What are you craving right now?

House Repair Talk

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I got a critter getting in my dumpster to steal my dead squirrels. I'm gonna put a camera up to see what it is. Don't think a coyote can do it.

Gotta ask, why do you have a dumpster full of dead tree rats?
I have five acres that my house sits on so a dumpster is a lot easier than cans. Right now I have an infestation of tree rats tearing up my property and eating all my plants. I have been trapping about 5-10 a day and disposing of them. Last few days I have been throwing them in the field next door since the other critters will get them no matter where I put them.
A big ol bowl of mashed potato's, a big glass of sweet tea, some potato chips, some home made chocolate chip cookies, a Reese's Peanut Butter cup... a beer or 12, yep, I'm on a carb reduced diet...:mad:
I like elk steak.

I'm craving energy. Got a lot to do today. Have to pull my travel trailer out if it's spot so my uncle can come visit with his. Need to make a temporary spot for mine

make a fruit smoothie with frozen fruit, protein, ice, every morning, it will give you energy
I like elk steak.

I'm craving energy. Got a lot to do today. Have to pull my travel trailer out if it's spot so my uncle can come visit with his. Need to make a temporary spot for mine

You don't get much from elk.