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Seriously? I'm the junk saver, she throws away stuff with the price tag still on it...
Went to the ER. Have an enflamed joint where my big toe connects to my foot.
Seriously? I'm the junk saver, she throws away stuff with the price tag still on it...

I'm the same way, I have been getting better. I am tired of moving crap I don't use. I saved a lot of my moms stuff just because I saw the value in it even though none of it is anything I would use. Thankfully Ebay has been helping me get rid of it. I have a mission, I am going to sell anything I run across and just leave the money in my paypal and pay for all shipping and materials from my paypal and run it like a business just to see what kind of value I was transporting around for no reason. So far I am up to about 100 bucks pure profit on a few items and I am probably pissing off those Ebay sellers that do it for a living because I am just putting everything out there for a buck and letting people bid on it, no buy it now or any reserve price, just enough shipping cost to cover shipping, not like those guys that sell a comic book for a buck then ten bucks shipping.

Went to the ER. Have an enflamed joint where my big toe connects to my foot.

You my friend, need to find a penny that's heads up.
Went to the ER. Have an enflamed joint where my big toe connects to my foot.

Damn buddy, you need to quit shoving that toe up where the sun don't shine!
X ray technician says he found a cyst behind the Achilles too. That is the one that worries me.
Replaced the battery in the Nissan my MIL left. It was 7 years old. Was still working, but scared me.
Rusty, hope your foot is doing better.
Chris, I need to get rid of some stuff but I am such a hoarder it's hard to let go. And there are times I was glad I kept stuff bc it came in handy and times I regretted giving stuff away bc we could have used it later.

In the small town drama department, I don't think the police even tried to look for the girl that smashed and stole my friend's stuff. I think she's probably in Texas by now. I think the only way she would come back would be to try to get to her kid (her parents have custody and have promised to call the cops if they see her-- and they have called the cops on her before). Just pisses me off that they wouldn't even look up who her parole agent was and she's still using the phone issued to her by the parole officer to keep track of her.

I did make my friend feel a little better by giving him some food and a 4TB external hard drive. Money is really tight since he got robbed AND McDonalds shorted him an entire week of his pay (did it to most of the employees-- only gave them half of their paychecks and told them they would have to wait another 2 weeks to get paid in full). So he's behind on the rent and his landlord is now trying to change the terms of the lease.

In other news, my mother bought an egg poacher that works on the Nuwave induction burner and I successfully made poached eggs for her. She was happy with how the eggs turned out-- which is saying something because she's VERY picky. She expects 5 star restaurant quality from low end appliances and someone who can barely boil water. LOL. At least there are some good fruits in season-- Mom loves the black cherries.
Rusty, hope your foot is doing better.
Chris, I need to get rid of some stuff but I am such a hoarder it's hard to let go. And there are times I was glad I kept stuff bc it came in handy and times I regretted giving stuff away bc we could have used it later.

In the small town drama department, I don't think the police even tried to look for the girl that smashed and stole my friend's stuff. I think she's probably in Texas by now. I think the only way she would come back would be to try to get to her kid (her parents have custody and have promised to call the cops if they see her-- and they have called the cops on her before). Just pisses me off that they wouldn't even look up who her parole agent was and she's still using the phone issued to her by the parole officer to keep track of her.

I did make my friend feel a little better by giving him some food and a 4TB external hard drive. Money is really tight since he got robbed AND McDonalds shorted him an entire week of his pay (did it to most of the employees-- only gave them half of their paychecks and told them they would have to wait another 2 weeks to get paid in full). So he's behind on the rent and his landlord is now trying to change the terms of the lease.

In other news, my mother bought an egg poacher that works on the Nuwave induction burner and I successfully made poached eggs for her. She was happy with how the eggs turned out-- which is saying something because she's VERY picky. She expects 5 star restaurant quality from low end appliances and someone who can barely boil water. LOL. At least there are some good fruits in season-- Mom loves the black cherries.

My mom was a big hoarder, I am still getting rid of her stuff and it has been a few years now. I collect things like tools and stuff to work on my projects down the road but I also try and get rid of stuff all the time. The older I get the less I want to keep. I have a bunch of rentals so I need a warehouse just for stuff for them. When I see closeouts or deals on stuff I know I will need down the road for them I buy it.
Went to Home Depot and bought some Hostas and impatients to replant some beds in the back yard. Everything was half price.
I have been trying to get my shop organized and cleaned up. Every time I work on a project I have to go buy a new tool but I already own them, they are just still packed away from the move. I got myself busy again. I have two rentals that need love, one needs a roof and paint and the other need a remodel on the interior, that and I need to get water on my property from the creek by this fall or I face to loose my water rights. So much to do so little time. My business in California is slowing down quite a bit and may be coming to an end sooner than I hoped which means I need to jump on getting work up here.
I have been trying to get my shop organized and cleaned up. Every time I work on a project I have to go buy a new tool but I already own them, they are just still packed away from the move. I got myself busy again. I have two rentals that need love, one needs a roof and paint and the other need a remodel on the interior, that and I need to get water on my property from the creek by this fall or I face to loose my water rights. So much to do so little time. My business in California is slowing down quite a bit and may be coming to an end sooner than I hoped which means I need to jump on getting work up here.

My father used to buy tools he already had because they were packed away from a move or he just couldn't find it. No one in our family has ever been terribly organized. We tend to be clutter fiends and can't remember where we put stuff.

On a complete unrelated side note, I was sad to hear about John McCain having cancer. I'm not going to get political, but it seemed like something was wrong with him at the Comey hearing and it's sad that it turned out to be a brain tumor.

I hate something that didn't agree with me last night/early this morning while hanging out with some friends and am waiting for the medicine to fully kick in to take care of it. Note to self: Don't eat chicken tenders from the 24hr gas station/convenience store. I should see if any of my friends got sick from them or if it's just me.
Still working on my shop, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel
Spent all day yesterday at the ER with my youngest. They finally figured out that he was passing a kidney stone.
I bet that felt good, I've never got to experience that.

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