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I think that the mulch charge is a bit high, but this is going to need 12-16 cubic yards... So overall I think that the prices he's asking are acceptable.

Ok, I just looked at the bid again, do you mind telling me the size of the mulch area? I know we aren't in the same area, but I just got 2" of 3/4 Minus for my driveway, which is 5800 sf, and the total delivered cost was $1400. Granted, maybe Mulch is more expensive, but besides the Fire risk, maybe you will save a ton with 3/4 Minus?

If you look into that, ask if they have Tan. It looks incredible, but I was one week too late.


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Deliveries were OK even before my private road had signage. My neighbor put up street signs because others couldn't find his house. The 911 addressing named the road after me but the neighbor just put the signs up a year or so ago.

I would NOT be a delivery driver around here after my first experience traveling around here, where some roads have 3 different names.
Ok, to clarify on the street name thing: It was officially named after my father when they first did the 911 system. That was before our neighbor owned land out here. He was best friends with the chief of police who introduced us. The neighbor wanted to raise cattle and the land he bought wasn't large enough. He asked if he could graze his cattle on our land in return for helping to repair fences. Chief vouched for him so we agreed.

When we got notified we were being transferred overseas we didn't want to sell the farm so we had our lawyer draft a lease for the neighbors (who had bought a parcel of land 1/4mile from our property). Deal was that they would maintain the house & property, take care of our livestock, etc while they built their own house on their property. They built a house for the older son but at some point they stopped paying rent and seemed to think they could get squatter's rights to our house. They went to a police juror who did not have jurisdiction over our area and had him print a street sign with the neighbor's name on it. They took down our sign and put up theirs. The change was never official or legal. When we came back, we contacted the correct police juror who was unaware of the change and said it was illegal so he had it changed back. They immediately shot the sign full of holes so it had to be replaced. They stole it when my father died so we had to get it replaced again. Then they shot that one up so it had to be replaced. Right after their old man died, our sign disappeared again. Pretty sure it was them. I think they are trying to have Scotty (the police juror who helped them before & who does not have jurisdiction) change the sign to their old man's name again.

Their family and my family are the only ones who live down this road.

I called my police juror this morning but he didn't pick up. Not sure if he knew who was calling or if he was just busy. Other than him, I'm not sure who to contact about my missing road sign that makes it difficult to get packages. Back when we got the place we could not get any deliveries of any sort out here. But if they change the road name it will screw things up for google earth, gps, postal service, ups, fedex, etc. Plus I don't think they can legally change it without our consent. So, they may be trying to get the sign changed illegally.

After the futile calls I went into town and painted the cabinet at my friend's house. Stayed long enough to do a 2nd coat. I didn't paint the underside because he'd already mounted an LED light there and my back stopped cooperating. Went to the grocery store. Forgot to go to the post office (which caused mom to have a temper tantrum) and then came home.
Ok, I just looked at the bid again, do you mind telling me the size of the mulch area? I know we aren't in the same area, but I just got 2" of 3/4 Minus for my driveway, which is 5800 sf, and the total delivered cost was $1400. Granted, maybe Mulch is more expensive, but besides the Fire risk, maybe you will save a ton with 3/4 Minus?

The property is ~80ft wide and the mulch area will extend ~10ft from the back fence along the entire length, plus a ~50x4ft area along the side fence. Thank you for the pointer about he mulch fire risk close to the house because I wasn't even aware. I don't think that it is a huge risk given NJ's weather and we don't smoke or grill so... I think that stone along the foundation might be a good idea at some point, but I don't want stone along the back. Too much of a hassle if I need to change things later.

I finally took new pictures of the back. I'm still trying to finish next to the house with a walkway extending from the deck. For the walkway, I'm reusing the wood that I took out when I redid the topside of my deck. Even the 4x4s where from the deck. The second to last photo shows the poor state of the old boards, which is not surprising considering that they did get any care for at least 6 years. Still, the other side is in decent condition, especially after sanding to clean them up. They take a while to sand and I managed to sand a few after work today, and they look great afterward. Not bad for free wood!


