dinner was great. Went to Paul martin's restaurant for the G/F's birthday dinner. They have a Monday night special. Two dinners, two salads, and share a bottle of wine, for $50!
We had pulled pork, baked potato, bbq beans and homemade bread last night. Cost me $35.
I had leftover mexican from camping, cost me nothing.
What was the Mexican's name?
I went over to my friend's trailer early in the morning to help him patch a hole in the floor. I donated a scrap piece of plywood and brought my Matrix toolkit. We had to make a couple of runs to the hardware store to get some things, but ended up getting the floor patched. I mostly just handed him stuff and held things in place and helped him figure out how to do some things. I picked up food again and took his girlfriend to work.

Then Mom called me and wanted me to come home and help her with something. I waited 'til my brother got there to help out. He was supposed to bring my tools home, but he forgot. If my stuff gets stolen, I'll be pretty pissed off. My friend's girlfriend was going to let some of the new neighbors borrow my tools, but I said "no". I don't know them and the last time she let someone I didn't know borrow my stuff (without my permission), I never got it back. I really hope nobody breaks in and steals the stuff. If it wasn't so late, I'd ask my friend to meet me over there so I can pick my stuff up tonight.
I never loan tools anymore. They don't come back or if they do they are broken.
I'm still frosted when my G/F's son in law borrowed my table saw. Went over there unannounced and saw him hammering the fence to adjust it rather than loosening, because he didn't know what the fence lever was for. It was so bad after he got done with it that I threw it away.
I bought some cheap sockets on a FB bid site yesterday. They are for when the kids want to borrow some. I don't loan my Snap-on.
I will let my best friend borrow stuff, but I like to be there with him when he's using it and then take it home. But my brother had left my mother home alone and she wanted me to come home and my friend was still using the tools. He has been good about taking care of my stuff-- but his girlfriend, not so much.

Not only does she break stuff, but she has loaned (and in one case sold) my stuff to other people without asking me.

When I borrow someone's stuff, I'm extra careful with it and I don't let anyone else use it.
I thought you weren't going to go Chris?

Also, where is Rusty's new promotion accolades?
I am still on the fence. I want to go but I am also lazy and don't want load my trailer and drive six hours each way.