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I think mulch directly against the house can help termites get in, but I could be mistaking it with larger wood chips-- the kind they used to put on playgrounds in schools. It shouldn't touch the house directly so there should be at least some small gap.
The yard and that walkway look nice!

If I ever get a landing or deck built it will need to be some sort of composite because the moisture levels here rot pressure treated wood.

I'm currently waiting for my friend to send me pictures of the cabinet now that it should be dry.
The property is ~80ft wide and the mulch area will extend ~10ft from the back fence along the entire length, plus a ~50x4ft area along the side fence. Thank you for the pointer about he mulch fire risk close to the house because I wasn't even aware. I don't think that it is a huge risk given NJ's weather and we don't smoke or grill so... I think that stone along the foundation might be a good idea at some point, but I don't want stone along the back. Too much of a hassle if I need to change things later.

I finally took new pictures of the back. I'm still trying to finish next to the house with a walkway extending from the deck. For the walkway, I'm reusing the wood that I took out when I redid the topside of my deck. Even the 4x4s where from the deck. The second to last photo shows the poor state of the old boards, which is not surprising considering that they did get any care for at least 6 years. Still, the other side is in decent condition, especially after sanding to clean them up. They take a while to sand and I managed to sand a few after work today, and they look great afterward. Not bad for free wood!

Well, the weather in Montana is below freezing for 6 months or so, but it can get to 105 in the Summer. Being that wood mulch can spontaneously combust, I don't use it at all. It's like roots underground can smolder and you can't see it from topside, a pile of much can do the same thing.

That walkway will look great! As far as the old boards, I did the same thing with the deck that was here. The boards looked horrible, but I planed some down on both sides to give them new life. Some didn't make it, and none were the full length when I was done, but I made other stuff with them just to play around.
The mulch is only against the cinder block wall, not wood, but the gap is not as tall as I would like (~5in in some places). On the other hand, we've had problems with water accumulating against the basement wall and the pressure that caused during winter. Hence, I choose to have some degree of grading away from the basement wall. Anyway, in NJ they send heat advisories for days above 90'F...
Zannej, how did the road come to be named after your dad? That's the most interesting part of the story and you glossed over it!
The mulch is only against the cinder block wall, not wood, but the gap is not as tall as I would like (~5in in some places). On the other hand, we've had problems with water accumulating against the basement wall and the pressure that caused during winter. Hence, I choose to have some degree of grading away from the basement wall. Anyway, in NJ they send heat advisories for days above 90'F...

I would do 18 inches minimum away from any part of the house if you're doing mulch. 90 degrees doesn't have that much to do with it, it's how long the mulch has been dry and in any heat, since it is like a blanket for insulation. (Assuming there is a few inches of mulch).
Zannej, how did the road come to be named after your dad? That's the most interesting part of the story and you glossed over it!
Sorry, I had typed it up but my cat jumped on my keyboard and erased my post. I forgot I didn't retype it. So, we bought the place back in the 80s before the 911 system was set up here. None of the roads were named at the time. When they started giving addresses to people in rural areas for the 911 system we were the only ones living out the road and the only ones who owned property on it. They started naming all of the roads after the residents on those roads. So there was Sally Seamon Rd, Jerry Johnson Rd, etc. The neighbors moved in much later but decided they didn't like having someone else's name on the road when they were essentially trying to steal our home.

I got up early, went to the post office with my brother, snuck in to my friend's house while he was sleeping (my brother has a key) and painted the side of the cabinet that I realized would need coverage since the other cabinets will be shallower.

I heard back from another friend who is very excited that I want to help with her kitchen. I told her if she sends me measurements I can help figure out a layout for her. I showed her my sketches I did for our other friend for his kitchen and she thought it was very cool.
I spent $1900 on a new pool pump this morning. Looking at my electric bill, my pool pump is costing $90 a month to run. The variable speed unit will run about $20 a month. In 2 years, I will have paid for the unit. It also means I don't need solar here, saving me $30K. Hell, I'm making money doing nothing. I feel like a Congressman.
I went back to Lowes today to purchase a couple of ceiling fans. I had picked one up a few days ago on clearance orig 99.99 clearance for 47.17. I decided to go ahead and get one for each room, so I needed 4 more. So I get them amd a few other things and go check out and they rang up $33.07 a piece. So, I got a good deal!
Now..... it will take me months to get these things hung I'm sure. I hate hanging ceiling fans, and I am sure that my back, neck and shoulders are I'll prepared for this adventure.... lol

Anyway... off to the grind for the day 😷😷😷
Havasu, that is expensive but as you said, i will save you $ in the long run. I wish solar wasn't so expensive. I'd love to get solar set up here. Wish I could get the power company to remove all of their stuff from my property. Some of it blocks where we want to bush-hog. But they route through my property to other people's property apparently. It wasn't that way when we moved in. They added stuff to our yard while we were overseas.

I heard post office hours will be reduced, 3 day priority mail will be slowed to up to 5 business days, and prices will be going up for shipping packages.

My friend eventually messaged me to thank me for painting the cabinet while he was asleep. LOL.

Shan, I'm glad you found a good deal on the fans. Hopefully you'll be able to get them up. Good luck at work.
Zanne, the key is under the doormat. I usually go to sleep at midnight. Can you come over at about 1AM and paint my kitchen and livingroom? i'll leave the color choice on the kitchen counter.
They started naming all of the roads after the residents on those roads.
And here I thought your dad was some kind of pillar of the community! A real society man! But nah they were just handing out street names to whoever came along and bought some dirt! :p
LOL. Havasu, I would actually do it if I lived near you. Reminds me I need to go over and do a 2nd coat but Saturday I felt like absolute garbage. Mild headache, felt dizzy, and just needed to lie down. My mother got mad that I was not feeling well so she activated super b**** mode. She called (on the landline phone's intercom) wanting me to get her something to eat. I said I would get it and told her I'd slept so long bc I wasn't feeling well. She hung up on me. When I went in the room to talk to her she wouldn't speak to me and then when I brought her food she was saying she wasn't going to eat it. I told her to put her own f***ing butter away and went back to bed. Came out a few hours later & she had put the butter away (or had my brother do it) and had eaten her food. I asked if she wanted something else to eat and cooked for her. She had calmed down by then but was mad about some credit card statement she was trying to pay online. I told her that maybe it didn't update since it was a weekend and banks were closed.

Monday we are supposed to go to State Farm to get insurance cards printed out. She lost the ones for the truck that were mailed to her- and she needs to ask them why they refused to let her deposit a check for some damage to the truck. Bank removed the fee for it being rejected but said State Farm claimed my father had to sign it-- he hasn't been on the insurance since he died.

Flyover, for awhile he was considered a big wig in the community. A newbie cop ticketed him for speeding on his way to work. Gas station attendant came out and said "Do you know who he is? You can't give him a ticket!" and my dad said "No, it's fine. I was speeding". But the attendant wasn't happy so he called the chief of police. Chief came down and asked about the ticket. Dad apologized and said he'd been running late. Chief asked to see it and then ripped it up. Told him none of his people would ever issue him a ticket again.

I'm hoping I won't feel dizzy today. My friend said he felt bad yesterday too. I wonder if its the weather. It's been hot and damp instead of nice and cool.
So, I went to wash my hands and no water came out. Went outside to check the well. Jet pump was humming but cistern is empty. I look down and the belt for the wheeled pump is broken. Ugh. Now I need to find what size it is and figure out where they sell them. No water until then. Also, I went to drink my milk and it's gone sour. Was supposed to be good through tomorrow. I shut off the power to the well so it won't burn the pumps up-- if they aren't already messed up. If either have to be replaced I'll have to postpone my dental appointment this month.
O'Reilly's Auto Parts had the belt. Put it on and turned power back on. It made some noise but wouldn't go fully. I went outside to check and it wasn't moving at all & I smelled something burning. Smelled like it was coming from jet pump side but I didn't look. I ran back in and turned the power off. Called the well guy but it went to voicemail. I left a message and my number. Hoping he can get back to me soon.
I made Yeast pancakes for brunch. The lightest pancakes I've ever eaten. I proofed a tsp of dry yeast with a little sugar and water until bubbly, then mixed with enough Pioneer pancake mix and warm water to make about six pancakes. Proofed again in a slightly warmed oven for 20-30 minutes.